***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

I had my 28 week midwife appointment this afternoon, it seems the baby is lying transverse which makes sense because i can often feel pressure on my right hip and left ribs, now i know its his head and bottom :haha: Everything else is looking good, bloods came back fine and i now finally have confirmation of my blood group, only took 3 attempts and 29 weeks to find out. haha
Congratulations Mwaah!! That must have been a surprise!!

Pregnancy exhaustion has finally hit me!! I'm impressed that ive dodged it for so long. Olly isn't going to bed easy either so i'm just getting worn out.

Dalton Cruz is a lovely name Chimpette! Ive settled on Harry James, OH is getting there, he's still a bit unsure as it was his hamsters name as a child :haha:

Thank you Pink. Yes it was a surprise, I still don't believe it. She is so active though a lot more than Benjamin ever was.
Awww bless you, does Olly not nap anymore> Can't you grab a power nap in the day?
Harry James is lovely. He'll soon get used to it. We didnt realise until after we had done it but my sister called her first Hollie and our first dog was called Holly then we named DS Benjamin and our first cat was called Benji!! haha

Hope Olly starts to go down for you. xxx

This little one is a lot more active than Olly was, he was awake all morning kicking my desk at work :haha: I think my colleagues must think im strange, everytime he makes a big movement it makes me gasp :dohh:
Aww the names Hollie and Benji obviously have a special meaning to you both.
Olly still naps but he will sleep for upto 2 hours and wake up at around 4ish, then he's not tired enough to go to bed at 7pm and its an ongoing fight to get him to stay in bed, he'll go to sleep at 9pm if we are lucky!
Ive tried to keep him awake all day but he gets to 5pm and turns into an emotional wreck :dohh: then falls asleep.
The only way I can get him to go to bed at 7-8pm is if we are out somewhere then he has a little catnap in the car. I miss having evenings to myself boohoo haha

Hi Pink,

I don't dare let Brody sleep, when I do he's up until a bout 10-11pm, drives me mad, so I stopped him napping last year and now he goes to bed at 7:30 and sleeps the whole night through until 7am. I usually give him a bath at 5pm to wake him abit so he lasts until 7:30 LOL

Just trying to potty train him, although not going very well I have to say.. haha

I'm loving everyone's names they are picking, they are lovely.

Just realised I'm going to have to cancel by GTT test as it's the same day as my Logan's sports day and I'm not missing that. Hopefully I'll be able to get an appointment for the following week.

How's everyone else doing..?

Im gradually weaning off napping now, i'll just have to deal with the grumpiness :haha:

We are potty training too, or trying to! He's fine at home and will use his potty no problem but he would still rather wear a nappy. He had a silly afternoon on thursday and kept having accidents, not tried him again since. Chimpette are you trying to get Brody out of nappies before the baby arrives?

My goodness i am aching today and have period type pains too. Hubby is off this weekend so hopefully i can get a bit of rest.

Hope you are all well x
Hi all ,

Potty training ! With my first we started when he was about 2 1/2 and he got it straight away. We started my daughter around the same time and it took forever with her! She was in nappies at night until she was 6!

I kept putting it off with my youngest , he was 3 in may and we started in march. We spent the whole weekend in the house and didn't go out and let him run round all weekend with nothing on his bottom half. I kept the potty in the play room and took him at least every half hour. When we did to out we put pull ups on, as once you take the nappy off you should never go back to nappies

We would take him to the toilet before we went out, we would take him again when we got where we were going and then every half hour.

During the next week we would take everything off in be house and still kept taking him to the potty , he was in pull ups at pre school and nursery and they would take him every half hour too .

We then went down to Wales and I out him in pull ups for the 3 hour journey and he was dry when we arrived . We then put him in pants and just made sure we carried on taking him every half hour and we didn't have any accidents all week.

We have not looked back. He has nappies at night still but we are very pleased on how quickly he did it.

We then started to leave it longer between toilet trips so he would then start asking to go!

Good luck!
Brody was 2 in March, and we started Logan about the same time, although with Logan's autism we managed to get him dry just before his 3rd birthday but the pooping was a whole different matter. He has always been dry at night though, i'm hoping Brody will follow suit.

Brody was good all morning today and then suddenly wet himself this afternoon, and pooped in his pants. I've started a reward chart so i'm hoping that will encourage him.

I hate potty training.. hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Pink not really doing it because baby is coming, just my friends little girl is now potty trained and she is 3.5 months older than Brody, so thought I would try it. Doesn't bother me if he doesn't get it, I just get annoyed with the whole scrubbing carpets.. haha
Whooping cough - is anyone considering or already had the whooping cough vaccine.

I hadn't given it any thought, but I had a text tonight off my daugjter's friend's mom telling me their 2 month old baby was rushed to hospital Thursday night. She has whooping cough. She's on an HDU unit, on 2 lots of antibiotics and an iv drip!

It's goth wondering whether to have it and whether it is safe for pregnant women. It is given between 28-38 weeks of pg , but no clinical trials have actually been carried out on pregnant women.

I had a similar dilemma when pg with my youngest and swine flu , but I did get the swine flu jab in the end. A doctor advised the risks of getting swine flu would be far worse than any problem which may arise from not having it.

Does anyone have any thoughts?
Hi ladies.

