Congrats on 16 weeks wantabby and MrsR!!

Almost there myself
MrsR - I think it's natural to worry a lot. I've found I've worried relatively less after my NT scan, but that was only because the doctor doing it was super positive about what he was seeing, telling me it was all 'textbook' and also that even if the blood tests didn't come out great, they wouldn't worry much based on such a good NT scan. So I wasn't worried almost at all (strange for me) about the first blood tests (for Down syndrome and trisomy 18), but I can see me being more worried once I have my quad marker tests done, most likely next week. I do worry about many things though. Even the slightest thing makes me worry that I'm harming the baby

In this sense, having the home doppler has been a blessing, even though it's given me hassle finding the heart beat a couple times. I'm really hopeful that I will feel calmer once I start feeling the baby move though, and once that happens, I plan to stop using the doppler, or use it very rarely. It sucks that you have to wait that long to see your little one again and to have him/her measured. If your doctor was reassuring though, you have to trust her. They probably see dozens of pregnant women every single day and can tell just by experience. Also, I hear you about the time. I feel like my anatomy scan is forever away (in reality, only a month or so), not to mention my due date. I find myself wishing it was already August/September multiple times a week

It just feels sooo far away, it's painful!
Maryanne - I know. When I got my BFP, my first thought was to go with a group of midwives I am local to who have a good reputation for my whole prenatal care (vs. my OB). For some reason a home birth scares me, but they do have a birthing center which I was seriously considering. But since I had some complications early on (spotting etc.), I got more scared and decided I'd rather birth at the safety of a hospital in case of any delivery complications. I still hope baby and I are healthy enough, so that I can make a birth plan for a natural, un-medicated birth. At least you are in the UK. Most everyone I know there who has had a baby had a natural, un-medicated birth, so you probably have a good chance of getting that too