glad your scan went well lol2811- my dr says they always give a + or - 5 day window with early scans so I wouldn't worry!
sounds like it could be the start of some MS- mine started out as just a little queasy feeling now and then.
Great news Lol!
Yes, babies can measure up to a week or so behind or ahead and apparently that is considered ok. This can change with subsequent scans. The queasy feeling sounds like it may the beginning of MS. I had it from early on, but it was super mild and only appeared every 3-4 days. From the middle of week 7 onwards I've been having it every day, or almost every day. It was mild at first, but has become stronger in the past week, once I hit week 9. Yesterday it was one of my worst days. Had it for several hours in the morning and then again at night. I'm also having it now as we speakBut I've only been sick once so far. Although it felt as if I was dangerously close a few other times. It's different with every person and every pregnancy, so just take it one day at a time.
Babyfeva - good luck on Wednesday! Hope this week brings good news for both of us
10 weeks today!Well, at least based on LMP, as I measured 3-4 days behind in the last scan. Let's see if the little one has caught up on Thursday.
I have started with the insomnia. . It is when I try to go to sleep, and when I wake up to pee.. I haven't been having it until the past 3-4 nights.. as far as nausea as long as I eat (almost constantly <-lol! ) I am fine.
I have been having pelvic/public bone pain.. like dull and pretty constant. . I makes me worried, but hopefully it is just stretching/growing!! And the progesterone. . I am going down to one pill per day for a week.. then every other day.. it is my method. My doctor only advised me to take progesterone until week 10.. I feel better coming off of it slowly..
Good morning ladies,
Thank you Karenh!What's with the lavender oil on your feet thing? Lol!!
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow Babyfeva!! Excited to hear how it goes!!
Bug, good luck telling your boss. I hope she is supportive for you.
lol2811, congrats on seeing the hb!! That is a great sign!!It's ok if you're measuring a bit behind, that's very common.
Hello Chrissi!!! You are more than welcome here even if you're due the first part of October, you could have your little one the end of September, you never know!!
Congrats on 10 weeks Christi!!Good luck on Thursday and hoping to hear great news about your little one!!
AFM: My ms still comes and goes. It always hits me around noon and sometimes in the evenings. I sometimes have a bit of a gut ache in the mornings, but not really nausea. My bbs don't hurt near as bad as they did, still a bit sore but maily my nipples hurt. Like taking a shower I have to make sure I shield myself because if the water hits them it hurts!! I'm kind of having a negative attitude day today. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. I'm just scared that since everything is going so well so far, that when I go in for my next scan on the 19th like some of you have said and it will be bad.I just heard the hb loud and clear with my doppler on Saturday, but I'm out of gel, so I need to get some aloe vera which works the same way for it today. I'll try to find it today again and that will help my attitude I'm sure. It's really easy to worry when we've had losses and then things seem to be going great and you don't want to hit your excitement bubble popped.