September Sweet Peas- Join Here

Oh Mackey, that must have been sooo scary. I'm glad that your baby is 'sticky' and is fighting to hang around. It must have been fantastic to see your bean's little heart beating away. What a relief!

I think you're due on the same day as me, so fingers crossed, I'll be able to see my baby's heartbeat at my ultrasound next Tuesday too.

Minky X
Hi momandpeanut

It's a shame you can't get the hospital that you want this time around. I've only been to Walsgrave once years ago to visit my Nana, so don't really know what it is like. Remember that staff and facilities will probably have changed a bit over the last 2 / 3 years, so it might be much better this time.

I had a horrible experience last time too, but it was mainly due to being induced, I think. I was caught in a hellish limbo for 3 days and nights before my boy arrived by emergency C-section with me under general anaesthetic! I'd do anything to avoid that this time. I believe it would have been different if I'd been allowed to wait a few more days till my little one was ready to come out naturally. The main problem was the way his head was flexed which was stopping labour progressing.

Minky X
When did everyone start getting mornign sickness??? I haven't had any of it yet!!!

I think we O'd on the same day! :haha: I had my first touch of MS on wednesday this week (4wks+4), felt icky like I could run for the bathroom. But it passed, and I've had a little touch of queasiness a couple of times since. Not much, and I have hardly any other symptoms! It varies for each person. Part of me wants to be puking in order to know that all is well, but I'm sure I'll be kicking myself for that thought very soon.

I am more concerned at the moment about the little bit of spotting that I am having. I had no idea how afraid I would be after finally getting that BFP :cry: First ultrasound on thursday next week to see if things are okay.

Good luck with the ultrasound, ready4baby,

I'll be thinking of you on Thursday. :hugs:, Minky X
wow you sound alot like me !

we were stuck for days with labour not progressing and no one would listen to me that i felt something was wrong eventually i ended up in threatre and logan was delivered but he has an oversized soft spot so he couldnt push down to be born.

I have put my order in for a nice straight forward birth this time :haha:
WDW Jess, not sure on the larger breasts, but you don't generally get "all" the symptoms. You might just belucky and not get the sore boobs, Im a C and got like a day of being aware of them with my 1st, and that was it. GOt a tingling in them before BFP this time, and that's it again? Maybe I'm lucky too! :)
Thanks for your input sam. I know everybody is different with symptoms I was just curious really after talking to my friend. I guess there is no real answer for why some women experience some symptoms and not others. :shrug: Who knows?!
Good luck ready4baby,
I know what you mean about spotting being scary. I just had a tiny bit last Tuesday and nothing since but it put me into a state of paranoia for a couple of days. I've got a scan next Tuesday. The waiting is hard, isn't it? Try to focus on the fact that lots of women spot in the first trimester and go on to have healthy babies.
Minky X

Thank you minky! :hugs: I truly hope that all works out well for you & I. I'm sure you are okay with just a bit of spotting one day! Unfortunately, mine has increased in the last two days, and I am now wearing a liner. Still, no cramping, and it's possible that things are still ok. However it is really, really hard to have a good attitude about it and believe that all is well in there. I thought getting pregnant would just be exciting, and I so wish that it will be that way again. Ultrasound Thursday, unless I call & ask to have it moved sooner.
Hi Ready4baby, hope everything is ok with your little bean, try to stay positive and hopefully all goes well at your ultrasound. I'll be keeping my fx for you! :)
Hi everyone, can I join? :flower:

I got my bfp monday eve, the night before af was due to show her face. I really thought I was out this month but luckily I was wrong! :happydance:

My edd is 20.9.2011 going by my LMP and very obvious O date (I get quite strong ov pains).

I can't wait to get to know you all over the next 8 months while we "patiently" wait for our lo's arrivals.

Welcome shutterbug and sweetpea :happydance:

Congratulations on your :bfp:

you have both been added to the list :thumbup:
Scariest day of my life yesterday.

I threw up violently in the morning....and took a nap immediately after. When I woke up there was a ton of bright red blood. I was balling my eyes out and called my doctor. I went in to see her and she told me that it sounded like i miscarried. There was so much blood....

I had to go for an ultrasound in the afternoon to confirm things. It was devastating....I was going for my first ultrasound to have someone tell me that my baby was gone. I got on the table and cried as the tech started. And then she turned the screen....and showed me my baby's heart beat. IT WAS A MIRACLE! She said my baby was perfectly fine and had a great heart rate. I can't even describe the moment.

It looks like I must have ruptured something from puking so hard. So now I'm on bed rest until at least Tuesday.

My OH and I were in utter shock. We had already told the family that I miscarried. I still don't want to get too excited....because there is still time for things to go wrong again. I'm terrified to throw up again....and I've had 24/7 nausea for a week straight now.

All I can say now is THANK GOD! This baby is fighter :)

Sorry for the long post.

