Hey girls
Right big catch up time!!
Yay Carley for your kitty coming home!

I remember when mine went missing for 4 days when he was a kitten I was so upset. We put posters up everywhere on the 4th day, then when we were walking home I heard this little meeeoooww from under a car at the end of our street lol
Blondie congrats on the blue bump!
Hope you feel better soon Optical and sorry to hear about your OHs grandma
MamaB love the name Peyton, so pretty
Bekkles sorry to hear about the pains

I have a babys bum sticking in my liver which gives me a constant pain just under my ribs and its excruciating! The things we have to put up with lol
Thanks Little A and Mrs_N for the tips for getting rid of cramps, time to eat more bananas I think. Its so horrible waking up with them in the night!
babythinkpink glad you had a good mw appointment yesterday and MrsJO8 sorry you had a bad one
Lovely bumps lillybells, lilbumpblue and Snufflebump

Snuffle where in lancs are you?
Happy 30 weeks becs!!
Apaton, the sickness has also come back for me booooooo!! I'm sick every morning when I get up and sometimes once at night as well, but I can cope with that as long as it doesn't get as bad as it was in the first tri again!
Welcome over boony and genies girl!
My baby is head down with most of her body on my right side with her legs over on the left, so I get punches right down low and kicks over on the left!
Hope the class goes well want2beamummy! Our NHS ones start next tuesday and I can't wait!
Bekklez and blob, hope your babies turn on their heads soon!
F&C you do not look like a whale, you look lovely (seen your photos on facebook lol) but I know how you feel, I also feel like a whale at the moment and am still convinced I look fat and not pregnant ha ha
Drea glad all was ok at hospital
Becs I hope your headache goes soon. I have a headache every single day and manage to get rid of it by drinking loads of water (followed by a 1000 trips to the loo!)
Louise, my midwife told me my babys position at my appointment and when I went to see the GP with the rib pain, he also felt and told me her position. I can also feel it myself now, as blob said the head is hard and also the bum is squishy and bouncy! Most of baby is on my right side so I often have a wonky bump too lol
Sorry if I missed anyone!!
I had my 32 week scan today and it was lovely to see baby again! And she is still a girl lol She is measuring fine, slightly above average on her tummy and legs but still within normal ranges so they are not worried about it. She weighs 4lb 4oz already!!! I couldn't believe it! Also, my low lying placenta has moved on up out the way yaaay! Saw the doctor afterwards who just did the usual bp and urine checks which were fine.
Anyway, here's a little pic from the scan. The sonographer struggled a bit as she had her hands in the way and also said that its hard to get good piccies of babies when they are this far along, but he managed in the end! Its not all that clear, but you can see her profile and her hands and it was so cute, she kept poking her little tongue out lol