****September Stars!!**** - 119 Babies Born!!

Haha blob the annoying thing is the beardies will be hatched before i go into labour and she only carried the eggs for a couple of weeks too so unfair lol.

Hope my cat doesnt get pregnant too or i could have a very busy household come september
Yea when we went to the zoo i went around every animal checking the pregnancy length and saying it wasnt fair :haha:
we went to monkey forest and all my DH kept saying when he saw a baby monkey was 'if you was a monkey you'd have your baby by now' I could've killed him by the time we got out of there!
Hi all! Wow what a long day, I'm shattered and it's only Wednesday!

I'm a bit concerned that everyone is being told their baby's positions.... there hasn't been any kind of mention to me at all about the position the baby is in, and all my movement seems to be all over!! I have some very high up by my ribs, some very far down and bladder type kicks, and right round by both of my hips and all across the front too! She must still be swimming about in there!! Either that or she has very long limbs!

Hey Louise! My doctor told me that the position of the baby isn't that important until week 36. He said that that is when the babies loose the space to flip around. Although, we all know that really determined babies find a way to flip if they really want to.
Hey girls

Right big catch up time!!

Yay Carley for your kitty coming home! :happydance: I remember when mine went missing for 4 days when he was a kitten I was so upset. We put posters up everywhere on the 4th day, then when we were walking home I heard this little meeeoooww from under a car at the end of our street lol

Blondie congrats on the blue bump! :blue:

Hope you feel better soon Optical and sorry to hear about your OHs grandma :kiss:

MamaB love the name Peyton, so pretty

Bekkles sorry to hear about the pains :flower: I have a babys bum sticking in my liver which gives me a constant pain just under my ribs and its excruciating! The things we have to put up with lol

Thanks Little A and Mrs_N for the tips for getting rid of cramps, time to eat more bananas I think. Its so horrible waking up with them in the night!

babythinkpink glad you had a good mw appointment yesterday and MrsJO8 sorry you had a bad one :nope:

Lovely bumps lillybells, lilbumpblue and Snufflebump :flower: Snuffle where in lancs are you?

Happy 30 weeks becs!!

Apaton, the sickness has also come back for me booooooo!! I'm sick every morning when I get up and sometimes once at night as well, but I can cope with that as long as it doesn't get as bad as it was in the first tri again!

Welcome over boony and genies girl!

My baby is head down with most of her body on my right side with her legs over on the left, so I get punches right down low and kicks over on the left!

Hope the class goes well want2beamummy! Our NHS ones start next tuesday and I can't wait!

Bekklez and blob, hope your babies turn on their heads soon!

F&C you do not look like a whale, you look lovely (seen your photos on facebook lol) but I know how you feel, I also feel like a whale at the moment and am still convinced I look fat and not pregnant ha ha

Drea glad all was ok at hospital :hugs:

Becs I hope your headache goes soon. I have a headache every single day and manage to get rid of it by drinking loads of water (followed by a 1000 trips to the loo!)

Louise, my midwife told me my babys position at my appointment and when I went to see the GP with the rib pain, he also felt and told me her position. I can also feel it myself now, as blob said the head is hard and also the bum is squishy and bouncy! Most of baby is on my right side so I often have a wonky bump too lol

Sorry if I missed anyone!!

I had my 32 week scan today and it was lovely to see baby again! And she is still a girl lol She is measuring fine, slightly above average on her tummy and legs but still within normal ranges so they are not worried about it. She weighs 4lb 4oz already!!! I couldn't believe it! Also, my low lying placenta has moved on up out the way yaaay! Saw the doctor afterwards who just did the usual bp and urine checks which were fine.

Anyway, here's a little pic from the scan. The sonographer struggled a bit as she had her hands in the way and also said that its hard to get good piccies of babies when they are this far along, but he managed in the end! Its not all that clear, but you can see her profile and her hands and it was so cute, she kept poking her little tongue out lol



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Hi Ladies!!

Sorry I haven't had time to properly catch up as I'm still at work...2 and a half hours to go and then I am OFF for 4 days!!! Can't wait! and I am seeing Eclipse tonight...can't wait for that either!!

So just a little update on my baby girl Peyton!
Had a meeting with the MW this morning and her heartbeat was 140bpm, she is still head down and her back is on my left side..so that's why I always feel the thumps on my right side! lol My blood pressure was 120/72 so that's great as well. Fundal height 33 and I am 31 weeks and they think that's fine too. My urine dip this morning revealed all was perfect except for +1 protein...but I have had that most times when I've went. And I got the numbers for my glucose test I did a few weeks back 5.7...smack dab in the middle of the normal range. Audrey called my pregnancy "textbook"...let's just hope it stays that way! haha!

Hope all you ladies are doing well! I hear the heat is bad right now in your corner of the world..here it's actually kinda chllly +16 degrees cel. I think. but we are suppose to get close to +30 by the weekend!!

Hello all,
I've just gotten home from a week and 1/2 trip to visit my family and have our reception (late) for everyone who wasn't able to goto our wedding. It was quite possibly the worst trip of my life and I am very down now because of it.
I don't have the energy to go through everything that happened as I just blogged on it.

