September Stars

Thanks ladies

Jelly - Hammersmith have been awesome and DH's surgeon actually lives around the corner from us so sometimes we bump into him in the shop which is a bit bizarre. Although I'm very scared of the operation and ending up a widow, I like the Surgeon and trust that if he says there is no other way we have to trust him. Sorry about your Dad - such a difficult illness to live with. One of my friend's husband's has it and on top of that her daughter is an anorexic and in and out of hospital constantly. Whenever I feel sorry for myself I always try and remember things could be much worse.

GG - poor Amelia - fingers crossed she is on the mend and will be putting on plenty for her next weigh in.

Louise - :hugs: for the migraine. I get them sometimes so I know what a nightmare they can be. I had one on New Years Eve, didn't have any migralieve and wasn't sure if I could take it will BF anyway so ended up taking paracetemol and the diclofenac the doctor prescribed for my hip and tummy pain. Trouble is I find the only cure is sleep and that's not exactly an option with a demanding baby.
On the clothes front Scarlett has been wearing 3-6 month leggings and tops for about a month. The tops are plenty big enough but she has really long legs so I've actually been going through her 6-9 month stuff to see if there is anything that will fit now. I've found that H&M do 4-6 month stuff for an inbetween stage - she has a lovely purple Hello Kitty tracksuit from there. I don't know if you have tried them but H&M's Organic vests are brilliant. They are £2.99 each and come in lovely bright colours. I found Tesco to be tiny - she is nearly out of the 3-6 month outfit I bought although the vests aren't too bad. TU at Sainsbury's are quite roomy, as are Next. Scarlett has a 0-3 Cardigan from Next that still fits. I find Boots a good fit on Scarlett and on par with M&S. I've bought virtually every top and leggings set that M&S do as they are good value and cheaper than places like Matalan. £5 for two tops and £5 for two leggings and they wash brilliantly. Scarlett has also learnt to scream lately although she tends to do it more in excitement and talking to her toys then when she is upset. It's so shrill, it goes right though me. I was on the phone to my Mum yesterday and she was laying on her playmat doing it. My Mum started getting hysterical thinking there was something wrong and took a while to believe me she wasn't upset and there wasn't so much as a tear to be seen.

I've just got back from Boots - I must admit I'm really impressed with the advantage card coupons they send through the post as you can use more than one per transaction. I just saved myself £16, as some of the stuff I needed (Nappies and Total Effects Moisturiser) were already on offer. I had coupons for money off both things plus £5 off when you spend £20 and it took all three discounts off. :happydance:
MrsJ Lilia also screams in delight too, that is also very piercing, but she has also started to do it when crying which is not so good! I'm sure my neighbours must think I'm being horrible to her!
Mrs j, sounds awful xx

LBB, hope little man is getting better xx

On the clothes front we are getting more into 6-9 mths, I have a few 4-6 from h&m which are fab, I love their clothes. Next are also a good fit, I find tesco small!!
I am debating whether or not to go back to slimming world tonight, I really want to lose another 2 stone and I weighed myself this morning, since I stopped going in Dec 09 I am only 10lbs heavier so I am pleased with that, think I just need the disipline in going, I want to lose 2 stone for Hopes christening at easter!! Been doing alot more power walking, just need to get my mind focused!!!!
Layla is a screamer she is very dramatic I should sign her up for acting class now the noises and faces she pulls!

Hope you migraine settles Louise there's nothing worse is there !

Layla is in the 3-6 stuff now but Amelia is about to go into the smaller of the 6-9 stuff she is just so long .
Not just me that finds tesco small then! I have a hello kitty coat in 2-4 months from H&M for Lilia, it has little ears and the bow on the hood it's sooooooooooo cute I love it!

Just taken the christmas tree down.... and guess what.....I GOT IT BACK IN THE BOX!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! This is usually Wayne's job... I swear he has OCD as when I got it out all the different sections of the tree were colour labelled and sellotaped together, screws taped on etc etc bless him, even the baubles were in colour coded bags!! I have tried my best to put it all back in the same!! I think I might insist on a real tree next year, we've never had one! My mum and dad used to though and I just love the smell! Plus i thought the point of having a fake tree was no needles to hoover, well i have already hoovered once and I can still see loads!!