Aww so glad everything is ok ;-) try and relax for a few days now. xx
I can't believe it but I'm finally getting to join you guys!!! My DH and I have been trying for 2 years and I finally got my :bfp: on Jan 6th. My EDD is Sept 15th. I was totally shocked since we had been doing Clomid off and on for a while and this was an off month due to the holidays. Guess it just happens when it happens and not a moment (or cycle!) before then.

Been feeling pretty good so far. I have mild constipation, mild occasional nausea, sore boobs, mild cramping and fatigue. I have had a bit of a strange sympton, itchy boobs. Periodically over the past 2 days my nipples have itched like mad for around 30 min or so usually one at a time. Anyone else having this?!

I have my first midwife appointment on Feb 2nd so fingers are crossed that everything will be well.
My breasts are 38d/dd and they are sore! Feels like I am carrying around bricks!

I have had a lot of cramping, it got pretty painful last night and I started having issues with my girly parts, a call to the doc decided I have a yeast infection! First ever! No dr appt til the 31st unless the y.I. Treatment doesn't work. Can a yeast infection cause more cramping/pain?? With the first treatment the painful ones went away and I am still just having light cramping. That I am okay with! Growing room for baby!
Had a bit of a scare tonight. I started having a very sharp cramps. I kept going to the bathroom expecting to see blood but never did. Then I realized it was gas cramps I was feeling :blush: I'm still very uncomfortable but at least the worry factor has been reduced!
Had a bit of a scare tonight. I started having a very sharp cramps. I kept going to the bathroom expecting to see blood but never did. Then I realized it was gas cramps I was feeling :blush: I'm still very uncomfortable but at least the worry factor has been reduced!

ME TOO!! I got so scared last night because of the sharp pains!! But it was the same thing.. :haha:
TMI - been having horrible constipation too! Eating fiber, fruit, drinking lots of water and walking everyday.. but still no action in that department! :blush: gas but nothing else.. don't like taking medication if I don't need to, so thinking I might try to get some prune juice :haha: and see if that works.. sigh.. the joys of preganacy.. wouldn't change it for the world! :thumbup:
I can't believe it but I'm finally getting to join you guys!!! My DH and I have been trying for 2 years and I finally got my :bfp: on Jan 6th. My EDD is Sept 15th. I was totally shocked since we had been doing Clomid off and on for a while and this was an off month due to the holidays. Guess it just happens when it happens and not a moment (or cycle!) before then.

Been feeling pretty good so far. I have mild constipation, mild occasional nausea, sore boobs, mild cramping and fatigue. I have had a bit of a strange sympton, itchy boobs. Periodically over the past 2 days my nipples have itched like mad for around 30 min or so usually one at a time. Anyone else having this?!

I have my first midwife appointment on Feb 2nd so fingers are crossed that everything will be well.

Congrats!! :D :hugs:

i'm due 7th september with first baby, so so excited but also really nervous about getting past 12 weeks!

minor syptoms so far nothing spectacular tho which im strangely slightly disappointed about although ill regret saying that i'm sure!
ME TOO!! I got so scared last night because of the sharp pains!! But it was the same thing.. :haha:
TMI - been having horrible constipation too! Eating fiber, fruit, drinking lots of water and walking everyday.. but still no action in that department! :blush: gas but nothing else.. don't like taking medication if I don't need to, so thinking I might try to get some prune juice :haha: and see if that works.. sigh.. the joys of preganacy.. wouldn't change it for the world! :thumbup:

I've heard prune juice is very good for this so worth a try! Hope you are feeling better soon :flower:

Following spotting last sunday I have had a very tiny amount of brown spotting this weekend. I am not worried and very calm but going to call the doc when they are open tomorrow to let her know. I am also feeling extremely sick today :sick: and can't seem to shift it with my usual methods :nope:

Hope everyone is doing good :thumbup:
Had a bit of a scare tonight. I started having a very sharp cramps. I kept going to the bathroom expecting to see blood but never did. Then I realized it was gas cramps I was feeling :blush: I'm still very uncomfortable but at least the worry factor has been reduced!

ME TOO!! I got so scared last night because of the sharp pains!! But it was the same thing.. :haha:
TMI - been having horrible constipation too! Eating fiber, fruit, drinking lots of water and walking everyday.. but still no action in that department! :blush: gas but nothing else.. don't like taking medication if I don't need to, so thinking I might try to get some prune juice :haha: and see if that works.. sigh.. the joys of preganacy.. wouldn't change it for the world! :thumbup:

I had this yesterday too. Doubled me over. I knew it was gas though. I am the opposite when I am pregnant. I poop at least twice a day. I was going 3-4 times a day by the end of my pregnancy with my son. I also remember having really really REALLY bad gas around 7-8 weeks. I wonder if that will happen again.

Is anyone else just super crazy thirsty? I've never been this thirsty in my life.

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