September Sweet Peas (Our 2015 Rainbows)

Wow. I suck. I've been sitting on the couch, doing truly almost nothing, since the end of January....and I still just had to read through almost 20 pages of thread to catch up. I'm sorry!! Seems like everything is going pretty well for all you mamas though, which I love to see!

I guess I've just been kinda blah lately. Hubby has worked LITERALLY every single night (and therefore slept all day) that I have been on bed rest. I've told him how miserable, isolated, lonely, etc. I feel, but it hasn't really helped. I guess it would help if there were a larger number of people who know I'm pregnant. Plenty of theories have been supposed, like he feels the need to provide, or he's worried and this is his escape, and so forth. I got to the point where I don't care. I get no escape whatsoever. And to be quite honest, he was a workaholic when we met and this shouldn't surprise me. Most of the schedule was already set when I went on bedrest, so I guess it is what it is.

In happier news, I had an ultrasound yesterday- baby measured 11 weeks (a whole day ahead as I'm 11 weeks today) and was moving around like crazy. Even looked like s/he was waving! So cute, looks very much more person-like than even the last ultrasound at 9+3. Good strong heartbeat with a rate of 169. Angel Twin's empty sac is still very much an empty sac and not a hemorrhage. It appears now to be somewhat distorted, possibly by this baby's growth. Apparently it looks like my placenta may end up being anterior which is slightly disappointing because I really REALLY want to be able to feel this sweet baby moving around in there like I know it's already doing. But in the end....what I want most is just a take-home baby, so as long as that anterior placenta keeps doing what it needs to, I'll be fine. There is a chance it could move a bit anyway.
Unfortunately, we didn't actually get to see or talk to a doctor afterward, so for the time being I'm still on house arrest! I would also like to know if I still need to be on pelvic rest as pregnancy has bestowed upon me plentiful sex dreams that I can't do anything about for the time being. Our next appointment isn't until the 25th, and I'll need to go back to work the 22nd (if I am in fact cleared to do so) so I will call in a little bit and try to get some clarification.

Keep going back and forth about when to publicly announce. I feel like we're probably (?) pretty safe now at 11 weeks, having seen and heard (at least daily on the Doppler, lol) baby's heartbeat. And then I think, maybe I should just wait until the "magic" 12 week mark. OR maybe I should just wait till the end of the first trimester? According to the first day of my second trimester is 2/28. That's not so far away. Then I think I should just do it and get it over with, now or never. Apparently most of the people hubby knows, already know, and know about the loss of the twin. I've been far more tight-lipped than he, both this time and last. So if lots of people already know, I might as well?
And then I say "just another week or two" every time, so maybe I'll just regale FB with a picture of a newborn sometime in early September ;-)
Speaking of FB, if anyone wants to be friends, I'd be up for that.

some pictures, because everyone likes pictures?
me at 10+4 a few days ago- it was a struggle to find the proper layering combo and angle to make me look even slightly round and not just like I'd been putting away one too many quesaritos!
and baby yesterday at 10+6. I'm amazed that there's a little person in there with a face, and little fat tummy, and hands....with fingers! I hear it's got a couple legs in there as well but we didn't see those ;-)


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Mrsgoodhart, I'm so happy your appointment went so well!!! I'm thrilled for you!!!
Fabulous news Confuzion! This is your rainbow!

I found the hb yesterday for the first time- took three different attempts over the course of the day but I finally got it! This will be our announcement pic...

Congrats on finding the heartbeat! Beautiful announcement pic too!
Wow. I suck. I've been sitting on the couch, doing truly almost nothing, since the end of January....and I still just had to read through almost 20 pages of thread to catch up. I'm sorry!! Seems like everything is going pretty well for all you mamas though, which I love to see!

I guess I've just been kinda blah lately. Hubby has worked LITERALLY every single night (and therefore slept all day) that I have been on bed rest. I've told him how miserable, isolated, lonely, etc. I feel, but it hasn't really helped. I guess it would help if there were a larger number of people who know I'm pregnant. Plenty of theories have been supposed, like he feels the need to provide, or he's worried and this is his escape, and so forth. I got to the point where I don't care. I get no escape whatsoever. And to be quite honest, he was a workaholic when we met and this shouldn't surprise me. Most of the schedule was already set when I went on bedrest, so I guess it is what it is.