Lilia is laid on her mat making the strangest sounds... you know that inward hiccup/burp sound thing that they do? (Or is that just her?!) Well she now makes sounds while sucking inwards like 'laaamaaagaaa' in this strange burpy noise, it's very strange!
They do make some weird noises!!!! Hope is asleep, bless her! I can't wait to get her weighed next Tuesday, her chart says she will be about 17lb something!!
I had Kimi weighed on Tuesday....and she weighed 11lb 2.5oz :happydance::happydance:

So that means in 3 weeks she had put on 15 ounces!!!! Which is lovely and pleased the HV!!

I start Baby Massage next Thursday too which I hope will help us relieve some of her wind as sometimes she just dont wanna give it up!!!!

Kimi is still in 0-3 months clothes and has loads of growing room yet but I have started stocking up on bigger sizes as I'm hoping she will keep up with the weight gain!!!

Kimi doesnt usually scream, although she 'talks' to us all the time!! Think I'm going to have a chatterbox on my hand :haha:

Sorry no personals...I cant keep up atm!!!

Olivia was weighed today (she'll be 18 weeks on Friday) and she is still a dinky 12lbs 2.5ozs. I am very glad that I have a very sensible HV/Midwife as she looks at the baby on the whole and not just at those bloody charts. Yep she is small for her age but shes perfectly healthy and happy. On a side note we tried her with some baby rice and baby porridge and she is completely not interested so will try again in a few weeks time. She is still sleeping through the night and were breastfeeding between 5/6 times a day so I guess she is just not ready.

F&C - Thats a very lovely idea and I am sure Amy will appreciate it. xx

Re : Clothes - Olivia is still *mostly* in 0-3. We have in the last few days been putting her into some of her 3-6 clothes but she has quite short arms so I am having to roll everything up at the moment. Im not a lover of tescos baby stuff. We mostly have Next, Mothercare, M&S. I truly think you get your moneys worth as they all seem to wash so much better than alot of the others. I also like Sainsburys stuff aswell which I think are usually a good fit.

Olivia is still babblng away she definately is not a big shouter or screamer. In fact she very rarely cries. she pulls some of the most amazing faces whilst chatting away though. I find it hilarious !!

MrsJ - :hug: That sounds difficult for both your husband and you to deal with. x

One of my best friends had a baby boy on Monday - a little boy either to be Jake or Liam (They cant decide !!) and I gained a new cousin with baby Marley also being born to my Uncle and his new chinese bride on the same day !! Was also OHs birthday so January will be expensive next year !!!

Hope everyone else is ok. xx
Laura, that will be an expensive month!!!! So glad you have a sensible HV, I am always worried they will tell me Hope is too big, but all they ever say is she is perfect for her size!!

My Dad just called to say my Uncle has passed away, he has had a long battle with cancer, my cousin came home from Canada yesterday so he made it just in time. I woyld say its been a relief for my Aunty as he has been in out of hospital for ops etc for a few years now. Its sad but we are not an over close family.

I am back off to slimming world in a bit, I decided if I don't go back tonight I never will!! Then I am gonna come home and stuff my face with chocolate haha!!!!
Hello, just popping in quickly!

So sad for Amy, the pic of a finger and her babies teeny fragile hand just broke my heart, i cried for her then felt selfish for me crying when she has lost so much. Poor her and family, i just hope she can have her much wanted baby and that if anything the loss will mean more is done to ensure it doesn't happen again:cry:

I feel rotten, the flu has hit the house badly, and with a dh totally out of action and expecting me to run around after him its been horrible, i cant even start to recover with him being so demanding, and he can take all the stuff you can buy for flu and colds, i can take paracetamol, big whoop!:shrug:

My son had a new hamster house for his pet hamster but didn't replace the lid properly so he have an escapee in the house, that appears to be in the middle section under the upstairs floors and along the downstairs celings, how the hell i get it out i don't know, we only heard it this morning and not since so i hope its still about, I found a possible hole and i have a torch waiting for it to show its whiskers!

