***September Rainbow babies 2013 - 4 boy & 5 girls born so far***

Just got up for the loo and can't get back to sleep, I hate that!

Rolling over in bed is such a chore and my hips seem to hurt all the time. I'm like an old woman if I get up after lying or sitting for too long, I feel like my bottom seiZes up!

Still haven't finished bag , will try later on today, but I will be at work this morning and this afternoon need to make a trip out to but DS new school uniform as be starts secondary school on 29th August.

Our local school wear shop doesn't stock the uniform of where he will be going. He is going to a Birmingham Grammer school so I need to travel a little further afield .

Dd seems to have mislaid one of her cardigans so looks like I will have to go to local shop to get another one. She's not back until 4 sept.

Also youngest DS is due to start school sept 14 but I need to apply for reception place this year so want to get that done as soon as possible as well .

Also DS new school have set them a five point challenge for the holidays. For the physical part he is swimming, he did 1km on tues but we need to take him a few more times, we also need to take him to an art gallery and he wants to go to cinema to see a film as be has to write a review.

Just wandering how we are going to do all that needs to be done in the next 3 weeks.

On top of all of that my washing machine has broken!
Wow you got your hands full!!!!!! I went without a washing machine for a week and it was pure hell! Lol and there was only 3 of us! Hopefully you get one soon! Or fix the old one!

Running around for the kids and carrying around bubs ,exhausting! I bet your excited for them to start school as much as they are!
I can't roll over in bed anymore either I can just hear my hips crack when i do :dohh:

Mwaah my mum is going to be in the hospital with us for the early part of labour but will leave the room for the actual birth. She is staying with us from Belgium so I can't really leave her on her own as my MIL conveniently is going on holiday for 2 week till a week before my due date and I think the LO will be here by then.
Dance I know your pain, i'm in the same in bed and after getting up it's silly how stupid I look walking... or waddling.. haha

My eldest is due back to school on 4th Sept & my youngest starts preschool for the 1st time so we need to get their uniform and shoes sorted as well. You can only buy the school uniform from the schools so the jumpers will have to wait until school starts back up, but we can get everything else before school starts.

Trying to get hubby all ready for his hols to Fiji, and nothing has been sorted for baby at all yet really, I need to get him up in the loft and get down the crib, bedding, car seat, prams, clothes to see what else I need while he is away so I can get that sorted.

So much for resting before baby arrives LOL
Mwaah - Hope all goes well at your scan on Wednesday, let us know if you get a date :) glad I am not the only one taking a few bags, I did think if I packed too much :haha: I swear lots of stretch marks have come out over night. So itchy, I tried baby oil, will it do the same thing? Heard of bio oil but not sure if it is the same?

Dancer - I can sympathise with you on turning in bed, it is so uncomfortable and definitely feels like a chore. I also am with you on getting back to sleep after going to the loo. Not much longer to go now :flower: I ask the Husband to rub me back to sleep, it works sometimes.

So I am a little nervous now as I have come off aspirin after being to my hematology appointment today. My injections will tide us over so they have said. They will be changing me to fragmin and a low dose when she is born so I can breastfeed as it isn't ideal to breastfeed on Innohep apparently :wacko:

Hope we all are well :flower:
Mwaah - Hope all goes well at your scan on Wednesday, let us know if you get a date :) glad I am not the only one taking a few bags, I did think if I packed too much :haha: I swear lots of stretch marks have come out over night. So itchy, I tried baby oil, will it do the same thing? Heard of bio oil but not sure if it is the same?

Dancer - I can sympathise with you on turning in bed, it is so uncomfortable and definitely feels like a chore. I also am with you on getting back to sleep after going to the loo. Not much longer to go now :flower: I ask the Husband to rub me back to sleep, it works sometimes.

So I am a little nervous now as I have come off aspirin after being to my hematology appointment today. My injections will tide us over so they have said. They will be changing me to fragmin and a low dose when she is born so I can breastfeed as it isn't ideal to breastfeed on Innohep apparently :wacko:

Hope we all are well :flower:

I had concerns about stopping my clexane and progesterone at 28 weeks. I stopped them gradually.

My ankles are now starting to swell , especially my right one!

Still have no washing machine
How are you finding it now Dancer? Surely it gets easier? I am glad it is just the aspirin I am stopping and not my injections. I would go insane if I had to stop both.

