Well baby Archie arrived as planned last Friday - 7lbs 11oz! Unfortunately I had a bit of a bad time in Jessops for the first couple of days (I still get very tearful just thinking about it), but things improved hugely when I was moved to a single room (I wanted to pay for a room for the entire stay, but they wouldn't let us).
LO's also having major problems with BF. He latches on fine but then doesn't suck. We had to resort to feeding him express by bottle otherwise he just wasn't getting anything to eat. Unfortunately he is now so used to the bottle that he will hardly take anything from the breast, and I can now no longer express as much milk as I was a few days ago, which now means we're having to top him up with formula
The midwife is visiting daily at the moment because he's still losing weight. We're on a strict routine of 3 hourly feeds for the past day to try and maintain his weight - but this only seems to have led to him being even more reluctant to take from the breast. The midwife has reassured me I doing everything right, but that some babies are just lazy when it comes to sucking. I think we may have to decide to go to formula in the next 24 hours, which I'm really upset about - but he has just got to eat something.