Going to fb now, then shower then bed, so tired, dh is one of those if he cant sleep moans and talks all night so no one else can sleep either, Rosie is still up every few hours, and chatting to me! I have some footage of her messing me about on a feed, and chatting, but not posted it up on fb as the breast feeding thing may bother some, to me its fine and people don't have to watch it i suppose, will have to put a nipple warning on it:haha:

Big :hugs: all, count our beautiful blessings girls xxxx
I decided to sculpt last night but had a thought i would send the baby i was sculpting as a keepsake in memory of Amy’s two babies she lost, i was going to ask if anyone knew her address and made a note to ask you guys today... then i read on FB she lost Ava !!! im totally devastated hearing this news... Poor Amy, life can be so cruel. So now i was unsure if sending the sculpted baby would be a good idea or not.

My born in 2010 keepsake box arrived today from Next, they only charged me £3 and its a really pretty box.

Paige had her second lot of injections and me and hubby had our hep B second lot of injection too.. we took her to tesco to buy her a toy after, she had pooed and it had gone everywhere !!!! i had no nappies no wipes and she was covered... OMG it was a nightmare. They had no free nappies or wipes in the changing room so i took nappies and wipes off the shelf and used it.. i felt bad but hey i was desperate.

Decorations are down.. yay !!! im so happy, the room looks bigger and cleaner as soon as they come down.. i got enough crap around my living room.

Fish and Chips- if you are sending Amy something then ill send her the sculpted baby too, If i had lost a baby i would love to receive something like that but its hard to know if she would feel the same. Let me know what you decide...

Jelly, i have the same problem i chew her nails with my teeth while im feeding her but they grow back so quickly and i dont seem to find any baby grows with sewn in mitts for over 6 months.

MrsJ- im so sorry to hear you had a crap xmas... hugs xxx

Emzdreamgirl- yeah its normal and i am starting to get this too, when i was pregnant i didnt have to wash my hair as often, it was thick and could leave it down after i washed it for 3 days... now its dull, greasy and falling out so have to get used to clearing the bath plug again... its sucks !!!

louise- i also got our new tree in the box, i was shocked !!!!
Hi girls! :hi:

We are also in the process of taking down the holiday decor and getting the house back to normal. Actually, we liked the way the furniture got rearranged for the tree, so we went out and bought a small bench with toy storage to put where the tree was and are enjoying our de-cluttered space.
It feels good to start off the new year with things relatively tidy.

So I have had a bunch of small writing projects offered to me and will be experimenting with how much work I get done while being a SAHM. If it seems reasonable, I may re-consider resuming my full-time position. I don't have to make up my mind until the end of May, but the logistics (mostly financial) sure don't support a return to work. I make a pretty average salary at my job. Environmental Ed is not a particularly high-paid field. But with two kids in childcare, I will have barely $500 leftover each month. It's ridiculous. I am confident that I can earn more by caring for them myself and freelancing around my husband's schedule.
I will give myself time to decide, as part of going back full-time is the enjoyment and professional fulfillment I get from work, as well as the adult company. That is really important to me, so I won't be giving that up too quickly.

Anyway, I'm sure I'm not the only one mulling over all the possibilities on that front. Is this the modern woman's dilema? :) Might be.

MrsJ - what rotten rotten luck for your husband. And such a miserable, stressful situation for you, too. I hope very much that he can get the best possible outcome for the procedures.

