September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

tooth_fairy - thank you so much for the info, much appreciated! :flower: Let's hope baby makes an appearance before then, but even if he doesn't, I hope the sweep isn't that painful and most importantly, that it works! :thumbup:

Carebear - I believe you only need to get to the hospital pronto if your water breaks first. If you're only having contractions without broken waters, you may be fine laboring at home for a while. Your doctor should be able to tell you exactly what to do in each case.

Yazzy - I've been getting TONS of Braxton Hicks in the past few weeks. Some of them are now accompanied by period type pain and/or charlie horses in my inner thighs (really uncomfortable!), but they're so few and far in between (I may even go 1-2 days without getting any painful Braxton Hicks) that I don't feel I've gotten near the real thing at any point so far.

AFM: I have an acupuncture appointment booked for tomorrow morning, so I'm hopeful it may help move things along. If needed, I'll book one for next Saturday too and will cancel if I go into labor in the meantime. I've also been thinking I'll be discussing an induction for either Monday the 14th (40+6) or Tuesday the 15th (41 weeks) at my next OB appointment, if baby is still refusing to move by then. Though DH isn't terribly enthusiastic about that plan. He's such a supporter of 'nature knows best' (and I am too, but sometimes we have to intervene and that's how it is), and since the doctor has said he'll let me go up to 41+3, he doesn't see the point in speeding that up by just 3-4 days. He doesn't think it'll make a difference and he thinks it'll give baby extra time and he may come out on his own. Plus DH was born at 41+3 (and his younger sister at 41+1), both very easy labors for his Mom, so that reinforces his belief. But I'm very reluctant to let him stay in past 41 weeks. More out of fear of complications and less about him growing too big for my petite size, though both play a part in my thinking process. Anyway, let's hope little guy decides to come out on his own before then (preferably by Wednesday, so that I don't have to have the sweep either :winkwink:), so that we don't have to make that decision ourselves.
I'm adding the babies to the front page- but please double check the dates and wrights are correct... Brain is barely functional.

Confuzion- what was Zinnia's birth weight?
Christi - FX you will go before then! I get what your DH is saying but I would also not like to go over 41 weeks either.
Thanks ladies! I hope all these Braxton hicks turn into something soon! We want to see these babies :D

Bugg - Zinnia was 7lb 6oz of deliciousness ;)
Christi I hope you get to stay at home for a while before going into hospital. They don't check us for gbs in the UK so no experience but I hope all goes well.

I had my 38 week appointment today and the midwife wasn't happy with my measurements as she is measuring me at 34 weeks but 2 weeks ago a midwife said I measured 36 weeks. I have to go back in 1 week to check again and if they aren't sure I will just have a quick scan. They really emphasised about any change in movements to phone immediately which was a bit scary but hopefully they remind everyone at this stage. Oh I hope baby arrives in the next week!
Ugh, yazzy - could it be that your bump has dropped and it's measuring smaller? I've heard that tends to happen a lot. Especially since you measured right 2 weeks ago. I don't believe anything would be wrong with your baby, so hopefully you can be reassured at next week's appointment :flower:
Agree with Christi :) sometimes bumps drop and become smaller. Plus if a different midwife may have measured differently. Try not to worry :flower: Hope your baby will be here soon!!
Thanks Christi and carebear bump has dropped but the more experienced midwife said it shouldn't make such a difference. I think it's how they measured me. At least I'm reassured because I had a scan only 2 weeks ago. Babies head is 1/5 engaged so only a tiny bit but I didn't think 2nd babies start engaging until labour.
So excited to meet this little one :)
Congrats babyfeva and confusion! So pleased for you both!!

Christi I hope things move along for you soon! Sweeps aren't pleasant, but you can get through it! Just think it will lead to your beautiful baby hopefully! Just make sure you relax well it's being done, it really does help.

Carebear I think it depends on hospital protocal on how they treat gbs. Because sometimes waters don't break till well into labour so my hospital prefers to start iv antibiotics once 4cm dilated. Although with my son I didn't have time for any antibiotics as my labour was so fast. If your worried talk to your doctor, I'm sure they can ease your mind. They will know what's best for you in your individual situation try not to worry.

Yazzy I agree it may just be baby changing positions/bump dropping or just someone measuring differently. Sure all will be ok? Your still team yellow aren't you? Bet you can't wait for the surprise now!

Well I'm gutted. I'm still not well, had to go onto some medication for the issues with my liver and it means I have to stop breastfeeding :( cried all night. I love feeding her myself so much. Oh doesn't understand and says me getting back out of hospital and being well again is more important, don't think he gets just how important it is to me. Feel like a failure.
Oh Maryanne don't feel a failure, you can't help getting poorly. Is it a definite no no to bring able to continue breastfeeding when you have finished the medication? I understand how difficult it must be for you...hugs x
I was planning to express till I was able to come off the medication. Just to keep my milk supply going and then hopefully resume feeding but doctors said I will most likely be on the medication 6 plus months with the dosage increased for a few weeks once they have operated. Plus the said the strain the milk production is putting on my body isn't helping matters. It's just such a shame as aurora took to feeding like a pro, perfect latch, feeding regularly, no discomfort to me at all. I'm sure I will get over it, it's just hard at the moment as I was so happy with breastfeeding. Still guess the main thing is baby is fed.
I'm sorry maryanne. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Aurora being fed is most important and she got a week of your milk. At least that's something.
Hope the meds keep you healthy and you get better soon!
I'm sorry Maryanne- you are by no means a failure. Big hugs xxx
Maryanne - I'm so sorry! I totally get your disappointment :hugs:
I know that sometimes (often times, in fact) doctors like to err on the side of caution and are quick to advise coming off of breastfeeding when taking a drug, just to be on the safe side. Though in more cases than not, most drugs are actually compatible with breastfeeding. Of course if it's a long term thing, then it might be a different story. If you have a lactation consultant you trust, I'd say definitely talk to her first as most doctors aren't really experts on breastfeeding, and also, there's this website/database (I believe it's for all of Europe - my European friends have been using it) where you can type in the medication you are taking and get the most up-to-date information on how safe it is for breastfeeding etc. You can give it a shot and see if your medication is listed and what it says about it:

