***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

Sannie87 yes unfortunately engaging means nothing, sometimes you don't engage until labor it's a shame it isn't a sign of a close birth

Zebra2023 glad all is going well.

I feel like it's starting to drag now actually. I just want to get to that 37 week stage when things could happen at any minute
Oh I know what you mean hun, the 3rd tri is the one that seems to be taking the longest isn't it.

But in retrospect it is not long at all really. Been waiting for this baby for 5 years what's another 6 weeks...But I am not the best for patience :rofl:

Just a little bit longer :hugs:
Sannie87 yes i agree in respect to other things its nothing, but now we all have dates we are working too it seems like ages. Kinda hopinh this one maybe early but not too positive with my last dd being late
let's send everyone some positive vibes so that the babies cooperate :haha:
Glad you had a wonderful day Zebra :D
My midwife annoyed me yesterday too, or rather OH. The first thing she said was "you are doing well at hiding your baby" I was wearing a dark tight top!! Im apparently measuring 4 days behind and was asking if I was this small with DS, what weight he was and then said hopefully he will grow before your next appointment :wacko: I got home and told OH who was less than impressed as i sat there googling :haha: It seems being 4 days behind is nothing to worry about...

Yay for babies being low and starting to engage!! :happydance:

ghinspire - how exciting to have an actual date to look forward to!

Is everyone pretty much prepared now? I still have a baby monitor to buy and some more nappies, maybe a cot mobile. I need a nightie and some bits for hospital too.
My nursery isn't complete yet. I still have clothing to wash and things to put away that are stacked in the room. I don't have a diaper bag yet and I haven't even packed my hospital bag yet. I'm hoping that I can get it done within the next week or so.

I also read a very strange article that said I can't eat soft serve ice cream. This seems strange because my doctor never really brought it up with me. I had a frosty last night and I was eating milkshakes like crazy. I'm not necessarily sure what it's all about.
I don't think it is dragging for me yet, maybe in the next week or so it will probably will as I won't have anything to do :haha:

Pink - It is so annoying when they say stupid stuff, gets on my nerves, they seem to like to worry us for nothing. Pleased all is ok though :flower:

Ghin - Exciting about your date to meet the little ones:D
There is a little part of me thats jealous of c section dates, as you know exactly when your LOs will come into the world.

But then I would have to get a c section. So I am kind of on the fence about that :) But jealous!!

Its so weird feeling movement now, as the baby is so big! Any little stretch or roll I can feel, and it feels like an alien in my stomach. I'm very much enjoying it :)
Well the way I see it is that I have a date but it doesn't mean they will come on that date. Twins have a bit of a mind of their own as do most babies. They come when they are good and ready. So I may want them to come at 38 weeks but they could come whenever. It's just nice to have a goal I suppose.
Hello ladies,

Had our consultant appointment yesterday and a growth scan. Bump is measuring 4 weeks ahead, hence the scan. Scan shows that the measurement of head, stomach and leg is between 95th and 99th on the centile chart and estimated weight of 7.5lb, so they said he could be up to 10lb when he hits due date... WOWSA...!!! Although I'm not really worried about it as I know the estimated weight can be out by as much as 2lbs at least that's what google says.. haha

Happy news is baby is head down although no where near my pelvis.. haha
Sounds like everybody is all set to go. Tomorrow is August and babies will be born :p But who is 1st??

I had good news at my growth scan. Baby has slowed down and is back on the graph :) She is in her 95th centile but at least its in the normal range. My consultant was still on holiday so saw a different one. I didn't like to ask her about the plan for birth so will have to wait until my next scan in 2 weeks.

This pregnancy has flown by for me and I'm so not ready to have a baby next month haha not even packed my bag or decided what to pack.
The dog is poorly again and the insurance dont think he is covered as its the same problem just a different leg. I spent the afternoon crying as its going to wipe out the last of my savings. Blooming pets.

Hey Lisa, DH is behaving and is a big help actually. Fingers crossed it carries on.

Aww can't wait to see some wedding pictures Zebra.

MTC must all be feeling real now. 16 days.... woop woop.

It's great having a date Ghin, more like a deadline. I hope they stay put for you. The longer they are in there the better.

Great news Sannie, 1st babies do engage sooner, fingers crossed its a good sign.

Is Ollie getting excited Pink??

It will be a nice surprise not knowing when the baby will arrive Tekitten.

How are you doing Army??

Sorry to hear about your dog mwaahhh :hugs: hopefully its not too expensive.

I'm guessing ghin will be the first to go in this group! Then maybe mwaah, then pink, then danca, then me, then chimp, then mtc, then sannie, then zebra....think i got everyone...?lol

Interesting to see when we start popping! My dh is leaving friday for 2weeks for the army!! Luckily he will only be a short 3 hour drive away! But he is going to carry his phone on him at all times in case zachary wants to come early....i highly doubt it!