In happier news, I had an ultrasound yesterday- baby measured 11 weeks (a whole day ahead as I'm 11 weeks today) and was moving around like crazy. Even looked like s/he was waving! So cute, looks very much more person-like than even the last ultrasound at 9+3. Good strong heartbeat with a rate of 169. Angel Twin's empty sac is still very much an empty sac and not a hemorrhage. It appears now to be somewhat distorted, possibly by this baby's growth. Apparently it looks like my placenta may end up being anterior which is slightly disappointing because I really REALLY want to be able to feel this sweet baby moving around in there like I know it's already doing. But in the end....what I want most is just a take-home baby, so as long as that anterior placenta keeps doing what it needs to, I'll be fine. There is a chance it could move a bit anyway.
Unfortunately, we didn't actually get to see or talk to a doctor afterward, so for the time being I'm still on house arrest! I would also like to know if I still need to be on pelvic rest as pregnancy has bestowed upon me plentiful sex dreams that I can't do anything about for the time being. Our next appointment isn't until the 25th, and I'll need to go back to work the 22nd (if I am in fact cleared to do so) so I will call in a little bit and try to get some clarification.

Keep going back and forth about when to publicly announce. I feel like we're probably (?) pretty safe now at 11 weeks, having seen and heard (at least daily on the Doppler, lol) baby's heartbeat. And then I think, maybe I should just wait until the "magic" 12 week mark. OR maybe I should just wait till the end of the first trimester? According to the first day of my second trimester is 2/28. That's not so far away. Then I think I should just do it and get it over with, now or never. Apparently most of the people hubby knows, already know, and know about the loss of the twin. I've been far more tight-lipped than he, both this time and last. So if lots of people already know, I might as well?
And then I say "just another week or two" every time, so maybe I'll just regale FB with a picture of a newborn sometime in early September ;-)
Speaking of FB, if anyone wants to be friends, I'd be up for that.

some pictures, because everyone likes pictures?
me at 10+4 a few days ago- it was a struggle to find the proper layering combo and angle to make me look even slightly round and not just like I'd been putting away one too many quesaritos!
and baby yesterday at 10+6. I'm amazed that there's a little person in there with a face, and little fat tummy, and hands....with fingers! I hear it's got a couple legs in there as well but we didn't see those ;-)

I'm so sorry that you're still on bedrEST and going crazy. I would be feeling so lonely too. Unfortunately guys just don't think like us women. Maybe you can tell a close friend or family member so that they can be there to support you or just to hang out. I'm so glad to hear that your scan went well.
I still don't know how I'm going to announce but may do it once we find out the gender in 2 weeks.
DH and I are telling our close friends and family personally after the genetic test and gender results are back. Some already know.

That only leaves Facebook and I'm not sure yet what we will do for that.
Thanks for sharing ladies. I think I've decided if everything looks great at my next scan this next Thursday (11 weeks 3 days) I'll officially announce it. It's scary to think about doing that, but exciting as well.
MrsG - Sorry you're feeling so miserable (completely understandable), but hopefully the worst is over and you will soon be able to enjoy life again! Wonderful news about your scan :happydance:
Re your DH - if he had pre-scheduled his work, maybe it's not his fault/negligence. I agree about trying to get some friends/family members to come keep you company whenever they can. Though it sounds like you may not be needing it anymore now :thumbup:
I posted the announcement pic today :) strangely relieved it is over with and that I don't have to hide my running to the bathroom to puke at work lol

Mrsgoodheart- I'm sorry you are feeling so down. Bed rest is very isolating- must be even worse without your Dh around at all. Feel free to add me on FB (Ellen Korbutt) :)
Maryanne - best of luck tomorrow and keep us posted! Is your hyperemesis still gone?

MrsR - I think the end of the first trimester is considered to be 13w6d, so 14 weeks is supposed to mark the beginning of the 2nd trimester. Then again, a lot of people consider the 12-week mark to be the one. Not sure which one is right, but they do say that the risk of miscarriage drops to less than 1% past week 12 (although, even week 8 with a hb still carries a very low risk, something like 2% or so), so really, I'd say announce when you feel emotionally ready. I'd always thought I'd announce around week 12-13, maybe after my NT scan, but after yesterday's scan, I'm seriously considering telling some of our closer friends and close family now. So far only our parents know, nobody else. My husband wants us to tell now. I haven't decided yet. That being said, I'm not personally big on Facebook announcements. I won't be posting a scan picture, and since a lot of my Facebook 'friends' are more acquaintances than real friends, I doubt I'll be saying anything on FB for quite a while. Maybe in a couple months I'll post a picture of mine with a bump, or something like that. For now, we'll be telling our friends and family in private, via phone or email. Or in person for those who we'll happen to see in the coming weeks. I am thinking about making a cute announcement e-card though and emailing it to everyone who we want to tell.