I Just wanted to pop on and say a quick hello to everyone and hope you are all doing great.
Just popping in to say hi before i get my shower and early night!

Not remembering everyones posts will just say my bit and dash!

Baby is head down, lying back on left hand side so kicks are mainly on the right, but move about and stretch across my tummy.

I find the scrabble on the ds is good, you can interact with anyone else with a ds or play the ds itself, the characters are funny, and i really want to beat the best in world competition mode but it is almost impossible!

Been out with dh and mil today, could have swung at her for rubbing my belly, she grabbed it really hard, was not a happy bunny!
I did notice dh looking at pink and blue clothes today in front of mil it was funny, she was watching him look at blue and i could see her thinking to herself, then he wanderd on and started taking pink stuff off the shelf:haha: What a wind up!!

I did have a little girl from school touch my bump the other day, it was so sweet i could have cried! She came up to me and put her hand on the bump, really gently and said 'have you got a baby?' I said 'oh, yes' and she was so pleased! She is in my dd's class but has some learning difficulties, but it really touched me how she was so gentle and sweet!

Anyway, time for me to go to bed, totally shattered, another busy day tomorrow, more washing, ironing and packing to do, can't believe how much is involved in taking the family on holiday!

Sorry for no personals, just hope i have not missed anyone or anything important!

I have a 30 week check when we get back from holiday, i am hoping they will scan there and then to check the low placenta seen at 20 weeks, so i don't have to keep going back, and because i would love to see baby again!:happydance:

Back tomorrow, :hugs:

:baby:thinkpink xx
A quick :hi: from me!
Having a really wonderful relaxing holiday so far and still a whole week left to chill out. Life is good.
Hope everyone is well! :)
Morning all! Hope everyone is well today!

Well, our productive day yesterday turned into a very very productive one! We have been discussing swapping our car for a few weeks, and we had planned to go out and have a look at a few, as we have been doing lately...... we bought one! We should be able to do the swap tomorrow so we have the car in time for holiday! :happydance:

1st July today!! Crazy stuff!!

Had a good nights sleep, and a lovely meal out last night!!!

I can tell where my baby is, she is head down and over to my right with her legs over to my left!!

We are off to our first antenatal today, its the first one and its with the physio. They are dip in and out ones, so thats better for me and DH as he is away for a couple of weeks from Monday, so we can go to the next ones when he gets back!! I am actually looking forward to it! I was a bit narked as my sister told me they were a waste of time, so I was like well its our decision and we want to go so we will find out for ourselves!

Its gonna be another scorcher today, 30!!!! I think I will be in the pool later!!
I'm having a hard week getting back to normal after a fortnight in Spain. Finding it really hard coping with manic times at work, with a toddler to run after and my DH is having to do longer hours in the office. Feeling a bit sorry for myself tbh and worried how I'm going to cope for another 12 weeks.

Off to MW today for 28w appt. Have to take my toddler with me this time with lots of snacks for bribery. Think that might affect my b.p. Baby is getting much more active now - I find it hard to concentrate at work when I'm getting kicked.

My DS has just got my pg book from the shelf to look at baby pictures and has told me he wants a baby sister - very cute. Don't know if I'm having a boy or girl (baby wouldn't show us at 20w scan). Hope he won't be disappointed.

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:
Asher new cars are great fun :dance:

becs have fun at atenatal class, ive got my second on sunday where we learn to put nappies on and wash babies :dohh:

kaz hope midwife goes well:thumbup:

any1 who has appointments classes good luck :flower:

well as its the 1st july blob, emzy and i are officially due next month arhhhhhg:dohh:

think we have a month to month let when we leave here :yipee:

have a nice day ladies its pouring here :( x
Its scary to think that you are dues next month!!! I have 2 full months left of just pleasing myself LMAO!! Still got a few bits to get for baby, but just can't make up my mind!!! Boots have some good offers online, they have a M&P bouncer that vibrates for £22!! Its basic but it looks nice!!
ohhh i still need a bouncer or swing, my brother was meant to buy it for me but he seems to like spending his pennies in the pub too much !:haha:, im sure i will go over unless i get induced on my date de to size, although id rather not, the more time ive got the better lol , ive also got bits and bobs to get ill get them at some point , just pick bits and bobs up when i c them :) x
wow - due next month that's mental!
I still pretty much have 3 full months left lol!

off to see the physio again today - she gave me crutches last week which have really helped with the SPD :thumbup: don't like using them out & about though!

good luck with all the scans, appointments and classes. I cannot retain enough information for personal comments just now, my brain is like mush :haha:
Our first class is with the physio, she is going through positions!!!! Good luck Jen!

I still gotta get sheets, bumper, mobile etc!!
Thats the one from Boots, I think it looks nice! Might get one to keep at my parents!
I just wanted to stop by and say that we're in July(as I'm sure most of you have noticed :haha: ) and there's only roughly two months to go until it's our turn!

:wohoo: !!!!!!!!!!!!

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