Hi ladies,
Just back from my ultrasound. Baby is measuring on target (if not slightly ahead) and all is looking good. He was estimated to be around 4.5lbs which I thought was slightly big for 32 weeks, but then they say scan estimates are just that - estimates - and they can be wrong by up to 2lbs up or down, so not too concerned. Everything else looked absolutely normal too, including my cervix which measured at 3.6cm. This put my mind at peace, as it means my many Braxton Hicks aren't basically doing anything to shorten my cervix, bring on preterm labor etc.
There is a small possibility baby may have a slight problem with his urethra (I googled and I guess it's called hypospadia), as the doctor doing the scan tried to observe him peeing and he said the stream looked slightly wider than the narrow stream they ideally like to see, however the angle from which he was looking was quite awkward (he couldn't get a good enough angle), so it's not like we're talking about a definite problem here. Regardless, the doctor said that based on everything else looking good and normal, this baby is unlikely to have any problems of big concern. So I'm just going to keep it in the back of my mind that it could be a small possibility (doctor said this problem affects about 1% of male babies) but not worry too much about it now and see if there is such a diagnosis when he's born. Hopefully not, otherwise we might be looking at surgical correction between 3 and 18 months of age

Other than, I'm really happy about how the scan went today and much more optimistic about making it to full term