Best of luck today yazzy! Can't wait to hear how it all goes
Just back from my OB appointment. Baby is looking good, but I was very surprised he didn't even measure him this time. Ugh!

At least I have a recent measurement from last week's NT scan, so that's something. Other than that, he said heart beat looked good, amniotic fluid looked good and he could see the early brain development on the scan as well. That was it. My OB's scans are literally 1-2 minutes long

I think opting for the NT scan and then the second and third trimester anatomy scans was the best decision I've ever made, as I got to see the baby so well, from many different angles and for a good amount of time.
In other news, my OB confirmed I have a yeast infection, but it's a mild one. He took a vaginal swab and just looked at it through the microscope. He said I may be more sensitive to it than other people, as there are women with full blown yeast infections that get no symptoms whatsoever. He prescribed some tablets (one daily) to help clear the infection. I haven't picked up the prescription yet (will do so later today), so I don't know which medication he's prescribed, but I'm still very 50-50 about taking it, even though the herbal treatment I've been on has only moderately helped. Symptoms seem to ease for a few days and then come back again. I may still persevere with the herbs for a couple of weeks, and if there's still no permanent improvement, I will take the meds. Not sure what I'll do yet. OB said what he prescribed is safe for pregnancy, especially after the first trimester, but if it's an antibiotic, I really really prefer to avoid taking it.
Also, my OB didn't have my Papp-A blood results yet. They were going to call the clinic where I had my NT scan (and where I had the blood taken) and see if they can get them from them. They had me sign a medical info release form just in case. So I may get a call later today with the blood test results. I am to go back in about 2 weeks to have the second blood draw to complete the NT screen. As for my next scan appointment, it's not going to be for another 4 weeks now, which feels like a very very long time