Wantabby - how did your scan go today?
MrsR - best of luck for your Thursday scan! It's a great sign that you've been finding the baby's hb on the doppler. I'm sure their development will be fine too
AFM - Some good news and some not-so-good news.
The not-so-good news is that I'm suffering from a yeast infection since pretty much week 5. Symptoms include external itching, white discharge (luckily odorless) and in the past couple of days, an occasional feel of irritated vagina, sometimes out of the blue, sometimes when I pee (not burning though). My doctor ran a bunch of tests (urine) on week 6 and they all came back negative for a UTI or other urinal infection. He didn't take a vaginal swab though. His conclusion was, I must have a yeast infection. His thought was that the vaginal progesterone might be contributing to it, so once I come off it (won't be until late next week) he wants me to see how I feel in a few days, and if my itching hasn't eased, he was going to give me a cream. My acupuncturist who I saw today though told me that a cream won't do much, as yeast is basically produced from within the body. He'd been giving me probiotics mixed in my herbs in the hopes they'd help, and they did a little bit, but not much. Today, since I'm on week 11 and things are going well, he told me he'd add some more anti-microbial herbs to try and prevent the infection from getting worse. Basically we don't want it to become a UTI, because THAT can be dangerous for a pregnancy if it spreads to the kidneys, and THAT requires antibiotics (which he really wants me to avoid, if possible). Normally they'd start this sort of treatment from week 12 onwards, but he thought it is safe enough to start it now, and that it's important to prevent a spreading of the infection now. Needless to say, I'm freaking out as to whether the baby would be affected, but to be fair, I'd be freaking out even more if I had to go on antibiotics, so I'll take the herbs and hope for the best. I've also been ordered to stay away from dairy except yogurt and all sorts of wheat for at least 2 weeks. So I'm going 100% gluten free for now. And of course as little sugar as possible, but I was doing that already.
On a brighter note, I gave in to the doppler today (originally I had wanted to wait until tomorrow, but I was feeling like cr*p and worried about the yeast infection), and I was able to find the hb within a minute or two. Right in the middle and at the height of my pubic bone. The doppler started at 154 and went up to 166 (at which point I took it away), so I guess baby was around 160 on average, which makes me really happy

Also happy that I didn't have to spend much time at all trying to locate the hb and I was done in 2 minutes. This time I was lying on my back and had an empty bladder.
Another thing that lightened my mood today is that my acupuncturist offered to help me guess the baby's gender once I hit week 12 (which would be next week), if I wanted. Of course I said I did. He said it's not a science and not to take it as a definite thing, but they are apparently able to use traditional methods, like slight pulse variations and some other calculations to try and guess the gender from week 12 onwards. So I was like 'sure, why not?'. So I may have a more concrete gender prediction to share with you ladies next week

At least based on what a traditional doctor would do to try and guesstimate before scans were widely available. Though of course I won't take anything for granted at this point, but I thought it would be fun