Sorry about your GD test Maryanne!

At least now you know and you'll be managed properly. Glad to hear your little one is doing so well
Glad to hear all of you ladies are doing well and that many of you are planning baby showers!!

Bug - I'm envious about your more frequent appointments! I thought I'd have one every other week once I hit the third trimester, but nope. Mine are still every 4 weeks until week 35. From then on, they become weekly. That's how my OB's practice does it
Question about sore bumps: I have a lot of soreness as well, except mine is not at the top of the bump, but rather at the bottom. It is also kinda like a burning sensation, sometimes in the lower abdomen, sometimes in the back, sometimes both, and mainly on the right side (where baby usually hangs out). Is anyone else experiencing this? Somehow I got it into my head that it may be a UTI/bladder infection (though no other obvious UTI symptoms), but I got it pretty bad last night after I got up to pee. As soon as my bladder was empty that burning pain started both in the lower abdomen and in the lower back and it took a while for it to go away. That's what got me thinking 'could it be something else other than pregnancy discomfort/baby lying on my right side/me carrying low?'. On the other hand, I've had a few urine cultures through this pregnancy and all were negative (including the one I had at the hospital less than 3 weeks ago), plus all the basic urine testing they do at the OB's office at every appointment has always been normal. That being said, none of these samples has ever been first morning urine, so not sure how concentrated any of these might have been

Any input or experiences welcome!
I wonder if I should go out and buy one of these home test kits and use with first morning urine tomorrow and see if this shows anything different. If it does, I'll have to let my OB know immediately, though I know he'll be away this coming week. Hope he's still available to reach if needed, or that he has a stand-in doctor for urgent issues.
Re 3rd trimester ultrasounds - I get short scans (just 1-2 mins) at my OB's office with every appointment, but I wanted to book the big scan at 32 weeks at the same place where they did my NT and anatomy scans a)because it was the recommendation of the doctor there, and b)because my OB is never as thorough as I'd like him to be with his scans. He only looks at the heart beat and amniotic fluid level, but never measures the baby etc., he just eyeballs. So I wanted a more thorough check on the baby, I wanted him measured and his weight estimated etc. etc. since the last time that happened was at 20 weeks and the anatomy scan. If my OB did more thorough scans, I'd most likely skip this 3rd tri scan at the other clinic.