Babyfeva - that's great news that you found the heartbeat
I don't think I could take the stress of not finding the hb, so I think I'm going to wait until my next scan at around 10 weeks and if all is still good, think about buying a doppler then.
Dtd - we haven't since I got my BFP. It didn't help that I had spotting on weeks 4&5 and then again this past week. Hubby wants to, but is being patient. I'm too scared due to spotting and my doctor kept telling me 'no intercourse' during the first few weeks. After we found the hb this second time, he's been much more relaxed and laid back, but I'm still scared. We may try if I go another several days without spotting, or we may leave it until the end of the trimester, depending on how I'm feeling
Re fading symptoms - I'm only on week 8 and they've faded the past 2 days. Then again, they were never super strong to begin with. They always seem to come and go for me. My boobs were super sore from the end of week 5 'till beginning of week 7, when they were growing DAILY, but they've only been mildly sore since, mostly when I feel them. I think it's because they're only growing a little bit right now. My nausea comes and goes, but it's always mild. But today I did have a pretty strong bout in the car for about 5 minutes. Then I burped (sorry TMI) and was instantly better
Then, some days I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, while other days I don't need to. The past two days I've felt mildly faint a couple times for just a few seconds, which I never had before. And so on...I try not to think much of my symptoms and not to take it as a negative if I don't get much for a day or two. I'm trying to think all is good and when I do get scared I try repeating to myself 'this baby is coming home' about 10 times. That seems to do the trick
'Course I know I'm not out of the woods yet by any means, but at least I've hit a couple milestones this time that I never hit with my last (blighted ovum) pregnancy when we never even saw a baby, so at least I'm happy about that.