Uh-oh not good :( :hugs:
How are you finding it now Dancer? Surely it gets easier? I am glad it is just the aspirin I am stopping and not my injections. I would go insane if I had to stop both.

Uh-oh not good :( :hugs:

Didn't like doing the clexane or progesterone so glad they have stopped.

However due to GD I am still injecting. Checking blood sugar levels 4 times a day and injecting insulin 3 times a day. Starting to sting now when I do it and bleed occasionally. Also leaving little lumps. Maybe I'm using the same injection site too often!

Never mind though, only 3 1/2 weeks left!
Zebra I started using Bio oil on the amazing stretchmarks i already had and it seems to be doing the job they stop itching and appear less deep already :thumbup:
Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........i'm in pain :( wwhat a horrible night sleep. Cramping aallllllll night and now this morning my body feels so achy and sore......:cry:

Might have to go in and get checked if it doesn't get better
Mwahh hope your scan goes well.

dancareoi I know what you mean about rolling over in bed :dohh: hope you get some good sleep soon.

My in case of emergency transfer hospital bag is pack, because its only for emergencies I've got a shared bag for me and baby. I am 36 weeks today, the company where i am going my birthing pool rang today and it will be delivered on Tuesday :happydance:
Had a better night last night

Army - hope the pains ease off, but no harm in checking with midwife.

MTc be pool arriving will make it feel more real.

Afm - hospital bag packed and ready to go!

3 1/2 weeks left
Hope everyone is doing great :D it's getting close!

I'm currently finishing all the baby laundry today :D plan for next week is to get hospital bags and carseat into the car
How are the pains Army? I had pains again yesterday. Also so far i have eaten over a kilo of pineapple :haha: thought i'd give it a shot now i'm full term. Its not done a thing so I don't think the baby is ready just yet.

Hope your washing machine gets fixed soon Dancareoi, mine decided to become a water feature last weekend :dohh: OH isn't that good at DIY (he wanted to go out and replace my 3yr old machine, er no!) but managed to find the filter to see if that was blocked. He pulled a thong and a sock out :haha: I think DS must have stuck it in the machine when i was cleaning the powder drawer out the other month. OH thought it was funny to tell his family, I was mortified :dohh:

I think I have everything sorted for the baby now. Might stick the car seat in the car ready. If you ask Olly where his baby brother is going to sit in the car he shouts "next to me!!". Im having a few issues where he keeps hitting me, especially my belly at the moment so i'm panicking about him hitting the baby.
How are the pains Army? I had pains again yesterday. Also so far i have eaten over a kilo of pineapple :haha: thought i'd give it a shot now i'm full term. Its not done a thing so I don't think the baby is ready just yet.

Hope your washing machine gets fixed soon Dancareoi, mine decided to become a water feature last weekend :dohh: OH isn't that good at DIY (he wanted to go out and replace my 3yr old machine, er no!) but managed to find the filter to see if that was blocked. He pulled a thong and a sock out :haha: I think DS must have stuck it in the machine when i was cleaning the powder drawer out the other month. OH thought it was funny to tell his family, I was mortified :dohh:

I think I have everything sorted for the baby now. Might stick the car seat in the car ready. If you ask Olly where his baby brother is going to sit in the car he shouts "next to me!!". Im having a few issues where he keeps hitting me, especially my belly at the moment so i'm panicking about him hitting the baby.

The Pain went away later that day. I really thought labor was starting!!!! I laid down and drank a bunch of water and it subsided. It was like a horrible period cramp and back pain.
i wonder if maybe i dilated a bit :shrug:

Lol about thong :haha: my ds put my undies around his neck once while i was puttiing laundry away :haha: no one was around to see that.

I have the same issue with ds and my belly :dohh: he bit my belly yesterday really hard!! I thought he was hugging me! Lol and he likes to dig his elbows in my belly and kick it whenever i try to carry him :dohh:

I thought my water broke yesterday. I went to the bathroom and after i finished, i stood up and just started leaking :shrug: i figured it was probably more pee lol...but it was weird because it just trickled out on its own.
How are the pains Army? I had pains again yesterday. Also so far i have eaten over a kilo of pineapple :haha: thought i'd give it a shot now i'm full term. Its not done a thing so I don't think the baby is ready just yet.

