septembryos baby area (09 babies)

hi all,

hope everyone is well and ready for christmas.

since my last posting on here there has been sooooo much happen, we had a kitchen fire and were moved from our house to a hotel for 3weeks due to middle sons asthma and the smoke through house. 3 weeks with 3kids cooped up in a hotel was NOT fun!!! we are all ok though!

blake has got a MAJOR attitude! and i have no idea how to sort it - he throws paddys like they are going out of fashion, if hes told no or to stop doing something = paddy. if he cant get his toys to do what he wants = paddy. if we dont make him a drink the instant he asks = paddy. if the dog or cat sit on his blanket = paddy. if his brothers sit on the sofa he hits and kicks them and then = paddy!!! told HV and she said ignore them and what hes doing - not easy when hes attacking his brothers or the animals. i've tried the stairs but he just gets up and he climbs out of his travel cot.

he isnt overly keen on his potty still, but when i go to the loo i drag him with me and remove nappy and stick him on it, not that he has done anything. we cant se pull ups as he has "no bum" to hold them up!!! LOL! they just slide down. but i was told size 4 pull ups are the same as size 5 nappies and hes still only in a size 4 nappy.

i have a job, :happydance: its only as and when the social club my sis works at has big functions, but they usually go on til 1-2 in morning!!! its only a small amount of money for doing it, but as i can work upto 16hrs a week and not loose benefits and i dont pay tax on under £6k, its money in my pocket. :thumbup:

ANYWAY i hope everyone has a good christmas:xmas16: :xmas6:
christ Amy thats alot going on! glad u all ok!

as with tantrums, could just be his age, we are going through the same with Chloe she always wants things done instantly and if it isint she has an almighty paddy! she used to hit Max when she was having a paddy aswell but thankfully that has stopped. i think she has accepted that Maxy is here to stay! lol with the stairs be persistant! keep putting him back he will soon get frustrated, only let him off when he has stayed there 2 mins and ask him to say sorry and give him a cuddle and tell him u love him after. i find thats what helps with Chloe anyway, except we have no stairs so use naughty spot which she now understands, when shes naughty i tell her if u do that again u will go on the naughty spot and she says 'no mummy'!

merry christmas everyone :D xxx

never had paddys like it with other 2, if they were sat on stairs they stayed there (they dont as much now but thats cos storming to their rooms n banging is more fun. lol!) thing is blake is like me - too stuborn and bad for his own good!!! i'm just glad hes not a girl cos that would have been a nightmare!
Hello ladies!! :hi:

Haven't been on here in ages, it's got very fancy!! Hope everyone's ok, I've got lots to catch up on so best start reading!

Just popping in to wish you all a happy new year, heres wishing you and your lo a fab 2012 love from me and Harley xx
hi all :wave:

hope everyone is ok. this thread has gone really quiet again, not that i have been on in ages either.

blake has developed a squint and now has glasses - they seem to be spending more time in the case than on his face and he seems to be spending more time screaming that he doesnt like them and doesnt want them on! i have no ideas as to what to do.
Haven't been in here for ages so hello all, Suzie congrats on number 5 what did you have ? Amy sounds like you have had a stressful few months but glad things are on the up and i bet Blake looks so cute in his specs.
Wowser, I haven't been on here in a bazillion years...*goes to make tickers*
Man it seems like so long ago that we were waiting for our septembryos. How fast has the last two and a half years gone!! Lucas is a real little man now and Ive just found out Im expecting again so Ill be hanging about the January 2013 babies thread now :happydance:
hi :hi:

hope everyone is ok.

how are all your 2-2.5yr olds doing? blake is a right character now, he wears glasses as he developed a squint a few months back, thats a battle and a half to keep them on for more than few hours! he goes nusery 2 afternoons a week and loves it, only put him in as hes soooo bright and advanced for his age. we are "self potty training" - by this i mean he goes to potty on his own - sometimes even takes his nappy off to go. i have tried the whole sitting him on it hourly, pull ups and pants and he doenst want to know, so i will do it his way for now!

has anyone thought about 3rd birthdays and presents yet? i bought my eldests birthday presents in a sale the other day and his is novemeber and realised i havent done the other 2 who are in aug. i have no ideas as to what to get him. he like thomas but has loads of trains already and the "v-tech laptop" we had talked about i picked up in charity shop for £3 couple weeks back
Lennox is finally starting to talk to people. I guess he was outside in back talking to one of our neighbors non-stop for 30 minutes. lol He was talking to her about bugs, plants, and birds he saw. She finally had to tell him that she had to go. He would talk up a storm at home to me and his dad and brothers, but not to anyone els. He would get very shy and hide behind me usually.

Now when I take him to the store he will say hi or bye to people and complain when they don't say it back to him. This was funny I took Len shopping with me and I had got him hot dogs and he was holding on to them and telling people " I got hot dogs" or "Look at my hot dogs" and when no one would respond he'd get upset and say" Mom, There not looking at my wieners." lol

On the 9th he will be getting evaluated for school. I don't think he will be able to get in and may have to do a private preschool if we want him to go to one. Otherwise, we will just wait until 2014 and he can start jr. kindergarten or just wait until 2015 and start him in regular kindergarten.

We are still waiting to be matched with a lab. I'm hoping soon!

As for the birthday gifts I have no clue what to get Lennox. I'm still working on my oldest son's grad party and have a tentative date of July 22nd, but I'm not sure if that will work either. lol Still can't believe he graduated high school on the 7th.
Hello ladies its very quiet in here, just thought i would drop by after being reminded of this place by Jen. Billy is getting bigger and bigger and has turned into a super climber he is up anything including straight over the top of double stacked stair gates! He has officially been diagnosed with Autism now as well so we can get extra help with him he still doesn't talk but hopefully now he is getting the right support it will come. Darcy is great she is starting to talk and always looks out for her brother it is so cute to see. Anyway hope you and yours are all doing great and lots of love xxx
3 years ago today at 3:22pm cst I gave birth to an 8 pound 1 ounce baby boy. Happy 3rd Birthday, Lennox Robert! I can't believe he is 3 already! He has changed so much and seems so grown-up.
Can't believe our little septembryos are turning three this month!!!

Thankfully we didnt get Lucas's presents too early as he has been obsessed with mickey mouse and yo gabba gabba for what seems like forever but over the last week he has gone from playhouse disney to ben 10 addict!!

He slaps his wrist like he is wearing a ben 10 watch and shouts an alien name then proceeds to be that alien for most of the day haha

And now he is very much aware of the baby in my tummy but he refuses to refer to it as his baby brother, it started off as a baby snail and now I have a rather large bump its a giant baby snail pmsl
Wow time has flown by, our babies are 3!!! Hope you all have wonderful birthdays, Harley is having a whale of a time!
Faun, is good to hear Billy is doing well, can i ask how his diagnosis came about, did you have concerns? or was it milestones? Good that you will get the correct help for him, and its fab Darcy looks after him bless her xx

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