September Sweet Peas- Join Here

I've been having morning sickness since I found out I was pregnant but had only once thrown up.....until today! I've been up off and on since 3 a.m. becoming best friends with the toilet....not fun! It's about 9:15 here in Texas and I've already thrown up 5 this normal? I'm trying to eat saltines and drink ginger ale but the nausea still returns. I'm also having a lot of bowel moments...Help!

Could be the MS, but sounds more like a bug. I hope you feel better soon.

Where in TX are you?
Sorry for you loss Phoenix:hug:

KitKat and PinkPolkaDot, I am saying prayers for both of you... I hope all goes well and your little beans are safe and sound.

I had a very successful weekend keeping the news from the in-laws who came into town to visit. I even had the waitress at dinner last night slipping me apple juice in a wine glass to throw off suspicion. I was super worried it would be totally obvious because I haven't been able to go an hour all week without peeing or stuffing my face, but I just kept granola bars in my purse and ate them when I went to the bathroom :) So, unless they didn't buy my excuses for running to the bathroom more often (i.e. "whew, drank too much tea this morning!"), I think we're in the clear...
I have been away for weekend visited my mum, and I feel so sickly and food has put me off and trying to eat but dont want to! I think it is different this time around, and fed up with coughs but it is not that bad!

Off on food is normal?

So sorry Phoenix! Hope u will get what u wanted one day. Xxx
I have no interest in food either. I know I should be eating well but nothing is appealing to me. Really just started this week, been a bit queasy but no sickness so I am trying not to complain to much.

Making some comfort food today, hoping it will entice me! lol
Hi everyone,
I just joined today. I went in for my first OBGYN visit, which I guess was a little late... as apparently I'm 7W pregnant already. EEK! I sound like such a slow poke compared to everyone else. Last period was Nov 22. Estimated due date is Sept 7, 2011. I think I ovulated late (18 days instead of 14, due to stress) and I think my baby is really only 6 w along. I did all my regular tests. I didn't know that I could get an ultrasound so soon and was shocked when my doc shoved this pole up me and suddenly she's like "there's your little baby". I was shocked. I mean, its a little bean, 1.3CM long and i even saw its heart fluttering. I can't believe I'm already so far along!! I only found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago!

I'm nervous but excited. Its hard because I dont want to tell anyone until 15 weeks after the genetic tests are all done. I had a friend have a miscarriage and everyone knew she was pregnant...and then ppl were wondering what happened :(. I'm trying not to stress but the toughest part is not having anyone to talk to.

I had a bit of spotting and thats what sent me to see the OBGYN this week. She said i have a fragile cervix.... friable cervix that bleeds easily and she said shes not concerned as i'm not bleeding internally. she says its normal to spot.

So far... the only symptom I've had is gas. No nausea. no vomiting. Only a tad more tired than usual. But I don't feel pregnant at all. Its just the gas. I am a farting machine. It won't stop. I heard its the progesterone that causes the gas. I have to rush to the bathroom at work to pass gas because it sounds like an explosion. It is so embarassing. That's the only side effect I've had and its just awful. I knock myself out with the stench.

Looking forward to reading the posts on here!
Anyone else feeling really bloated? I have been so bloated lately. I went and got a pregnancy belly band so I could wear my jeans unbuttoned. Not supposed to have to do that this early. :(
Hi everyone,
I just joined today. I went in for my first OBGYN visit, which I guess was a little late... as apparently I'm 7W pregnant already. EEK! I sound like such a slow poke compared to everyone else. Last period was Nov 22. Estimated due date is Sept 7, 2011. I think I ovulated late (18 days instead of 14, due to stress) and I think my baby is really only 6 w along. I did all my regular tests. I didn't know that I could get an ultrasound so soon and was shocked when my doc shoved this pole up me and suddenly she's like "there's your little baby". I was shocked. I mean, its a little bean, 1.3CM long and i even saw its heart fluttering. I can't believe I'm already so far along!! I only found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago!

I'm nervous but excited. Its hard because I dont want to tell anyone until 15 weeks after the genetic tests are all done. I had a friend have a miscarriage and everyone knew she was pregnant...and then ppl were wondering what happened :(. I'm trying not to stress but the toughest part is not having anyone to talk to.

I had a bit of spotting and thats what sent me to see the OBGYN this week. She said i have a fragile cervix.... friable cervix that bleeds easily and she said shes not concerned as i'm not bleeding internally. she says its normal to spot.

