Ok, I'm back from my appointment.
And sooo excited!!

Baby is doing fine! We actually saw a developed baby this time with head, arms and legs clearly distinguishable. Hb was great (again, my doctor doesn't have sound equipment, which is a bit of a bummer as we don't get to hear it, but we could see it flicker away really fast, as it should). Baby measured at least 32mm (I say at least because my doctor said there might have been a little more left to measure that he didn't), which puts me to 10w1d, and possibly a little further along. By LMP I'm 10w2d, so right on target! He/she caught up from last time when they were measuring 4 days behind, which is great!

Oh, and today for the first time I got an abdominal scan (every other time it had been transvaginal) and even with an empty bladder (because they always ask for a urine sample as soon as you check in) it was wonderful that the image was so good!
Got a referral for my NT scan (with a perinatologist) for 3/3 and I'm seeing the OB again in 4 weeks, when I will be 14 weeks along. Hope the NT with the perinatologist gives us some more accurate measurements and we get to hear the hb. Although now I think I'm going to get a doppler

I asked my OB about the progesterone and he said no need to come off it gradually and if I wanted to I could even stop now, because the placenta has taken over. I told him I'd rather finish my prescription (I've another 2 weeks' worth left) and he was like 'fine, sure'. Told him I was worried about withdrawal bleeding from the supplement and he said that progesterone IS being produced, it's just coming for the placenta now, so I really don't need the supplement anymore.
Only thing I should have asked him and I didn't in my excitement was about my weight. I'm little, so I kinda need the extra weight, and last time I had gained 2lbs. But when they weighed me today I had lost a little over 1lb. since last time. Hope this isn't a reason for concern. I'm thinking it might have been because of a big BM I had this morning (sorry for TMI

) after 2 days of being constipated, so maybe it's just that. I'm going to make an effort to eat more, but it's not always easy. I have days when I want to eat every 2 hours and days when I get nauseous as soon as I put something in my mouth, in which cases I've had to eat less than I was planning on, just to avoid throwing up
Carebear - so happy to read your news!!