BTP - that gastro bug seems to be hitting most of the western world! We were all wretchedly ill over the holidays. Really violent vomiting and diarrhea. The only solace was that it was over quickly. According to our public health info, it was just another version of the norovirus. That bug is responsible for 90% of gastroenteritis outbreaks and is incredibly contagious. It only takes 10 viruses (viri?) to infect someone. And you continue to shed the virus for weeks after symptoms disappear. Bleck. :nope:

Youngmummy - great to hear how well little Kimi is doing! :thumbup:

:hugs: to all the sick or grumpy babies and their long-suffering mamas!
Btp- you poor thing this latest cold virus is nasty mine never quite goes away and I think Layla has it again either that or she teething but my god she has been screaming the house down!
Louise - JJ is in 3-6 now as of two weeks ago but tonight I looked at his legs in a brand new sleepsuit and already his feet are at the end I can't believe how quickly he's grown he looks stupid though as his top half is far too big

I also agree about Tesco sizing got a jumper as a prezzie when JJ was 2 weeks old and it never fitted him and it was meant to be 0-3 mths

BTP hope all your family feel better soon, friend and her baby have had the gastric bug now three times since beginning of December

Lady k I think Amy would love to receive your sculptures as they are so beautiful xx

Went to docs today to get jjs eyes checked out, they seem ok but we need to keep checking over the next couple of months. Also told he probably has got reflux but as he's gaining weight they aren't going to give us gaviscon. Had his second jabs today too, he screamed so much bless him but once we got home he was slot happier compared to the first time.
Aww my dinky boy is just about ready for 3-6 months clothes :) i think tesco are smaller fitting too but the smallest is m and co we had a 0-3 outfit when James was born he wore it last week and the top was so tight he is not wearing it again! X
Kara, that sounds lovely and very thoughtful x

BTP, hope you are all better soon xx

Jelly, aww nasty jabs x

Louise, love the new pics of Lilia xx

LBB, hope James is feeling better xx

I went back to fat club last night, so glad I did, I so determind that this is my year, I don't want to be a fat Mummy!!! I want to do it now while Hop is still young enough not to notice!
Hope is still fast asleep, I have just had breakfast and now going to do my housework before she wakes up, I really need to get some diesel for the car, haven't driven it since Monday, I used Ian's little banger as its parked behind our car so its easier to get out!!
I don't know what to do today, once I am all sorted and Hope is sorted I might go and visit my old neighbour, haven't seen her since we moved here, we only live 10 miles apart, naughty really!!! I need to drop Hope's swing off to my other friend who lives at our old place!!
Good Morning!

Things looking up a bit, i can taste a bit, it's not back totally but i can taste traces of stuff I am eating!
I have lost another 2lb this week, and at 10st nearly in the 9's only 1st 4lb til target!
The hamster came back, :happydance: my dd came back from Brownies and went into the bathroom where she saw the hamster, she shouted and i said pick it up, she was crying because she was so happy it was found! My ds was crying because it's his hamster and he thought he would not see it again, and i must admit i thought we had seen the last of it, must have missed cuddles and constant attention!

On the subject of keepsakes for Amy, my friend lost a baby at birth, the baby was undiagnosed downs and she carried to about 35 weeks, since then she has had 4 losses, all misscarried but after so many weeks they deliver so has been right through things, and each baby after has been diagnosed with a sort of syndrome although they have not linked it to anything in her or her husband, have said it was just bad luck:shrug:
Anyway for her baby she had one of the pendants you do fishy, she had footprints on one pebble shaped pendant, not sure they were the baby's just a set of baby prints to represent baby, then the other one her daughters name and date of birth.
She has a grave to visit and they have a nice head stone so she visits that, the others were lost pretty early and because of what she went through she sadly doesn't really see them as babies rather than losses.
I know Amy has a resting place for Evie and Darcie.
The pendants are nice and it is a nice way to remember.
It's just all so sad, my friend has watched me have Rosie (her dd was born just before last Christmas)and my dd after her last daughter, this is what is so odd, as like Amy she has had a perfectly healthy pregnancy and birth with her husband, it was a horrible shock I thought she had gone into hospital to deliver and i asked after her to her husband who said haven't you heard, it made me scared all through my pregnancy with Rosie, as we are the same age, I am so very blessed.

