September Sweet Peas- Join Here

Well I am just struggling. Haven't been on in a couple days because I have been feeling like crap 24/7 since Friday night. I haven't been throwing up, but I feel nauseous all day long and my appetite is completely gone. It's very frustrating. I'm trying to think of the positive side of things, but man this is taking it's toll on me. It's been really hard getting up and going to work....all day I think about going home to sleep.

Anyone have any advice? Things to help...suggestions on what to eat?
I just saw my doctor today and she told me that ginger tea really helps. If the nausea is quite bad and you are having troubke with it, your doctor can actually give you a medication to help that is perfectly safe for baby.

I have my first ultrasound on Tuesday! Yay!!! :happydance:
Well I am just struggling. Haven't been on in a couple days because I have been feeling like crap 24/7 since Friday night. I haven't been throwing up, but I feel nauseous all day long and my appetite is completely gone. It's very frustrating. I'm trying to think of the positive side of things, but man this is taking it's toll on me. It's been really hard getting up and going to work....all day I think about going home to sleep.

Anyone have any advice? Things to help...suggestions on what to eat?

That is exactly how im feeling Day and night 24/7... it really gets me down somedays because i just wanna not feel sick!!!

Im shattered all the time aswell! i have cried so much the last few days because of the way i am feeling:cry:

I should be so happy, but feel really YUKKY!!

Ive tried Ginger biscuits they help a little bit... an ive found not to let myself get to hungry as it makes it worse for me, i have to force something down because i have lost my appetite...

If you find anything better le me know pleaaasssssssssee:thumbup:
Hello Ladies,

I just wanted to see how everyone is doing today. How is pregnancy life so far? I'm doing great and not having many symptoms so I guess thats good. I went back to the doctor yesterday the 11th and my HCG is now 1063 so she said it's moving up good. Last HCG test was done back on the 4th and it was 75 so in 7 days it went up by 988. I'm only 5 weeks today so I guess that is a good level for my stage of pregnancy. I have my 1st scan on Feb 7th and I will be 8 + 5 so I should be able to see the heartbeat and all that good stuff. Overall, I feel really good and look forward to seeing my little baby.

On another note I was wondering if I could get the little september sweet pea sign to add to my profile and if someone can tell me how to set up a pregnancy ticky on here. I'n new to all of this. Thank you.

Hi Breavis, we have the same due date! :)

The Sweet Pea sign is : https: // but no spaces between https: and the rest. You just go into your user cp and choose edit signature and paste it in there.

My ticker is from [url][/url].

Hi Breavis, we have the same due date! :)

The Sweet Pea sign is : https: // but no spaces between https: and the rest. You just go into your user cp and choose edit signature and paste it in there.

My ticker is from [url][/url].

[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"][B]Hey, Thanks alot for the help. That's pretty cool that we have the same due date. If interested we can be bump buddies, I don't have one yet and think it may be fun.. I see your ticker is pink so does that mean you wanna a girl?[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Hi, I would like to join, I thought I was due 12th September (which would have been cool as it is our wedding anniversary) but saw the doctor yesterday and he said September 13th! It doesn't really matter after 6 months TTC I am just glad we are hopefully on our way!
I have some mild symptoms, but I am really wishing the next few weeks away, so we can get to 12 weeks and start sharing the news!!!

It is so nice being able to talk about it here and share with somebody!!

Well I am just struggling. Haven't been on in a couple days because I have been feeling like crap 24/7 since Friday night. I haven't been throwing up, but I feel nauseous all day long and my appetite is completely gone. It's very frustrating. I'm trying to think of the positive side of things, but man this is taking it's toll on me. It's been really hard getting up and going to work....all day I think about going home to sleep.

Anyone have any advice? Things to help...suggestions on what to eat?

I felt like that in my last pregnancy and this one and my only suggestion is to keep eating enough to keep your blood sugar level up (it is when it drops that I feel the worst). Also a walk in the fresh air helps (if you have enough energy!). For me the sickness passed suddenly at 10.5 weeks last time.