AFM - Had my acupuncture appointment this morning. He did what he called a 'pre-induction' treatment to help my hip and pelvic bones and soft tissue to open up for delivery. He also did some cupping to help blood flow and boost the immune system. He showed me a variation of a squatting exercise to get my upper legs ready for pushing and also gave me some herbs to start on my due date if baby isn't here by then. I'm supposed to increase the dose every two days, and these herbs are basically supposed to stimulate uterine contractions. I'm seeing him again next Saturday for a proper induction session if I'm still not in labor, and he showed my husband (who drove me to the appointment) how to massage a certain point on my shoulders that is also supposed to stimulate contractions. I told him about the sweep my doctor wants to do and he was actually quite supportive of the idea and said that it can definitely help stimulate the uterus to start labor, but warned me it won't be fun (duh, I know :wacko:). He was happy my doctor would let me go 'till 41+3 assuming all continues to be good, but then I told him that I'd be very reluctant to go past 41 weeks and he said that there would be no harm in trying a low dose of pitocin or the cervical suppository around 41 weeks to help get things going. Pretty much he said I should try my best for a vaginal labor if possible, but not to be afraid to try different things to get there, especially the more low tech methods. So we shall see what ends up happening and when! I'm now officially in 'get baby out' mode :haha:
Hey ladies!! I know I updated on facebook when she was born, but we are home. Dealing with some Jaundice and breastfeeding issues. I have a ton of milk, but I am having a terrible time getting her to latch. Apparently I have flat nipples. . :( so I'm already pumping, which sucks! I am having to syringe feed Adaline to keep her from starving.. I hope she will learn and we can do away with the intervention stuff! As for her jaundice, her levels are going down. So I am happy about that! :)

We are just taking it day by day now. I am finally moving around a bit from the csection. It is frustrating, but all I know is I love this little girl more than anything! !

Adaline Grace
9-1-2015 @ 1:14
7#6oz ❤❤❤
Big hugs wantabby- we are still doing the same with Brodie- it's so exhausting! Let's hope these babies figure it out soon!!
Congrats again wantabby! :flower:

Sorry to hear about your breastfeeding challenges! :hugs: Hopefully things will get better soon and you'll be able to enjoy breastfeeding more! It's great news that baby's jaundice is improving though - I would think that's a good sign that she's feeding well too, as jaundice coming down is probably a direct result of her peeing and pooping out good amounts :winkwink:
Hang in there and seek out the help of your lactation consultant when you need it :hugs:
Taking it day by day is definitely a good strategy at this point! Glad to hear you're recovering from your c-section too! :flower:
Hope everyone is doing/feeling well.
Hopefully new moms are settling into life with a new baby and those still pregnant are still going strong.

Well, today is (was?) my due date and still no baby :shrug:
I know of course that only 5% of babies are born on their actual due date and that it's just an estimate, but it is a date that you have in mind for months and months during pregnancy as if something IS going to happen then :haha: I also know that a big number of first time moms especially go late and that the new international guidelines don't consider one to be actually overdue until 42 weeks, yet still I feel I'm late. It's a mind thing :winkwink:
Yesterday and today I've had some mildly painful contractions, but nothing regular or consistent, so I think it may just be my body doing prep work. For now I've started taking the new herbs supplied by my acupuncturist and hoping they'll do something, and I'm seeing my OB tomorrow afternoon for a check up and for him to attempt the sweep :wacko: And of course induction acupuncture on Saturday if needed, plus a couple of 'old wives tales' steps. Other than that, just sitting here waiting patiently, though I do think I may discuss an induction at 41 weeks if baby is still not here/on his way by then, we'll see what my doc says. I guess I'll also find out if my OB will want me to be checked more often now that I will have passed my due date (most likely). I'll update tomorrow, unless baby decides to make his entrance into the world by then :winkwink:
Good luck tomorrow Christi!! I have an appointment too. Hoping she'll at least check me for progress
Good luck tomorrow Christi and Carebear!

Today was my first day on my own with my boys- I'm absolutely drained. Brodie was unsettled all day and barely slept, Iain spent the day telling me that he was too sad to do anything and acting out for attention. We are still having feeding issues with Brodie so I'm pumping and bottle feeding- but finding the time to pump is proving difficult. I accidentally left the door open and my dog got out- luckily my wonderful neighbour found him. So I figure it can only get better from here lol.

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