What's your take on when to tell people? I made the mistake of commenting in a fb group that I thought was closed...something about due dates and "must haves" for the baby...I just commented with my due date and that my only "must have" is bringing home a living baby.
Wellllllll, turns out my MIL saw that, and called my husband in hysterics, saying we must hate her for not having told her right away, etc. Now, at first I felt awful because I adore my MIL, had planned on giving her a pretty box with the ultrasound picture in it, so I could see her face light up with the surprise. I did not WANT her to find out this way- but I also didn't want her to find out AT ALL yet. There's a REASON that we haven't told her yet. I'm not comfortable telling the world. I want to wait until it's "safe" or as reasonably close to that as is possible.
So I went from feeling bad that her feelings were hurt, to being a little put out by the hysterics- I'm not obligated to tell anyone. I don't OWE anyone that information. At the risk of sounding like a real douche...this is not about her feelings at this point. It is my baby, and my husband's, and we have the right to tell who we want, when we want. I have told NOBODY in my family. The only people who know are my two closest friends. That's it! I'm not ready yet. I'm still SCARED all of the time. I feel pretty confident that one baby dying already gives us the right to be cautious.
I feel badly for being annoyed by her reaction to seeing it....but my god. It's nobody's business yet but OURS at this point. And for what it's worth, she probably didn't need to go looking at stuff when she saw "Kristen Goodhart commented on [blahblahblah]..." I felt like telling her to mind her own but of course did not. Am I a jerk?