September Sweet Peas- Join Here

Hey Neversaynever

I nearly chose the Womens Hospital, but went for Redditch because some of my friends have been there and liked it. As our due date is only a day apart, we might have ended up as neighbours on the ward - surreal.

I know what you mean about telling people - its tough to keep pregnancy quiet when its affecting how you feel and how you work. But personally I find the tradition of secrecy till you reach 12 weeks quite strange (though I still stick to it up to a point :blush:). The logic behind it seems to be that you can't tell anyone earlier because then, if something went wrong, people would know that something had gone wrong. Why would that be a bad thing?

Maybe its also because couples like having their private little secret (I can understand that) or because they don't want to jinx things. As I know several people who have lost babies recently, I'm much more anxious about m/c than I was with my first pregnancy, so maybe that's why I'm keeping quiet. What about the rest of you? How do you feel about this issue?

Scan tomorrow - pooing my pants about it, but excited too. :wacko:

Minky X

A handful of people knew early on last cycle before the mc. I am torn when to tell people now. It's just that I hated the pity looks and strange silences of those not really knowing what to say around me. So I guess I'm hesitant to spread the word now more for their sakes than anything else lol!

I will probably wait until I get a scan, hoping for an early one... but I don't think I can wait until ~12wks
Oh I'm so sorry Ready4baby, my thoughts are with you and I hope everything will work out for you.
Well, the MS has kicked in today for me at 6 weeks exactly :(

I have been trying to eat really healthily up until now (as I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy) but all that is making me feel better are sweet things! I've already had 2 chocolates this morning and anything savoury is making me gag!

Really hope it doesn't last until 12 weeks. It's really hard feeling sick with a toddler!

How is everyone else doing?

I am planning on enjoying this week as much as possible, because my MS hit me at 6 weeks with my son as well. I am so there with you about feeling sick with a toddler. My son is sooo active, it's just not going to be fun. Plus my DH keeps telling me it's mind over matter, and I swear I am going to punch him for it.

That made me laugh! My DH is really supportive but I'm sure he thinks I'm milking it for all it's worth! He has no idea how exhausting this is.

My husband is the same way lol... Im only about to be 4 weeks and I've already started feeling nauseous at night, lower back aches, headaches, running to the bathroom all the time, sore chest, and so incredibly tired all the while having to run after my two year old.... this pregnancy is way different than my first lol... and my hubby thinks im just faking it
looks like i'm leaving had some spotting and HCG only rising slowly but very low :(
Good morning everyone!
Hope you're all doing well!
Is anyone else feeling sooooo hungry yet kinda queasy at the same time?
I've really gone off drinking water, makes me feel a bit sick but I'm fine if it has cordial in it. My sense of smell seems to have gone so mega sensitive!
Certain foods just turn my stomach and I feel like if something doesn't appeal to me then I just can't eat it.
Does anyone else have this on and off queasiness throughout the day?

Heather x
Hi, it looks like I have to withdraw from the September Sweet spotting unfortunately was not a good sign & my HCG levels have dropped off. :cry: Thank you for your support; I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies!

Aww so sorry ;-( ... Goodluck in your future baby making!

Good morning everyone!
Hope you're all doing well!
Is anyone else feeling sooooo hungry yet kinda queasy at the same time?
I've really gone off drinking water, makes me feel a bit sick but I'm fine if it has cordial in it. My sense of smell seems to have gone so mega sensitive!
Certain foods just turn my stomach and I feel like if something doesn't appeal to me then I just can't eat it.
Does anyone else have this on and off queasiness throughout the day?

Heather x

I'm like this. I can't seem to find any kind of food appealing at the moment which means I can't stand the thought of eating anything but I need to eat to stop feeling sick. It's driving me mad. My waves of nausea have become overpowering. Really struggled at work yesterday then was awake from 3am this morning with it and so have called in sick today. Just couldn't face going in and pretending I feel fine when really I feel as sick as a dog!
Hi, it looks like I have to withdraw from the September Sweet spotting unfortunately was not a good sign & my HCG levels have dropped off. :cry: Thank you for your support; I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies!

