I can't believe that I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow. Feels so surreal.
Thanks ladies! Just got home from night shift.. Headed to bed, then scan is at 3:30.
Quick update. We loved the midwife and practice so things went well on that end.
I did get a scan surprisingly. Baby and flickering heartbeat were bouncing around. Baby is measuring 8w4d but the nurse told us not to worry about that, it can vary by a week. So glad everything is progressing beautifully!
Carebare, that has got to be so annoying not knowing what they're seeing on the ultrasound and if everything is ok until you talk to you doctor.
Mrsgoodhart, wow!! I can't believe that you lost a twin!! I'm so sorry to hear that, but thank goodness your other baby is doing great!!
Karenh, I lost about 5lbs in the first couple weeks, now I'm down 2lbs. No weight gain yet here either.
Cutie, I'm so glad your appointment went well!!!
I can't believe that I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow. Feels so surreal.
Hi.ladies, may I join you please? Right now I'm due September 1st but I could be due end of September. I'm not 100% sure on how far I am because my body had yet to be back to normal after having my stillborn daughter 5 months ago.
Congratulations to everyone on their bfp.