September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

Hi ladies! I had an early scan that put me back a few days as expected so I am now an October Owl! I'll remain lurking in here as no doubt that will change again at the dating scan :dohh:

My dates got pushed around too!! I'm now due end of September. Glad you will stick around, you may still have a September Sweet Pea!

No doubt!! And I'm the furthest gone in the October Owl (at the moment) so I have some fellow gestations here :happydance:
Hi ladies :hi:

Some of you may remember me posted a few weeks back??

I found out I was pregnant on the 10th January 2015, But on the 20th January 2015 passed a heavy flow like a period and a clot. I went for a scan on 21st January and they said they could see nothing in there at all not even a baby and said I had a complete miscarriage :cry:

But Today just over 3 weeks after my miscarriage something made me test again and these are what I have got!! Look :dohh::shrug: All pictures on this post are from today. Only just started beding again since last week and used condoms everytime to so cant be new pregnancy.

I have posted my test from just before my bleed 3 weeks prior to this event in separate post so you have an Idea of the difference and can compare. Shouldn't they be getting fainter by the weeks these are the darkest lines I've had so far!!

Had blood drawn this morning got an hour to wait for results im so scared :cry:


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From three weeks ago.


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So so pleased for you carebear! Congratulations.

I really Hope you get some good news Sarah Lou. Was wondering if you were ok.

Well a negative day for me today. Still finding no heartbeat on the Doppler and all of a sudden the hypermesis has disapeared. I should be happy with the fact my body is having a break from it but I'm not. It's like someone flicked a switch and now it's gone. Phoned my doctor today and even he was concerned. They are fitting me in for an emergency scan Saturday. Honestly don't know what to think. Assumed the doctor would say I was silly for worrying but his reaction has me worried :(
Sarah - hope you can get some answers! I've no idea what else to say :(

Maryanne- docs sure have a way of worrying you. Mine sure did and everything turned out fine. I get days where I feel great and others where I wanna throw up everything. Hope you are just having a symptom break and saturday comes quickly for you :hugs:
Confuzion - best of luck with tomorrow's appointment! Fingers tightly crossed for you!!

Khadijah-x - definitely stick around here too. EDDs are only an estimate after all. Like you said, your dating scan may change things again, but regardless of EDD, your baby may decide to come out in late September anyway :winkwink:

SarahLou372 - this is crazy! Don't want to give you false hope, but I've heard that before (resulted in a full term pregnancy when doctors had told her she'd had a complete MC). Let's see what your blood tests show and hopefully it will be good news. Normally I'd say you still have hcG in your body, which is why you keep testing positive (happened to me - I kept testing positive for 4.5 weeks past my D&C, it was driving me nuts) BUT the fact that the lines are so much darker now makes no sense, so you have every reason to be cautiously hopeful. Yes, normally the lines would be getting lighter and lighter after a MC (that's how mine were) until the test turns negative. If your blood results show high HCG (very likely given your test lines), make sure you see a doctor/get a scan asap to find out what is up. Fingers crossed for you and keep us posted!

Maryanne1987 - So sorry to hear about what you're going through! I can't imagine how nerve wracking that must be for you. And that's one reason why I'm hesitant about getting the doppler (what if baby is just in an awkward position and you can't find the hb and freak out(??)) - but I think I'll give in and get it anyway. Good decision to call your doctor and glad they fit you in for Saturday. Hope Saturday comes quickly so that you can have some answers. I know it's impossible not to worry, but try as much as you can not to read anything into the loss of MS. You're 10 weeks along and many women report milder symptoms around the time the placenta is supposed to take over. Each woman and pregnancy is unique, so just try to be patient 'till Saturday when you will know for sure.
Thanks for your kind words ladies. I am a worrier, but I was expecting to phone my doctor and him just to tell me I was being paranoid. His reaction worried me more than anything. Guess it's just a waiting game now. Least it's only a few days.
Thanks for your kind words ladies. I am a worrier, but I was expecting to phone my doctor and him just to tell me I was being paranoid. His reaction worried me more than anything. Guess it's just a waiting game now. Least it's only a few days.

Some doctors tend to do that, especially when you have a history of losses. I hate it when they do. My RE (who I was seeing before I got pregnant the first time - in the end I decided against fertility treatments) was a huge worrier. She would turn every little thing into a huge problem. Resulted in me getting mini panic attacks every time I was turning into her parking lot and eventually dropping her. I couldn't work with a doctor who worried 10 times more than I did. My OB was very cautious with me this time too. After I got my BFP I started spotting and he had me go in the next day. I knew I wasn't miscarrying but he sure treated it as if I was/or about too. I think they worry until they know they don't have to (i.e. scan is good).

