Wow, I've missed so much in 2 days!
Sorry if I don't mention someone. Not sure I read everything I missed - it was several pages.
Radiance - so sorry for your loss. May your little girl rest in peace. I can't imagine losing a baby in advanced pregnancy. We're all somewhat prepared that anything can happen during the 1st trimester, but once that is over, everyone (including doctors) usually tell you you're most likely in the clear. So I can't imagine how that must feel. Big hugs and prayers for you and your family!
LeahM - congrats on expecting a boy!

We definitely need more boys in this thread!
MrsR - that's exactly what I thought about the fetoscope. I got notification that mine shipped today, so I should have it around Wednesday. I'll let you all know how it works.
MrsG and wantabby - good luck in your anatomy scans! Can't wait to hear all about them!
AFM - my anatomy scan is next Tuesday the 21st, at exactly 20 weeks. I can't wait, but I'm also a little nervous. Hope all is good. DH is coming with me on this one, since it's one of the 'big' scans. In other news, I've been feeling the baby move every day in the past few days

. Still very slight, but very cool! Of course it's not yet consistent and happens anything from just 1-2 to as many as 4-5 times a day, but there has been progress. Up until a few days ago, I could only feel anything if I was lying down and really concentrating, and not every time even. In the past couple of days I've felt him when I sit down too, and I think today I may have even felt a slight kick while standing

Other than that, just really busy with our recent move. House is still a big mess, so we're tackling things little by little.