Hey! Not been around much this past week as we've been on holiday. Hope you are all having a good weekend/bank holiday.
My bump has grown a lot this week, he seems to be a lot more energetic than his big brother was. I had some spicy chilli salmon at a bbq yesterday, not sure whether he liked it or not but shortly after i had a limb of some sort coming out of my side. Quite uncomfortable
I bought some non bio washing powder and sensitive fabric conditioner this morning so I can start to wash some bits of clothes etc. We've also just ordered Olly a single bed so we can start decorating their room and putting the cot back together, we are going for a cars/transport theme
Its all go go go! haha
Hope your foot stops hurting soon Chimpette, i would probably do the same as you and keep to the paracetamol. Love the name Jaxon. Our neighbours little boy is called Jackson, hes the cutest little thing.
That's so cute Zebra, love moments like those. Bump kicked Olly the other day and his face was a picture