And since we spoke of MS and loss of pregnancy symptoms - no symptoms for me at all as of yet today. I had the longest lasting MS yet yesterday and Monday (several hours in the morning and again in the evening/at night), but today I've been feeling fine so far. No sore boobs either, just big. Trying not to read anything into it. I'll know tomorrow :shrug:
I'm sure all is fine Hun! Will cross my fingers that your appointment goes well. Maybe it's a 10 week thing? Symptoms suddenly disapear. It's terrified me as I've been throwing up everything since 6 weeks. Even the meds barely helped. But today I feel kinda ok. With my son the sickness never disapeared. Was sick right up till the day I had him. Hopefully it's perfectly normal!
Congrats on the great scan carebear!

Maryanne try not to worry, I know easier said than done but I remember with my daughter once I was 10 weeks I had really good days where I didn't feel I'll at all. From 9 weeks the placenta starts to take over.

Ahhh will catch up with everyone as I'm off out now.

Hope you are all well :)
I'm on my phone do I can't properly respond but I wish this was just easier for all of us. Sending you all good vibes for upcoming scans and results!
Good morning ladies,

karenh, the lavender oil sounds interesting!! Yeah, I don't like if I can't find my baby's hb, but I know where it hangs out now. I think it takes some trial and error to figure it out this early because they're so tiny. I love mine though. So thankful I got it.

AmbiguousHope, I'm so sorry you have been so sick!! Not fun at all. I really hope this new medication does the trick. I don't think they'd give it to you if it was dangerous to you or baby. I'm so sorry your DH is being a jerk. That was not very nice of him. I'd let him know how you feel.

babyfeva, I'm excited to hear how your appointment goes tomorrow!! You'll be 11 weeks too!! Yay!! You should see baby wiggling around!!

Confuzion, your bean will be just great!! Let us know how it goes!!

lol2811, I really hope you can get in sooner to ease your mind.

Khadijah, love your picture!! So cute!! You could still deliver in September, so you're welcome to stay around!

SarahLou, it could still be HCG in your body if it rose quite a bit, but you'd think you wouldn't have super dark lines. Hoping you get some answers soon and maybe it will be great news!! Keep us updated!!

maryanne, I've had a couple days where I've felt almost normal and they've freaked me out. You're getting far enough along now, that your symptoms may start to chill out a bit. For the life of me I can't remember, but have you found your babies hb with your doppler yet?

AFM: I had lower back issues before I got pregnant, but for the past day or so it's been all out of wack! I don't know if it's how I'm sleeping or what, but it's hurting! It's more joint pain then actual back pain. Great fun!! LOL!!
Good morning ladies,

karenh, the lavender oil sounds interesting!! Yeah, I don't like if I can't find my baby's hb, but I know where it hangs out now. I think it takes some trial and error to figure it out this early because they're so tiny. I love mine though. So thankful I got it.

AmbiguousHope, I'm so sorry you have been so sick!! Not fun at all. I really hope this new medication does the trick. I don't think they'd give it to you if it was dangerous to you or baby. I'm so sorry your DH is being a jerk. That was not very nice of him. I'd let him know how you feel.

babyfeva, I'm excited to hear how your appointment goes tomorrow!! You'll be 11 weeks too!! Yay!! You should see baby wiggling around!!

Confuzion, your bean will be just great!! Let us know how it goes!!

lol2811, I really hope you can get in sooner to ease your mind.

Khadijah, love your picture!! So cute!! You could still deliver in September, so you're welcome to stay around!

SarahLou, it could still be HCG in your body if it rose quite a bit, but you'd think you wouldn't have super dark lines. Hoping you get some answers soon and maybe it will be great news!! Keep us updated!!

maryanne, I've had a couple days where I've felt almost normal and they've freaked me out. You're getting far enough along now, that your symptoms may start to chill out a bit. For the life of me I can't remember, but have you found your babies hb with your doppler yet?

AFM: I had lower back issues before I got pregnant, but for the past day or so it's been all out of wack! I don't know if it's how I'm sleeping or what, but it's hurting! It's more joint pain then actual back pain. Great fun!! LOL!!