Armywife1984: edd sept 2nd/ pd sept. 4th-Late
Zebra2023: edd sept 8th/ pd sept 5th- Early
Sannie87: edd sept 9th/ pd aug 29 - early
Mummytochlloe: edd sept 6th/ pd 22 aug - early or 12th - sept late (I have two similply because i said 22nd to someone other day to realise it is r on the full moon, 12th because my daughter was due oct 6th born oct 12th)
Chimpette: edd sept 4th/pd sept 10th- Late
Mwaah:EDD 8th Sept,PD 1st Sept due to being induced xxxx[/QUOTE]
I agree chimp my dd wad estimated to go to 7lbs if born on due date but was 9lbs 12, estimates can be so out and he may have just had growth spurt, yay for engaging

Mwahh hope the vests bill isn't too expensive 15 days til term for me happy for baby to come any day from then, I am still thinking 22 August or 12th Sept if its second date I certainly won't be one of first.

We are due next month ladies! !!
Ghin - Apparently you aren't supposed to eat soft serve ice cream incase the machines haven't been cleaned properly or something. I've still had McFlurries and milkshake from McDonalds though as i'm pretty confident all the machines are cleaned thoroughly each night.

I agree Zebra, silly thing is when i looked at my maternity notes last night i've been 4 days behind the whole time! So why she is making an issue of it now i do not know. :dohh:

He seems to be getting a bit excited Mwaah, he seems to be more excited about the baby stuff that keeps appearing though, he spent yesterday in the baby swing :haha: We also filled a toy box full of baby toys the other day which he loved. If you ask him what the baby is called he says "Gru" (from Despicable Me) Haha. Is Banjo looking forward to having a little sister? Sorry to hear about your dog too :(

Really can't wait for babies to start arriving!! Im 26 weeks tomorrow, 3rd Tri has flown by! Starting to panic about having a toddler and baby :dohh:
The reason behind not having soft/whippy ice cream is there can be salmonella bacteria left in the machines if not cleaned properly.


EDD 16th sept - induction date 2.9.13 but chance may go earlier as first was born at 36+6.

Pink I found having second was the most difficult as you are trying to juggle a baby and a toddler but don't worry you soon get used to it and into a routine.

A midwife told me once that when you have your first you change your routine to fit round them however with your second they fit round you!

so this month or next now for us all.

I think ghin will be first as I think the twins will come 3-4 weeks early !
Sorry to hear about your dog mwaahhh :hugs: hopefully its not too expensive.

I'm guessing ghin will be the first to go in this group! Then maybe mwaah, then pink, then danca, then me, then chimp, then mtc, then sannie, then zebra....think i got everyone...?lol

Interesting to see when we start popping! My dh is leaving friday for 2weeks for the army!! Luckily he will only be a short 3 hour drive away! But he is going to carry his phone on him at all times in case zachary wants to come early....i highly doubt it!

Armywife1984: edd sept 2nd/ pd sept. 4th-Late
Zebra2023: edd sept 8th/ pd sept 5th- Early
Sannie87: edd sept 9th/ pd aug 29 - early
Mummytochlloe: edd sept 6th/ pd 22 aug - early or 12th - sept late (I have two similply because i said 22nd to someone other day to realise it is r on the full moon, 12th because my daughter was due oct 6th born oct 12th)
Chimpette: edd sept 4th/pd sept 10th- Late
Mwaah:EDD 8th Sept,PD 1st Sept due to being induced xxxx

Hi Army,

I know how you feel my hubby is off home to visit his family in Fiji and gets back a week before i'm due.. only a mere 22 hour flight away.. hahahahaha we keep joking that i'll have the baby whilst he is in the air.
Thank you. Still waiting to here back from the vets about what is happening with the dog.

I think Lisa will be 1st, then Ghin after that I think we are all in the running :p Maybe Pink?

Banjo is really excited. Mainly because his crazy Auntie is coming to look after him while I am in hospital. He is also excited at sharing a double pushchair with his "Lucy baby" as he calls her. He loves playing with her toys too. Awww lets hope Ollie changes his mind about the name.
I'm going to have a go at packing my bag tonight. Well at least think about it.

I think my Dr has heat stroke. I went this morning to get some more iron tablets, they werent on repeat so had to make an appointment. She was the GP that helped me get pregnant via donation, confirmed my pregnancy with blood tests and the only GP i have seen throughout my pregnancy for mundane things. When /i asked her for more iron tablets she asked was I pregnant???!!! The fact i look like i have swallowed a giant easter egg should of given it away anyway lol.

oh gosh chimp he is cutting it fine!! xx
Mwaah, sorry to hear about your poor doggy again, blimey he's going through a rough old time hey.

I can't believe the doctor how funny, maybe herself pregnant and has the hazy brain.. LOL

To be honest hubby was suppose to go 2 weeks before but it cost an extra £300 and as I've always been late with the last 2, I thought what's the harm... I didn't realise back what I know now.. hahaha so I'm hoping and keeping fingers crossed that baby plays nice and stays inside until he is back...

How's the reconciling going with hubby..? He's moved back in now hasn't he? I hope it's all going to plan and exactly how you want it. Good luck with your bag packing, I really need to start mine but I'm finding it hard to get the motivation going... LOL
I think anything could happen. I don't know who could come first or second. I mean I would think that with twins I would be earlier than most though just because one will want to break out and then the other will have to follow suit.
Hi Army,

I know how you feel my hubby is off home to visit his family in Fiji and gets back a week before i'm due.. only a mere 22 hour flight away.. hahahahaha we keep joking that i'll have the baby whilst he is in the air.

Wow reallly cutting it close for you! Dh is packing his hospital bag before he leaves tonight!i still havent packed mine :dohh:

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