I'm really sorry for your loss ready4baby. Wish you all the best for the future. x
Does anyone else have the opposite of constipation?? I'm constantly at the toilet its making me feel really horrible.
I'm not sure if I am queasy! My stomach just has this... "weird" feeling. Like it's heavy but I can't tell if it's slight cramps, hunger, or gas!
hi girls - can i join you? i got my bfp a few days ago. my due date will be september 25th. i've had a chemical pregnancy before so i'm trying not to get my hopes up but its difficult as i'm reaallllly excited as well!!! how are you all feeling? symptoms started yet?
Morning ladies, hope you're all doing well!

I had a little bit of a scare last night... I was on my exercise bike for about 30 min then shortly after that I had a little light red spotting, but no cramps. This was the first time I've had any spotting so now I'm a little concerned... Anyone else experience anything like this after exercise? I'm in pretty good shape and I exercise a few times/week (mostly walking and exercise bike). Hopefully my little jellybean is ok...

Other than that I've been feeling pretty good, no ms or nausea yet. Just feeling really tired, mild cramps/tightness in belly that comes and goes, sensitive bbs, and extremely thirsty! My first visit with the midwife is booked for next week, can't wait!
Does anyone else have the opposite of constipation?? I'm constantly at the toilet its making me feel really horrible.

Me too! Sorry for the TMI. :blush: But I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. Maybe it's because I've been drinking water like a mad woman?
i go from one extreme to the other at the moment! lol xx
Wow, this thread has grown. I've not been on in a few days as I've been so tired and feeling soooooo sick, MS has definitely hit me hard now. I'm almost regretting wishing for it.

Anyways my spotting has completely stopped since Friday, so I'm hoping things are doing well. I go from feeling so sick I can't even think about food to all of a sudden being ridiculously hungry - I've eaten so much today but I am still starving! I've been going to bed loads earlier than normal and I'm still exhausted all the time.

I've got my first midwife appointment on the 2nd Feb so not long to wait, got an ultrasound on Thursday (it's to check on my bladder but I'm hoping I'll be able to see something of my little pea on there) so it's all pretty exciting.

Big hugs to everyone :hugs: xx
Hi everyone.
I've had some brown cm tonight which has absolutely terrified me. It didn't seem to last long and has gone off now but it's certainly got me worried!
I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so I will mention it to her.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Heather x
To heather1212 and sunflower30

I had some spotting with brownish blood on one day last week (at about 6 wks 4 days) and a scan today confirmed that my little bean is ok and that its heart is beating away already, :happydance::happydance: so I hope yours will both be the same. I was told that a little bit of isolated spotting is not a worry. It can be caused by either:
a) old blood from implantation that has worked its way out (more likely if you have brownish cm)
b) spotting from your cervix which is often slightly inflamed in pregnancy (more likely if you have a little bit of pinkish spotting and have had sex recently or have been involved in heavy exercise)

I hope this is helpful. Good luck!

Minky X
Hey Neversaynever

I nearly chose the Womens Hospital, but went for Redditch because some of my friends have been there and liked it. As our due date is only a day apart, we might have ended up as neighbours on the ward - surreal.

I know what you mean about telling people - its tough to keep pregnancy quiet when its affecting how you feel and how you work. But personally I find the tradition of secrecy till you reach 12 weeks quite strange (though I still stick to it up to a point :blush:). The logic behind it seems to be that you can't tell anyone earlier because then, if something went wrong, people would know that something had gone wrong. Why would that be a bad thing?

Maybe its also because couples like having their private little secret (I can understand that) or because they don't want to jinx things. As I know several people who have lost babies recently, I'm much more anxious about m/c than I was with my first pregnancy, so maybe that's why I'm keeping quiet. What about the rest of you? How do you feel about this issue?

Scan tomorrow - pooing my pants about it, but excited too. :wacko:

Minky X

A handful of people knew early on last cycle before the mc. I am torn when to tell people now. It's just that I hated the pity looks and strange silences of those not really knowing what to say around me. So I guess I'm hesitant to spread the word now more for their sakes than anything else lol!

I will probably wait until I get a scan, hoping for an early one... but I don't think I can wait until ~12wks

That's a really good point about keeping quiet as a means of sparing yourself and others the looks and silences if things go wrong.

Anyway, I hope that this pregnancy is a good one for you, with none of the above being relevant. Have a happy and healthy 9 months and try to get that early scan if you can. XXX

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