Hope your washing machine gets fixed soon Dancareoi, mine decided to become a water feature last weekend :dohh: OH isn't that good at DIY (he wanted to go out and replace my 3yr old machine, er no!) but managed to find the filter to see if that was blocked. He pulled a thong and a sock out :haha: I think DS must have stuck it in the machine when i was cleaning the powder drawer out the other month. OH thought it was funny to tell his family, I was mortified :dohh:

I think I have everything sorted for the baby now. Might stick the car seat in the car ready. If you ask Olly where his baby brother is going to sit in the car he shouts "next to me!!". Im having a few issues where he keeps hitting me, especially my belly at the moment so i'm panicking about him hitting the baby.

The Pain went away later that day. I really thought labor was starting!!!! I laid down and drank a bunch of water and it subsided. It was like a horrible period cramp and back pain.
i wonder if maybe i dilated a bit :shrug:

Lol about thong :haha: my ds put my undies around his neck once while i was puttiing laundry away :haha: no one was around to see that.

I have the same issue with ds and my belly :dohh: he bit my belly yesterday really hard!! I thought he was hugging me! Lol and he likes to dig his elbows in my belly and kick it whenever i try to carry him :dohh:

I thought my water broke yesterday. I went to the bathroom and after i finished, i stood up and just started leaking :shrug: i figured it was probably more pee lol...but it was weird because it just trickled out on its own.

I think sometimes baby can give your bladder a sudden squash causing more wee to come out.

Pink it is difficult for an only child to suddenly find themselves with a sibling, hey do what they can for attention.

You just have to make sure he gets included with everything, even a nappy change just by asking him to get the wipes or a nappy.

My older 2 will be fine with the new addition but I'm not sure about my 3 year old DS he is such a mommys boy and just wants me all the time, so I think he may feel a bit left out .
Mwaah, only 3 more sleeps until your scan!!!!

I've got 2 more until mine to check the size of baby hoping that he would have stayed in the 90s on the centile chart or lower as don't really want to be induced if I can help it.

How's everyone's weekend going..?? I'm in so much pain with my sciatica and lower back, but small price to pay!
How are you finding it now Dancer? Surely it gets easier? I am glad it is just the aspirin I am stopping and not my injections. I would go insane if I had to stop both.

Uh-oh not good :( :hugs:

Didn't like doing the clexane or progesterone so glad they have stopped.

However due to GD I am still injecting. Checking blood sugar levels 4 times a day and injecting insulin 3 times a day. Starting to sting now when I do it and bleed occasionally. Also leaving little lumps. Maybe I'm using the same injection site too often!

Never mind though, only 3 1/2 weeks left!

I must say they aren't nice to do, sorry to hear you are having a bad time with the insulin. Hope it gets better for you. Definitely not long to go now :)

I am coping ok without the aspirin, every little kick I feel from her is reassuring :thumbup:

Zebra I started using Bio oil on the amazing stretchmarks i already had and it seems to be doing the job they stop itching and appear less deep already :thumbup:

Thank you, it is on my to get list then :thumbup: I need a relief from the itchiness.

I hope we all are doing well?

I was in hospital last night from 2am with period type cramps. They seemed to be constant but did get bad at times then sometimes they were manageable. I have been loosing bits of what seems to be my mucus plug, only tiny amounts. They put me on the monitor after listening to her via the doppler and checking my urine (I have another infection) so been treated for that, feel drowsy as anything. It showed I was having braxton hicks too along with her head being half way down according to the midwife. So she is still engaging nicely but that doesn't mean anything, who knows :wacko: just wait and see I guess. They checked my cervix, it is closed still. I am so tired, haven't managed to sleep well at all. I think my blood pressure was slightly high but it came down before they let me out at 6am. We heard a few births taking place, the usual screaming then shortly after a baby crying, I was like aww. Will be us soon ladies!! :)
Glad to hear all is well zebra! Sounds just like what i had that night! What did your plug look like? I had bits of clear discharge, not sure if it is just cm or plug :shrug:

Were you hoping it was the real deal ? :D i know when i was cramping i kinda hoped it was happening....but then i remembered i had nothing preparaed yet!!!!!!
No wonder you are tired Zebra, sounds like a long night.

I keep checking in to see if baby babies have arrived yet :D

Ive been having pains most of the day, they are very sporadic but the pain has certainly intensified. OH wont let me encourage it because he has to arrest someone tomorrow morning :haha: He's done all the paperwork though just incase. Im allowed to go into labour after that. We shall see though...
I have a feeling that tomorrow the pains will be gone. Ive had discharge too but nothing that looks like a plug.

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