No not yet. Didn't really worry me but after the doctor saying I should have found it by now and him saying hypermesis shouldn't just disapear I'm worried. Hopefully this is all just a nasty scare though, trying to stay positive. Thank you all for the reassurance!
maryanne, some ladies can't find the hb until much later. It all depends on where your baby is at in your uterus and if the placenta is infront of it, it can be impossible to find it at all until your baby gets bigger. What type of doppler did you get? I know they vary as well to how sensitive they are. I'm sure everything is just fine. You don't have any cramping or spotting right?
No not yet. Didn't really worry me but after the doctor saying I should have found it by now and him saying hypermesis shouldn't just disapear I'm worried. Hopefully this is all just a nasty scare though, trying to stay positive. Thank you all for the reassurance!

Umm...yes actually, it can just stop for some women. It can also start again, unfortunately, though it should start to ease up over the coming weeks. Only a scan will tell for sure, but your doctor shouldn't have said that. Every pregnancy is so unique!
Same goes for the hb. I actually think it's encouraging that you've never been able to find baby's hb with the doppler vs. if you had found it a few times before and all of a sudden it disappeared for days.
Hang in there, try not to take your doctor's comments too seriously for now and just wait for Saturday.
I suspect your doctor is very cautious due to your previous losses and that's understandable, but I prefer it when they don't make comments like this before even THEY know what is happening. It would have sufficed if he had just told you to go in Saturday for a scan to check things. A cautious, prudent approach without jumping to conclusions is all us over-worried pregnant ladies need.
Hugs and let's hope for the best :hugs:
Mrs r I have the sonoline b with 3mhz probe. Think it was one of the ladies here that suggested it to me. No cramping or spotting, which I'm taking as a very good sign. Although I am having a mini panic attack everytime I wipe just in case I see something. Thank you for the reassurance.

Thank you Christi, I do agree with you. I'm rather annoyed at the way he's acted. I've just found out that he's phoned our local hospital gynaecology ward to say I may need admitting. So basically if I need to go I don't have to wait in a&e I just go straight to that ward. I'm trying to think he's just trying to be helpful but it's really not helpful. He knows how paranoid I am and how scared I am of another loss. I'm not saying fill me with false hope but at least go a little easier. Hopefully Saturday all will be fine and I can put this behind me.
Mrs r I have the sonoline b with 3mhz probe. Think it was one of the ladies here that suggested it to me. No cramping or spotting, which I'm taking as a very good sign. Although I am having a mini panic attack everytime I wipe just in case I see something. Thank you for the reassurance.

Thank you Christi, I do agree with you. I'm rather annoyed at the way he's acted. I've just found out that he's phoned our local hospital gynaecology ward to say I may need admitting. So basically if I need to go I don't have to wait in a&e I just go straight to that ward. I'm trying to think he's just trying to be helpful but it's really not helpful. He knows how paranoid I am and how scared I am of another loss. I'm not saying fill me with false hope but at least go a little easier. Hopefully Saturday all will be fine and I can put this behind me.

Fingers tightly crossed!! :flower:
Sorry your doctor is not being more compassionate. Hopefully your baby will prove him wrong on Saturday :hugs:
maryanne, ok I got the Sonoline C1 with the 3mhz probe. I would think they would be pretty similar. You'll hear it, it just takes a while sometimes. I think everything is going to be ok. I'm praying for you. :hugs:
Ambiguous: That sounds horrible! I am so sorry. I am glad the new meds are working, and they have to be safe if the doc prescribed it. Ps. What a jerk move for your husband to pull. Mine would have been sleeping on the couch.

Confusion: good luck at your scan, I really hope this little makes it all the way for you.

Khadijah: October is a great month, but I bet your little one catches up.

SaraLou: I hope this is a good sign for you!

Maryanne: How scary that must be. Hopefully Saturday will show everything ok.

MRS: You convinced me. I ordered a Doppler earlier today. Hope hubby doesn’t kill me. Now to decide if I try with him there or not. I hope your back pain eases up.
Khadijah- yes please stick around! :)

Confuzion- wishing you all the luck in the world tomorrow!

saraLou- wow those tests are much darker! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that the results are great!

Maryanne- Im 11 weeks and still can't find the heartbeat on a doppler- my placenta is developing anteriorly (just like it did with my son) so it makes it harder. I hope the MS is just giving you a well deserved break. Will be thinking of you and awaiting a great scan on Sat xxx

Mrs R- i hope the pain eases for you!!! do you go to a chiro? it is still safe in pregnancy

AFM- 11 weeks today! MS has been horrible today- worse than the last few weeks by a lot. Have to head in to work in just over an hour for a nightshift. i think i can, i think i can....

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