So far... the only symptom I've had is gas. No nausea. no vomiting. Only a tad more tired than usual. But I don't feel pregnant at all. Its just the gas. I am a farting machine. It won't stop. I heard its the progesterone that causes the gas. I have to rush to the bathroom at work to pass gas because it sounds like an explosion. It is so embarassing. That's the only side effect I've had and its just awful. I knock myself out with the stench.

Looking forward to reading the posts on here!

lol at babyjojo your post made me laugh 'you knock yourself out with the stench :dohh: lol me 2. I am 4 week and a bit and i keep getting loads of gas. I had loads of gas before i was pregnant now it seems to have doubled lol:haha: Apart from that i don't have any symptoms :happydance:.
Thank you for making me laugh good luck with your pregnancy. Good luck everyone here to 2011 yummy mummies :hugs:
Samantha- I'm in the Dallas area.

Update on the nausea and vomiting....finally called my doctor after 12 hours of vomiting...they called in Zofran for me. I just took it and the vomiting has stopped but not the nausea. If it doesn't work, I have to go to the hospital to be evaluated for dehydration.
Can i be added to the September sweet peas please? I am due around 29-28-27 September depending on which due calculator u use lol:happydance: I found out 13DPO. Congrats!! 2 every1 that is expecting.
This is my first baby and i am so excited and loving every min of it. I can't wait to have my lil miracle wrap up in my arms, you're the first thing i think about when i get up in the morning and the last thing i think about at night. Mummy love you so much:hugs:I hope ur all well and am here if any1 wants a chat.
Good luck hope everyone have a successful pregnancy :hugs:
Hey Browning,

Yah the gas started probably when I was around 4 weeks and when I didn't even know I was pregnant. I am getting bloating too. I mean I'm 7 weeks and I already have a bump. I dont think its the baby bump, but more of a tummy bump. Either way I am very thin, and I have no idea how I will hide this bump for 2 more months at work. I dont want them to know I'm pregnant, but a small bump on me will be so obvious. I'm freaking out because I have to be very careful what to wear as everything seems to show my bump :(. I will definitely be wearing more pants, blazers... empire tops... and sucking it in every chance I get. I dont want to tell anyone til 15 wks when I have the genetic testing done. I dont think this fat bump of mine will hold :(

Hi everyone,
I just joined today. I went in for my first OBGYN visit, which I guess was a little late... as apparently I'm 7W pregnant already. EEK! I sound like such a slow poke compared to everyone else. Last period was Nov 22. Estimated due date is Sept 7, 2011. I think I ovulated late (18 days instead of 14, due to stress) and I think my baby is really only 6 w along. I did all my regular tests. I didn't know that I could get an ultrasound so soon and was shocked when my doc shoved this pole up me and suddenly she's like "there's your little baby". I was shocked. I mean, its a little bean, 1.3CM long and i even saw its heart fluttering. I can't believe I'm already so far along!! I only found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago!

I'm nervous but excited. Its hard because I dont want to tell anyone until 15 weeks after the genetic tests are all done. I had a friend have a miscarriage and everyone knew she was pregnant...and then ppl were wondering what happened :(. I'm trying not to stress but the toughest part is not having anyone to talk to.

I had a bit of spotting and thats what sent me to see the OBGYN this week. She said i have a fragile cervix.... friable cervix that bleeds easily and she said shes not concerned as i'm not bleeding internally. she says its normal to spot.

So far... the only symptom I've had is gas. No nausea. no vomiting. Only a tad more tired than usual. But I don't feel pregnant at all. Its just the gas. I am a farting machine. It won't stop. I heard its the progesterone that causes the gas. I have to rush to the bathroom at work to pass gas because it sounds like an explosion. It is so embarassing. That's the only side effect I've had and its just awful. I knock myself out with the stench.

Looking forward to reading the posts on here!

lol at babyjojo your post made me laugh 'you knock yourself out with the stench :dohh: lol me 2. I am 4 week and a bit and i keep getting loads of gas. I had loads of gas before i was pregnant now it seems to have doubled lol:haha: Apart from that i don't have any symptoms :happydance:.
Thank you for making me laugh good luck with your pregnancy. Good luck everyone here to 2011 yummy mummies :hugs:
Ugh. I think I have a sinus infection. I'm used to getting them but I'm off my normal asthma meds and I can't take decongestants so I'm pretty miserable now. I'll go see my doctor tomorrow, probably need an antibiotic. Hope everone else is doing well!
Hey Browning,