Very excited to reach 7 weeks today! For me each week feels like a massive milestone at the moment :happydance: First midwife appointment tomorrow.

Well I am just struggling. Haven't been on in a couple days because I have been feeling like crap 24/7 since Friday night. I haven't been throwing up, but I feel nauseous all day long and my appetite is completely gone. It's very frustrating. I'm trying to think of the positive side of things, but man this is taking it's toll on me. It's been really hard getting up and going to work....all day I think about going home to sleep.

Anyone have any advice? Things to help...suggestions on what to eat?
Ar i started to feel like that on Tuesday been the same since feels like i have a hangover all the time lol . -Scared to eat incase it comes back up , been nibbling raisins seems to really help and mint tea is good too . . I am doing exams and work at the moment too so quite tiring. X
Hello everyone!! I am 4 weeks today and I am due on Sept 22nd according to the internet. And it will be my 2nd child. :) xxx
My hormones seem to be working overdrive today feeling very tearful and grumpy , i have really bad acheing and cramps aswell so bad it woke me up in the night :nope:
I don't want to get too excited just yet BUT I think my spotting may have stopped......there was nothing there last time I checked so I'm hoping that all this utter boredom of lying down for 2.5 days solid now is paying off (touch wood).

My boss has been hassling me a bit today about going back in tomorrow but I just want to wait and see what the rest of tonight and tomorrow morning bring. I've been so down with worry that if I went and it started again I think I'd cry :cry:

I'm so glad to have such a lovely group of people to share this with :hugs::hugs:

That's great news! Pay no attention to your boss and look after yourself :flower: Does your boss know you are pg?

Mackay, I have been feeling really sick in the morning and really don't feel like eating but after I force some cereal down (mini shredded wheat) with a glass of OJ it really does help settle my tummy a little :thumbup: I also have some crystalised ginger to nibble on which seems to help also.
That's great news! Pay no attention to your boss and look after yourself :flower: Does your boss know you are pg?

Mackay, I have been feeling really sick in the morning and really don't feel like eating but after I force some cereal down (mini shredded wheat) with a glass of OJ it really does help settle my tummy a little :thumbup: I also have some crystalised ginger to nibble on which seems to help also.

Yes he does, he was actually OK again when I spoke to him this morning - maybe he was having a bad day.

I've got the crystalised ginger too which helped but my sickness seems to have dissapeared now. I've got really bad dizziness today though, feels like I'm swimming round the room even though I'm sat still.....

I also had a bout of crying for no reason last night and apparently my OH "is getting used to the mood swings", ha what mood swings??? hehe

I had quite bad cramps really early on which woke me up momandpeanut.

Hope you are all well :kiss:
Hello everyone!! I am 4 weeks today and I am due on Sept 22nd according to the internet. And it will be my 2nd child. :) xxx

Welcome ive added you to the list :happydance:

Thank you!!! :) I hope I am not having too much stress cuz of my son is driving me up the wall!!

i know the feeling i have a 2 year old who has discovered the fine art of tantrums ! :haha:

LOL! My son is only 15 months old and not yet walking but love to crawling everywhere! x
I am so glad to see that I am not the only one that is dealing with hormones AND a toddler! Think it's the worst combination. I have already been in tears twice this morning (obviously without him seeing!) as he has the devil in him today!!! Thankfully no MS yet - not sure I will be able to deal with that as well!
girlies.........i feel so ill :( i am eating every 30-60 mins to keep sickness at bay at the min...still of work too. Absolutely NO WAY i can work like this! i am literally wondering how the hell am i gonna keep eating like this??? See, if i don't eat the sickness comes back with a vengeance and only goes away with food! sent my sister tesco's with a list of every fruit available to buy for me....i see fruit as the way forward instead of marmite sandwiches and monster munch like i'm eating now :)
How is everyone else today? got my scan on monday wohoo!!! xxx
p.s. mom2ben - yeah sickness and a toddler = not a great combination! my daughter is 3 1/2 and even though she entertains herself a lot of the time, it is very hard fulfilling her requests when ur trying to stop urself chucking up in the process. lol x

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