Well pregnancy has hit me haha. I waddle ( that bad that Benjamin has started copying me!! Saying Lucy baby is making me walk like this!! )
Heartburn has kicked in and i have another blooming water infection and I have been put on iron tablets. I also don't feel like its going to be a vaginal birth more like a scene from Alien where she will just burst out of my tummy!! I still haven't put on much weight with but I am huge!!! i even put on maternity trousers today!! The OH even commented that I am so much bigger than I was full term with Banjo!!

I had the whooping cough jab on Wednesday and by gum my arm is only just feeling normal again. The midwife said it will cover the baby until her 8 weeks jabs and whooping cough is on the rise so i went and had it.

Napping and potty training argghhhhh!!! Banjo is so good when we are at home. He uses the potty or toilet but as soon as he has clothes on he totally forgets and its accidents galore!! I really don't think he is ready.
As for napping he really needs one, I don't know how I would keep him awake but the days he does nap he doesnt go down until 9 but he does sleep until 9 too. Which isnt great on pre-school days. LOL.

Baby buys.... OK I did it, I bought pink!!! 2 dresses and a cardi and a new pink colour pack and changing bag for the second Babystyle Oyster pram I bought. She had better be a pink bump now hahaha

How is everyone else doing?? I can't believe she could be here in less than 9 weeks. It has to be the worlds quickest pregnancy!! :) xxx
I wil speak to my consultant at hospital about whooping cough.

My friends little girl is still in hospital and has shown a very slight improvement.

We did look at pushchairs over the weekend. We have a travel system we bought for DS 12 years ago which has done for all the kids but is quite big

We now have to consider storage space in car! We have a huyundi Santa Fe. Most the time we keep it at 5 seats with a huge boot but you can use seats in back to make 6 or 7 seater but this uses boot space.

We will need 6 seats which doesn't leave much room so we thought a smaller pushchair would be better but we saw them in mothercare front one up which didn't seem any smaller . So we may stick with what we have.

It will only be a problem when we go down to Wales. However we could get a roof box or a trailer! Or take 2 cars!

We saw a functional vehicle yesterday but DH not keen its a Hyundai i800. An 8 seater vehicle with a big boot, it would be perfect! DH says its like the A team van!

We shall have to think!

I'm a pumpkin now!

Time is ticking on for all of us!
Hope the your friends little girl recovers quickly.

I would love a Vauxhall Zafira but as we will only be having 2 children i dont think it would really be that needed. i just wanted a bigger boot so i could fit the pram and the shopping in.

Tell your hubby you need an A Team van!! haha you will have a little team xxx
Dance I'm so jealous, I've wanted a santa fe for years...! Infact that's what we're trying to get now, saw one we liked just trying to get the finance now.
Hope your friends Daughter recovers soon Dancer :hugs:

We have just changed our car from a Renault Clio to a Vauxhall Zafira. The pram wouldn't fit in the clio nor can I stand 3 door cars when we have a family. He was a lovely little runner though, sad to see him go. /Soppy :blush:

Hope everyone is doing well :wave:
Dance I'm so jealous, I've wanted a santa fe for years...! Infact that's what we're trying to get now, saw one we liked just trying to get the finance now.

It's a lovely car. We bought it brand new 3 years ago and it was only £23k. They have now gone upon price to £35k!

Friends little girl still in hospital and being fed via a tube!

Afm - had 28 week scan scan today, we are still team pink, she opened her legs to give us a good look!

I have a biconuate shaped womb and she Is wedged on the right hand side, head down, she'll hopefully stay that way as not much room to move.

She weighs approx 2.12 at the moment! If she continues to follow the line she'll be 7.2-7.4 when born
Sorry to hear about your friends little girl Dancareoi, hope hope she improves soon x Glad your scan went well :)

This is where we went wrong with potty training, when i officially started the second day went great then OH came home and stuck him back in nappies which really confused him, he sat on the potty and didn't understand why there was nothing there when he stood up. Now OH is on board properly Olly just doesn't want to go nappy free.
He's been back in nappies again for a few days. I need the confidence to stick at it, when he starts acting up and having accidents he just wares me out and i stick him back in his nappy. I'll try again tomorrow, ive got to go to my mums in the afternoon though, so may see how a trip out nappy free goes. OH is on nights all week so we will mostly be at home.

Ive just gone from a Fiat Grande Punto to a Honda CRV, quite a step up but its perfect for our holidays now. OH has a citroen C2 which is only teenie, cant even fit the carseat into the back!

We have a M&P pliko Pramette which i love! But i cant fit my maxi cosi on it so we bought a second hand Quinny Buzz which lovely, quite bulky though.
I really really want a Bugaboo Buffalo, its not out til September though and theres no way im paying full price. Told OH we will have to have a 3rd baby once i can afford a Buffalo 2nd hand haha.
I had my 28 week scan yesterday. The twins are doing well. My breech baby girl TURNED! She and her brother are now head down. I now have to pray that they continue on growing and they boy stay in that position. My boy is 2lbs 8oz and my girl is 2lbs 7oz. I think those are pretty good weights. The heart rates were 153 and 135. I think those are good too. I just keep hoping that these babies stay in until around 36 weeks.
I had my first Braxton hicks today :/ it was so weird! But what was weirder was it was near the bottom of my tummy, not the top. It felt super weird!
Tik & Zebra - mine too.. LOL nice to know i'm in good company x
Ghin glad all is going well with the twins.

I have had a little bit of tightening but mine is at the top to the right , just where her bottom is!
How is the potty training going Pink??

All our babies seem to be roughly the same weight. Must be a good sign. Glad all the babies are doing well. 2 weeks until my next growth scan. She is very active and my tummy moves all the time.


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