Beautiful lines babyfeva!!! I have yet to get a pink dye FRER, similar tests I've used are blue.
So I have been looking at ideas for when we make the big announcement to everyone via social media. Going to wait until at least after the 8 week appointment, if not 12 weeks. I think these are great!
I've told a few close friends but I haven't shared the news with my family yet

My mom and I haven't really been speaking for months and I'm not close with the rest of my family. My mom is older. She had me at age 43 and she is 74 now. My dad passed away in 2009 at age 70 and my (half) brother passed away this year at age 51

My (half) sister is 49 I believe. I have nieces and nephews, even a great nephew, but I don't really have contact with them, not that I'm against it just everyone is grown and we have lost touch over the months. I know my mom isn't going to be super excited and supportive like his family has been

She has always gotten worked up very easily, like anxiety and stress, and has been dealing with a lot of emotional stuff and depression since the death of my dad and most recently my brother. I am afraid that telling her I am pregnant might hurt her health-wise

I don't want to keep this a secret, just not sure how to go about sharing the news with her... and when...