Aww Louise, hope you are not suffering too much hun. Yey to going up a box!! 2nd to last hey? So exciting.
Drazic, sorry you're feeling knackered too. I'm generally exhausted all the time now. How are we going to survive the next 2 months?! lol
Blob, I've had the bed to myself now for about 3 weeks as my snoring has driven dh to another room!
What on earth do you have to do at a BF class?! Do you have to get your jubblies out?!
Sorry you're not sleeping Sarah. Have you told you MW? Maybe there is some sort of relaxation technique you could do to help it?
Happy 30 weeks Firstbean!
Bekklez I'm enormous. I asked my MW about weight gain and she said the AVERAGE is 2 stone (28lbs) for the whole pregnancy but people vary so much. I explained that I had already put 2 stone on and she said it could be water retention etc etc and told me not to worry. Let us know how your appointment later goes. I'm sure there is nothing to worry about but better get it checked to be safe.
It's my birthday today so my dh has been spoiling me!! He's got me a spa voucher and taking me for a lovely meal tonight! I'm a lucky lady.
Oh and somebody pushed me out the way to get on the train this morning... grrr... will have to have words if he ever trys it again. Getting annoyed with the commute now. People are so rude. I stood up for the whole journey yesterday. B*stards!