Third post in a row, but I had to share for anyone interested.
So, it turns out my fetoscope arrived today. I ordered it on Friday, so it came super fast. I only got the shipping notification this morning, but I guess it had already shipped. So that was good
Now, the low down: it came with no instructions whatsoever. I had to google to understand how it works, lol. And then, I was so disappointed. I guess someone else has to listen for you by placing their forehead on the head placing part of it (for lack of a better word). Since you can't do that to listen to your own belly, I guess I may be out of luck. I can always try to get hubby to listen for me (I sure will), but the whole point I thought was that it was a DIY thing for listening to the fetal heartbeat, just like the hand doppler, only lower tech. Plus I'm not sure hubby will be able to tell it's the baby's vs. my hb he'd be listening to. Needless to say, I tried to do it myself anyway, just putting the horn on my lower belly and could not hear one thing, not even my own hb. Then I stumbled on a forum where some women were saying it's really hard to do before 22-24 weeks, especially if you are a first timer, but seeing as I couldn't even find my own hb on it, I am convinced that the trick may be that you HAVE to do the forehead thing as well. Which means, someone else needs to listen for you! Which is all too bad! I thought it was such a neat tool, but it's so not what I expected.
Regardless, since it was this cheap, I'll be keeping it and I will keep trying (even with DH's help), just being prepared that we may not even find a hb on it for several more weeks

Oh well, at least I'm feeling baby movements now, so that in itself is reassuring!
Babyfeva - congrats on a good appointment!