Thank you! Yes it is still gone. Feel a little nauseous now and again but nothing major. Hopefully we will get good news today but for some reason I'm doubting it will be. Just got a bad feeling.

Congrats to all the ladies on the scans and reveals!
Mrs. G
I had an anterior placenta with my son and I actually felt him extremely early. I want to say around 14-15 weeks early! He was a kicker!

Good luck today, Maryanne!!!!

As for when I'm going to reveal....
I want to wait as long as possible. My in-laws still don't know and I want to keep it that way as long as my husband doesn't put his foot down and tell them himself. With my son I was about 24 weeks before I Facebook announced it. It's a long story but I only did it then because it was my birthday party and some of my guests work with my ex-bestfriend. She LOVES to gossip and I wanted her to learn it on MY terms rather than through the grape vine and think she learned something juicy that I didn't want her to know. I know it probably sounds juvenile but I didn't want her to have the joy of telling everyone for me and in a negative tone. We had been trying for over a year since our second miscarriage and I wasnt about to let her steal my moment and somehow turn it into something negative.
Finally back from my scan. All seems ok. Baby measuring for dates but they are concerned that the heartbeat is a little slow. So it's gonna be weekly scans for a while but I'm so relieved jellybean is still ok. Doctor said it isn't slow enough to be considered a real issue, just something that needs monitoring. Thank you everyone for the support, i really do appreciate it!
Finally back from my scan. All seems ok. Baby measuring for dates but they are concerned that the heartbeat is a little slow. So it's gonna be weekly scans for a while but I'm so relieved jellybean is still ok. Doctor said it isn't slow enough to be considered a real issue, just something that needs monitoring. Thank you everyone for the support, i really do appreciate it!

Wonderful news!! :happydance: Sorry to hear about the hb concerns, but hopefully it won't be anything to worry about. Glad they'll be monitoring you weekly. That will give you a lot of peace of mind!! :flower: So happy for your Maryanne!! You soo deserve a rainbow!!

On a different note, can someone explain to me what is an anterior placenta and why it matters? And why it is unusual (if it is)? I know next to nothing about those things.
Finally back from my scan. All seems ok. Baby measuring for dates but they are concerned that the heartbeat is a little slow. So it's gonna be weekly scans for a while but I'm so relieved jellybean is still ok. Doctor said it isn't slow enough to be considered a real issue, just something that needs monitoring. Thank you everyone for the support, i really do appreciate it!

Great to hear and great that the doctor is keeping eyes on your lo. Glad things went well!
Glad that your little one is still doing well Maryanne!

Anterior placenta just means that the placenta is sitting at the front instead if at the back. It can make movements more difficult to feel early on and can make the heartbeat harder to find early in as it gets blocked by the placenta. Mine was anterior with my son and is this time too.
Great to hear all is ok Maryanne and fingers crossed babies heartbeat is showing as normal at your next scan.

Bug pleased to hear you have have made your announcement.

MrsGH lovely to hear you had a great scan! Hopefully you won't be on bed rest much longer.

Sorry I haven't mentioned everybody...I've just read everything and can't now remember it all!

Afm once we've had our 12 week scan we will tell the rest of our family and close friends but no announcement on Facebook...last time the Facebook announcement happened once my daughter was born lol!

Anyone else have horrendous bloating and trapped wind?! I've really suffered with it this time!
Can I ask you ladies ... Did any of u completely lose your appetite ? I'm not really that sick but nothing I eat is satisfying. I usually love cooking but right now all I wanna do is order healthy take away cause just cannot be bothered! Only thing that I crave is orange juice and lots of it, but I need to keep that to a minimum cause it's high in sugar arghhhhh.....

Maryanne my prayers are with you and your growing jellybean.

Lots of love xxxx
The only issue we had with my anterior placenta was when my son was breech and full term they wanted to perform an ECV but couldn't because if the risk of detaching the placenta. He ended up flipping himself so it all worked out but if he hadn't I would have had to have a c section.

Great news Maryanne. Sorry about the heartbeat issues but I'm sure it's nothing. At least you get more scans now. 😂

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