Hi ladies!
I've been MIA too for a few days and I read all of your posts all at once. Hope I don't forget anybody.
Bug - congrats for passing the 3 hour GD test and very very sorry that you're in such pain! While 11 weeks is a short time really, when you're in agony it definitely feels like centuries ahead! Hope time goes by fast for you!
Ambiguous - sorry that you too are suffering! Hope time goes fast for you too!
Maryanne - cute little princess! So happy to be following her progress after all you've been through!!
To those who asked about Braxton Hicks - yes, it's definitely like the stomach is balling up for a few seconds and up to a minute or two and becomes rock hard. If it isn't rock hard everywhere, then it's probably not BH but rather the baby moving to an awkward position causing some irritation to the uterus, but it's not a proper contraction.
Regarding childcare - I haven't worried about it yet, as I'm self employed, work from home, and plan to be a stay at home mom 'till the end of the year/beginning of 2016. Thereafter I will probably ease back into work, part time to begin with. Depending on how easy or hard it proves to work with a baby at home, we thought we may hire a sitter to come over for a few hours a week while I'm in another room working. But that isn't happening until 2016 at the earliest, if it happens at all.
AFM - well, I had an interesting weekend to say the least. My BH felt like they weren't going away and/or that my stomach remained hard for long periods of time. So I felt compelled to mention it to my doctor and I ended up paging him Sunday morning. He asked me to go to the hospital to be hooked up to the machine and get checked just to be sure. I did and ended up being admitted. I stayed hooked up for several hours, during which it was revealed that very little of what I was experiencing was actual contractions, the rest was just irritable uterus, often caused by the baby moving close to my uterine wall. So that was good, but they still wanted to rule out preterm labor (while it's relatively uncommon, too many BH can sometimes cause thinning and shortening of the cervix). Anyway, so I had to have two vaginal exams 2 hours apart from each other where it was confirmed that my cervix was all nice and sealed up, plus an ultrasound to measure the length of the cervix (and it was still nice and long at 4.1cm). They also did a urine analysis for infections, which came back negative. So preterm labor was ruled out. Even so, they didn't want to let me go just yet

. They kept me overnight hooked up to the contractions machine, gave me an IV as dehydration can intensify contractions, and gave me a dose of Procardia which completely stopped any contractions for a good 10-12 hours. Monday morning my doctor came to visit me, he said all is good and that he wouldn't put me on Procardia, unless I started having many contractions in the future, in which case I am to go back to be checked again. As in, better be safe than sorry. He said I could start magnesium if I wanted (it often helps with contractions) and that I should have lots of fluids and plenty of rest every single day, plus avoid stress and make sure I empty my bladder regularly (a full bladder can also trigger contractions). I was discharged a couple hours later on Monday morning. And that was the end of my little adventure. Now I wonder if I should have even bothered as the whole hospitalization thing felt beyond ridiculous after they ruled out preterm labor, but at least they were able to put my mind at ease, and at least now I'm much better at distinguishing real Braxton Hicks from other things after looking at the patterns on the machine and comparing them to what I was actually feeling (though sometimes it's very difficult and I still have a hard time on occasion - the feeling can be extremely similar).
In other news, pretty excited to be 27 weeks today and into the third trimester!

Just 10 short weeks until the baby is considered full term and 'allowed' to come out

(though I'd rather he waited at least until week 38, as my Mom is coming over all the way from Greece when I will be 37w5d, so it will be better if she's already here for baby's arrival). Also, I've started some market research and plan to officially begin baby shopping within the next 2 weekends