September Sweet Peas- Join Here

no it's not silly! Just always make sure it's pointing down or it'll end in disaster! :haha:
Firsttimer, your comment stopped me in my tracks...hehehe I just now realized that I too have never changed a little boy's diaper....Guess we'll learn!
There was a great thread a while back about baby boy's/ nappies etc.. can't remember what it was called.. but it was funny and informative! It was in 3rd trimester forum.
one thing that freaked me out was when my son was 2 months old i was changing his nappy and he had an erection :wacko: it freaked me out totally i called my mum :haha:
An erection?! Oh my god that will be erm.. interesting!! :haha: haha There was a thread from a new mum on here not so long ago aswell warning other mums to be that boys nipples might leak for a bit when you first start breastfeeding! Something to do with the hormones haha Good job I found that out before because that would totoally freak me out otherwise!!

I've had suchh a horrible morning ladies! :nope: Been off work this week as I've been really lightheaded, dizzy, not sleeping more than a couple of hours a night, not really eating and being sick when I do eat... So had a doctors appointment first thing and after she'd done various tests she rang the antenatal unit at the hospital and referred me there with suspected pre eclampsia!!! :shrug: So I became a bit panicky, but when I got there they did some more tests and were really reassuring and said even though I'm showing a couple of the symptoms, there's no protein in my urine at all so definitely haven't got pre eclampsia!

They monitored little mans heartbeat and movements for an hour and said he was a bit lethargic and not very active, which could be because I'm so overwhelmed and exhause at the moment. They've prescribed me with some different iron tablets (as the ones I've got have been giving me stomach cramps) and some cyclizine sickness tablets aswell as they said I need to start eating properly because ive got ketones in my urine which basically means my body has started using my fat reserves for energy because of not being able to keep any food down!

Gotta go back in 2 weeks to see how I'm doing so fingers crossed these tablets will get me feeling human again! Apparently my iron levels are reeeally low (7.5 when should 11) and my ferratin levels are pretty much non existent (5 when should be 13) so they've signed me off work next week aswell.....

At least the one good thing to come out of this is that I've officially finished work as of today because next week was my last week anyway!!! :happydance:

Sorry for the full on essay, and thanks for your patience if you've read it! haha Just had to get it all off my chest, feeling a bit emotional really!!!

Hope you're all good! :hugs: x x xx
Sorry to read that you're so unwell bananabump :( Thank goodness it isn't pre eclampsia though! What I will say is, the cyclizine may make you feel horrendous. It sure did for me. If it does, I can highly recommend prochlorperazine - I've been on it for years for extreme emetophobia and it works a treat :flower:
Aw thanks Kaz, I'll give them a go for a couple of days and see how I get on! So happy it's not pre eclampsia (didn't even know what it was until today!!), but just hoping now I don't carry on feeling like this for the remainding weeks! x x x
Aw thanks Kaz, I'll give them a go for a couple of days and see how I get on! So happy it's not pre eclampsia (didn't even know what it was until today!!), but just hoping now I don't carry on feeling like this for the remainding weeks! x x x

sorry your having such a rough time :( at least no more work wahey!

Ive just done a mega internet spend feels so good! bought a baby monitor, bath, a load of blankets, did a big hospital bag shop today and feeling much more organised! :) ive got my driving text monday eeep. if i dont pass im going to sob :( x
Hi everyone

I haven't posted on this site for ages, so I thought it was about time I gave you all an update. I'm really impressed with how organised you all are getting ready for your babies: I feel like I haven't done anything yet and can't quite believe I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow! I stopped paid work a couple of weeks ago, but I've got a load of OU coursework to finish before baby arrives and my head is mush so I'm going to find writing essays hard-going. Eeeek!

Hey bananabump - sorry to hear that you're having a bad time, but I'm glad you've not got pre-eclampsia. Hopefully, now that your iron levels have been flagged up, they'll keep a really good eye on you. Good luck!

All this talk about changing little boys' bums is really amusing. I'm the opposite - I've got a wee girlie on the way and have never changed a girl's nappy. I remember being amazed the first time my little boy got a hard-on, cos I thought that didn't happen puberty. My mum tells me that my brother used to cry about it when he was about 2, saying he'd 'got a bone' in his willy.