Yah the gas started probably when I was around 4 weeks and when I didn't even know I was pregnant. I am getting bloating too. I mean I'm 7 weeks and I already have a bump. I dont think its the baby bump, but more of a tummy bump. Either way I am very thin, and I have no idea how I will hide this bump for 2 more months at work. I dont want them to know I'm pregnant, but a small bump on me will be so obvious. I'm freaking out because I have to be very careful what to wear as everything seems to show my bump :(. I will definitely be wearing more pants, blazers... empire tops... and sucking it in every chance I get. I dont want to tell anyone til 15 wks when I have the genetic testing done. I dont think this fat bump of mine will hold :(

Hi everyone,
I just joined today. I went in for my first OBGYN visit, which I guess was a little late... as apparently I'm 7W pregnant already. EEK! I sound like such a slow poke compared to everyone else. Last period was Nov 22. Estimated due date is Sept 7, 2011. I think I ovulated late (18 days instead of 14, due to stress) and I think my baby is really only 6 w along. I did all my regular tests. I didn't know that I could get an ultrasound so soon and was shocked when my doc shoved this pole up me and suddenly she's like "there's your little baby". I was shocked. I mean, its a little bean, 1.3CM long and i even saw its heart fluttering. I can't believe I'm already so far along!! I only found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago!

I'm nervous but excited. Its hard because I dont want to tell anyone until 15 weeks after the genetic tests are all done. I had a friend have a miscarriage and everyone knew she was pregnant...and then ppl were wondering what happened :(. I'm trying not to stress but the toughest part is not having anyone to talk to.

I had a bit of spotting and thats what sent me to see the OBGYN this week. She said i have a fragile cervix.... friable cervix that bleeds easily and she said shes not concerned as i'm not bleeding internally. she says its normal to spot.

So far... the only symptom I've had is gas. No nausea. no vomiting. Only a tad more tired than usual. But I don't feel pregnant at all. Its just the gas. I am a farting machine. It won't stop. I heard its the progesterone that causes the gas. I have to rush to the bathroom at work to pass gas because it sounds like an explosion. It is so embarassing. That's the only side effect I've had and its just awful. I knock myself out with the stench.

Looking forward to reading the posts on here!

lol at babyjojo your post made me laugh 'you knock yourself out with the stench :dohh: lol me 2. I am 4 week and a bit and i keep getting loads of gas. I had loads of gas before i was pregnant now it seems to have doubled lol:haha: Apart from that i don't have any symptoms :happydance:.
Thank you for making me laugh good luck with your pregnancy. Good luck everyone here to 2011 yummy mummies :hugs:

Hi babyJojo
So how far gone were you when you found out you were expecting?Were you TTC? or was it NTNP lol:haha:. I found out for sure 14DPO using a digital :test:. I kind of suspected i might be pregnant before i test but i didn't want to get my hopes up. I don't want anyone else to know apart from my OH until my 12 week scan. Work finding out will be the worst thing ever :nope: I am not even going to try and tell my mum at the moment neither because she a devout Christian and i don't know how she will take the news because me and my OH ain't married and we not thinking of getting married anytime soon. I don't need her lecture at the moment i don't want anyone to spoil my happiness :cloud9:I don't know what i am going to do when i start to show. I am a very slim person size 8-10 at the moment and i always wear tight clothes so switching to baggy going to look weird and bring unwanted attention to myself. But i have no choice i am going to wear a lot of baggy clothes and buy those big underwear that hold your belly in lol. I am sure your bump is not as big as you think it is :hugs:. xx
is anyone else cramping? if so how would you describe them?
KitKat and PinkPolkaDot, I am saying prayers for both of you... I hope all goes well and your little beans are safe and sound.

Thanks MerryMint. Just got back from the scan and amazingly everything is fine, we saw baby with little flickering heartbeat, so relieved! :cloud9:
KitKat and PinkPolkaDot, I am saying prayers for both of you... I hope all goes well and your little beans are safe and sound.

Thanks MerryMint. Just got back from the scan and amazingly everything is fine, we saw baby with little flickering heartbeat, so relieved! :cloud9:

thats great news pinkpolkadot great to see that little heart beating away isnt it, i have my scan this friday im now convinced i have a blighted ovam the wait to friday is driving me nuts :wacko:
hey all just back from doctors and she has booked me in for a reasurrance scan for next friday because of a mmc in the past. I didnt expect that, im so delighted hopefully it will put my mind at ease! x x
thats great news pinkpolkadot great to see that little heart beating away isnt it, i have my scan this friday im now convinced i have a blighted ovam the wait to friday is driving me nuts :wacko:

Thanks ladies :flower:

KitKat best of luck with your scan, keep a PMA (I know it's hard, I lost my PMA and was so surprised to hear good news today) :hugs: I know what it's like, the more time you have to wait the more things run through your mind. Your MW sounds positive so that's a good sign :flower:

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