Back from my 38-week OB appointment. No scan today for some reason, but doc listened to the hb with the doppler and it was 160+. I was a little worried that it was a bit too high, but doc said all sounded good and that I was carrying a 'very happy baby'. Truth is, baby was moving during the doppler, so I wonder if that caused his hb to go up. When I listen in with my home doppler, he's usually in the 130s-140s.
I also had the dreaded cervical check per my acupuncturist's recommendation. Unfortunately this didn't provide any good info, other than the cervix still being closed with no dilation and that the baby's head was very low. Doc had trouble locating my cervix because of the baby's head, making the cervix stay behind baby's head. For this reason, he wasn't able to check the baby's exact position (like if he was facing anterior or posterior) 'cause he didn't want to torture me, in his own words, but said he may need to next week to try and get more information. Ugh!
Other than that, we briefly discussed signs of labor and I asked how long he generally waits to induce after the due date if there are no medical problems. To my great surprise, he said 41w3d which was way longer than I expected to hear

I doubt I will want to wait that long anyway, but I was very happy I won't feel pressurized to get induced as soon as I pass the due date (if that's the case). My plan is to have at least a couple of acupuncture sessions to try and induce naturally (but only after my due date, don't want to do anything until then) and the fact that my doc is so lax about induction time frames allows me plenty of time to give acupuncture the best chance at working and lower my chances of being medically induced. Realistically though, I doubt I'd want to wait over 41 weeks, I think I'd be way too nervous about complications after a certain point, so my ideal time frame for little one's arrival remains between 39 weeks and 40 weeks plus 2-3 days. I'd probably schedule an elective induction at 41 weeks if acupuncture hadn't worked and/or labor hadn't started on its own by then.