Great news babyfeva!

Congratulations on your little girl!
AFM (copy-pasting from my FB group post): Had my 39-week OB appointment this afternoon. I asked to forego the cervical exam, so no idea how progressed I am (last week I was 0 dilated and cervix was closed). Had a quick scan and all was good and baby is low. Doctor wants to do a membrane sweep next week if I'm still pregnant to help move things along and the mere thought terrifies me

I'm actually seeing him on Wednesday instead of Tuesday next week (I'll be 40+1 if I haven't gone into labor), so I've an incentive to try and get things moving before then. I have an acupuncture appointment booked for Saturday morning and if nothing has happened yet, I'm hopeful it might help move things along. Other than that, I've no idea what else might help, but I may try walking, nipple stimulation, eating spicier foods and pineapple juice. We haven't BDed in a while, and I suspect it would be super uncomfortable with baby's head this low, so I'm hesitant, but I may even give that a shot

Those of you who've had membrane sweeps done, how painful was it for you?