How are all your bumps getting on? Mine is massive, like a big beach ball. I sometimes get the 'are you sure it's not twins?' comment from people who think they're funny: it's a good job I bite my lip, cos I don't think happy thoughts when I hear that for the 100th time. Never mind: I love my wriggly squirmy bump!

Baby was breech at my last midwife appointment so I've been trying to do exercises to get her to turn and have even put earphones at the bottom of my bump near the 'exit' to persuade her to wriggle her head around. None of the women in my family have any sense of direction and my little Minkster is no different - clueless about where she needs to go out from!

Best wishes to all September sweet peas and your little bundles.

Minky XXX
ive got a really lethargic baby last few days....anyone else feel like they sort of dont remember from time to time when the baby moves because your so forgetfull?! i know hes ok cause if i prod around a bit he moves but its definately got less and less is this normal?
Apparently movement peaks at 32 weeks and then slows down after that as they have less room to move but if you're worried, give the MW or hospital a ring
i am worried but i think cause ive been scaring myself, he does move but whenever i sit and think about when he last moved i get this feeling....been trying to poke him into moving tonight and all ive got back is one or two nudges will probably call in the morning if he isnt lively.. :s im just freaking out now im at the end ive got a friend who lost her baby at 35 weeks and another who had a stillborn baby and i am just so so paranoid. hes never been as lively as some people say their babys are but i just wish he was a bit more sometimes to stop me worrying x
i am worried but i think cause ive been scaring myself, he does move but whenever i sit and think about when he last moved i get this feeling....been trying to poke him into moving tonight and all ive got back is one or two nudges will probably call in the morning if he isnt lively.. :s im just freaking out now im at the end ive got a friend who lost her baby at 35 weeks and another who had a stillborn baby and i am just so so paranoid. hes never been as lively as some people say their babys are but i just wish he was a bit more sometimes to stop me worrying x

Aww of course you're gonna worry. But it really is normal for them to quieten down the closer we get to the end. Try eating some chocolate, drinking some fizzy drinks or something reeeeally cold. And lay on your left side! My bubs has been quieter for the past few days AND his or her heartrate has dropped... both of which my midwife told me yesterday is totally normal.
as i started typing he literally did some spazzy wriggling movement :) just wish i had a baby that moved all the time id rather be kept up all night with kicks! is it normal for me to be able to like move him from side to side by pushing on my
I have a very active baby.. his movements have gotten stronger, not less as time has gone on. The moment I lay down or relax, he is moving again. :haha: sometimes I get a lot of movements all over, but usually he is moving around on the right side. He doesn't really like loud noices though, he goes really still when that happens. But he has started moving whenever he hears is daddies voice.. so cute!
i think he was having a lazy day - problem is when your in the mind set all you can think is my baby never moves waaaa and forget all the times when actually ive been unable to get to sleep cause of it lol. he started kicking late last night and is kicking loads this morning right up high near my ribs so im happy :) he isnt as lively as some peoples babys but hey maybe im gonna have a lazy little cub who likes to sleep all day :) im not sure if he responds to my voice or anything i havent really noticed it :s
I read somewhere that babies often move less in the last couple of months cos they haven't got as much room to leap about in, so don't worry, First timer.
phew just been catching up with the thread from the last few days!!

Ryliesmummy - absolutely love the scan photos cant believe how clear they are, wish i had a 4d scan now.

re: changing boys nappies, best tip i could give is open the nappy, give it a minute of fresh air then close it again, otherwise youve got a wee fountain in your face lol i would be more scared of doing a girls nappy now

i went to midwife otherday, convinced baby had dropped, been having lots of period pain and backache, and lots of people said bump had shrunk.....nope, head down but still free, and bump is measuring 2 weeks in front at 35!! still having all the symptoms so i guess its just normal.

Baby is still very very active, i am worried he is going to be a hyper child lol. the other night we ate peppercorn chicken for tea which was quite spicy, and then had a chocolate bar......well he was going mental in there for about 3 hours :haha:
33 weeks today = Honeydew time! Woop! That watermelon is starting to feel a lot more real/scary now than when I was 12 weeks and it seemed so far away! haha x x x

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