Becs, good luck with fat club, (is that really what its called!!?) and hope you have a nice day whatever you and Hope decide to do! :hugs:

lilbumpblue, James is growing nicely then :thumbup: Rosie still a tiddler, she is in 0-3 and they are just about fitting her, she still can get her legs caught up in some of the baggier ones.:hugs:

Jelly, Rosie is due her second lot on the 27th Jan, she has been poorly so i hope she is fine for them, and i am going to hold her legs like someone suggested to see if that helps her a bit, she cried so much the first ones.:hugs:

Genies, thanks hun, I have felt like crap but things have to go on, unless you are male and married to me then you stay in bed all flippin day:growlmad::hugs:

Sarahkka, take plenty of time to decide what you would like to do, I have usually studdied when i have had babies in the house, i left school with nothing but a few low grade gcse's but I have graduated BSc, picking up a few gcse's in A-C grades on the way! I was going to do teaching, but nearly 3 years ago (the year i graduated) dh's back went into spasm and we are really not much closer to diagnosis now! He was going to be a house husband while i worked but he couldn't do that now, i am at home til the little ones are at school then i will see how dependant my dh is as to whether i work or not, Like you I would like to have the adult interaction, and i miss something about the study, although i can't put my finger on what exactly! :hugs:

Well looks like another day looking after my girls, the older kids are at school and dh is in bed, I am wearing thin on sympathy now, he has 'been ill' over a week now, and i have had the same as him and although it is horrible, I have had not one day in bed, or one coffee made for me, or anything, he is waited on hand and foot, and i am bored of it now, he moans on as if i don't know and i have the same so i do know!:dohh: Just because we have to carry on they assume we must be ok, not because we have no choice! I walked to school today with baby strapped to front, toddler in buggy, in a hot sweat and trying not to cough on Rosie and he was in bed, if he had come down i would have only had to have taken Rosie but he couldn't even drag himself out of bed! He gives me no good argument for married life, lazy sod!

Back later Big waves to everyone xxxxxxx:hugs:
BTP so sorry your husand isnt bothering to get out of bed its not very often my husband does that when hes ill he finds it difficult to stay in bed and he is rasther good with the kids and housework etc so i cant understand what you are going through but thought i would ask what he would do if you stopped waiting on him and didnt make him coffee/tea/lunch/dinner etc? or what if you stayed in bed and didnt get up would he get up with the kids then?

Fishy and ladykara - i think the keepsakes for amy are a lovely idea and i'm sure she'd love them if i remember rightly she had some pics on facebook and i think she has a shelf of things for evie and darcie already so i'm sure she'll be adding to it for Ava.
grrr just drove to baby clinic to get Lilia weighed only to find they don't have a clinic on fridays anymore!!!

BTP :hugs: hope you feel better soon, naughty man making you do everything! Wayne doens't get ill very often but when he does he will have a nap, but to be honest he can't stay still long enough to spend much time in there!! He only has to cough once and he spends the rest of the day talking like he has a blocked up nose saying he has the flu!! Typical men eh!

Becs well done you for going to fat club! I don't ever do clubs or anything but i do want to slim down... I just know Wayne will get home all toned etc as he is eating rations (although the amount of sweeties I have sent him he might even put weight on lol) so i don't want to be chubby when he gets home! I feel quite big at the moment, when I was bfing I lost weight so quickly but since i stopped I seem to have gotten a bit bigger! Doesn't help that I hate cooking when i'm on my own so will tend to have days when I do nothing but pick on choccies etc and other days where all I'll eat is beans on toast! I have Lilia in a nice routine, now just need to get myself into one!

SarahK I know what you mean about work decisions! I don't want to go back to work! I am thinking I will go back full time for the last 5/6 weeks or so of the summer term and then finish, that way I'll get paid until the 31st August! I just have to make sure wayne will be ok to have Lilia all that time, he should be on leave from when he gets back from Jordan.... I have to admit I have concerns of leaving Lilia with him as soon as he is back, I worry that she won't really know who he is...although she doted after him before he went and he is so amazing with babies and children anyway I know he would be brilliant... he has even said that if we could get onto the property ladder that he would consider being a house husband and looking after our babies (?!) full time while I went to work if it meant he could leave the army and not leave us again!

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