Sex Education show on NOW!! Ch 4 TTC


A Mummy At Last!
May 22, 2007
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Its rather informative allthough quite depressing in places...infertility and ttc can really suck! But then many of us already know that :)

I will confess to getting depressed by it so am about to embark on re-runs of The OC :rofl:
Oh dear ... there is no hope for my education!
My sentiments entirely.... I so could not afford thousands on fertility treatment like some shown on the show tonight.... Depressing stuff!!! Lets hope for BFP's soon!!! xx
I will confess to getting depressed by it so am about to embark on re-runs of The OC :rofl:
Oh dear ... there is no hope for my education!

A girl after my own heart... High Five to the OC!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hell yeah :thumpup:\\:D/ nothing like depressing teen angst for making a girl feel better :rofl:

Omi, apologies for hijacking the thread ..prog was good tho :hugs: now I just have to get a Dr to actually see me :rofl:
And after seeing that lady talkabout her miscarrigae I am now sobbing!!! Time to turn Channel 4 off me thinks xx
I'm watching right now. Love these shows, especially how awkward some people get when she asks them outright questions!

Good luck for all you TTCers, it's disgusting how expensive IVF is...

Well. according to this show i should just pack my bags and forget about ttc- i dont think so! :)

And Farie..i would watch something else but bbc is out (live on ground floor- suspect wonky arial...god knows, long story, lol :)) so stuck with this.. for now...Me and my old eggs are gonna show them, though!! :):rofl:
it's disgusting how expensive IVF is...


I have two friends on ivf right now. One just starting the other has mc one and other didnt take..starting 3rd next month. Both on NHS which is good here but effing waiting times are SHOCKING!!!
The woman talking about her miscarriage made me cry to. I love the OC :dance:
Omi - I shall send you the series on CD so you can get alternative viewing :rofl:
very intresting tonight i must admit
Well. according to this show i should just pack my bags and forget about ttc- i dont think so! :)

And Farie..i would watch something else but bbc is out (live on ground floor- suspect wonky arial...god knows, long story, lol :)) so stuck with this.. for now...Me and my old eggs are gonna show them, though!! :):rofl:

Go girl!!!!!


Well..thats was grim viewing- for me... feel positively menopausal now..ugh!

F**ck still gonna ttc- and succeed! :)

Its not like im ancient???!!!!!
hey girls!! I did it and wrote to C4. Told them that I enjoyed the series but would like to see something more on TTC!! Arent I cheeky!!
Omi - Damn skippy you will!!! :bfp: by xmas for you!!
hey girls!! I did it and wrote to C4. Told them that I enjoyed the series but would like to see something more on TTC!! Arent I cheeky!!

Thanks, Sam...and you go girl!! Well done you. I mean, every show they have on this stuff is all so depressing. Why cant they do an upbeat one- if nothing but to bolster all of us who are trying soooo hard. No?

Oooh, just noticed sam, we're very close. im cd 14 today. Fingers crossed, missy!!! :)
Samba, you just like being naughty! Good on ya, was a totally depressing watch. It really worried me too so you're not alone Omi. Zita West was quite frank and the poor presenter seemed to be going away to try and have a baby when she started off by saying she didn't know if she wanted children!

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