sick of waiting for bfp - come on October


So this is my first post - been reading so many posts for months so I thought it was time to join.

I have had PCOS for 20 years - have not had af for about 15 years, tried clomid early this year at highest allowed dose for 3 months - and it did not get me to ovulate. Then tried ovulation induction(ivf) which was stopped due to its failure to work at all for me - lots of eggs visible in ovaries but none ever released!!!

So I decided to take matters in my own hands- lost weight and have researched vitamins which lessen pcos. I got my first light af 2 months ago and then 28 days ago my cycle became regular!!! My specialist is dumbfounded. I have every pregnancy symptom for last 15 days and blood tests showed this week that I ovulated (likely the first in 20 years!) - and today af was due. Noticed spotting this morning and thought af had arrived - so upset and so confused by all the Pregnancy symptoms. I tried to tell myself that I am on the right road and I should not expect miracles but deep down I was devastated thus morning. But it was just spotting ....and has not turned into af ....

My specialist said last week that she won't test for pregnancy for another 5 days! Ie 5 days after af due......

The ups and downs ..... The 'maybe yes' moments and the 'don't get your hopes' rationale inner self talk......But just am hoping so much that Maybe it is my turn in a few days to post the same email that I have read from over and over from 100s of women over the last 12 months......good news.....

Written for the woman looking for hope, courage and determination.....
Good luck to all the new people! Everyone's symptoms sound so promising! It's be crazy if we all got bfps (though ill be pleased if I really did o!)
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:
My Ovulation Chart

Babydust to all :dust::dust::dust:
Big congratulations Lotus Womb!!!!
Baby dust to everyone!
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:
My Ovulation Chart

Babydust to all :dust::dust::dust:

hi congrates have H&H 9 months pregnancy...well hun can u read my bbt chart bcz for the first time I am doing this but dont know too I am on cd 21...I got positive opk on cd 15-16-20..:flower:
Tulip, your chart looks a little up and down to me, but I'm hardly an expert. I'd just go ahead and assume you're 7 dpo like it says. Good luck!

In updates for me: temps are still high but I'm worried I didn't o and its because I've got a cold. I'm not at all feverish, just really stuffy. Also, I've noticed that I seem to be spotting a little. I did some research and apparently it is possible though rare to implant at 3dpo, and I'm either 3 or 4. Inversely, maybe I didn't o and its withdrawal bleeding or even ovulation (hope not as we haven't bded since Thursday). I THINK I ovulated either Wednesday or Thursday but I'm not sure. This cycle has just been crazy!
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:
My Ovulation Chart

Babydust to all :dust::dust::dust:

hi congrates have H&H 9 months pregnancy...well hun can u read my bbt chart bcz for the first time I am doing this but dont know too I am on cd 21...I got positive opk on cd 15-16-20..:flower:

FF not sure about the O that's why you have cross hairs instead of the red line. I too am not an expert. The body can be trying to O and it can be delayed because of stress and other factors. Possible for 7dpo or 1dpo. Do you check cervical mucus? The temps going forward should give you a better idea also. Best of Luck.
I feel like temping while sick is really a futile cause. 96.8 today, which is even pre-o low...but my tongue feels like cotton and I've been breathing through my mouth. Just for kicks, my underarm temp is 98.9, and that's supposed to be a degree lower than mouth temp??? *sigh*. Think today will just have to be another skipped day.

And to add to the confusion, I've been spotting since yesterday afternoon. It would be barely noticeable except I've been sticking my finger up to check and have seen flecks of bright red mixed in with a real diluted light brown color.

I have no idea what's going on. Guess ill see if its withdrawal bleeding with no o, some crazy four day lp, implantation bleeding (doubtful) or something else all together.
Hey Ladies

I got my :bfp: (16dpo) this morning I can hardly believe it.

My chart went Triphasic but I was trying to ignore it lol.
I got 2 positives one with the Amazon Cheapy and the other was a test that a midwife gave me after my chemical in July.
I took the pic but it saying it is too big to upload.

I am still a little nervous but trying to stay positive :happydance::happydance:
My Ovulation Chart

Babydust to all :dust::dust::dust:

hi congrates have H&H 9 months pregnancy...well hun can u read my bbt chart bcz for the first time I am doing this but dont know too I am on cd 21...I got positive opk on cd 15-16-20..:flower:

FF not sure about the O that's why you have cross hairs instead of the red line. I too am not an expert. The body can be trying to O and it can be delayed because of stress and other factors. Possible for 7dpo or 1dpo. Do you check cervical mucus? The temps going forward should give you a better idea also. Best of Luck.

Yeah hun I had semi transparent like stretchy cm during last days....but now its no more....
Nope, looks like af is here. So bummed and worried. I was hoping I'd get further if I didn't ovulate. Now I'm scared that I wasn't ovulating back before I was on birth control since I had 30 something day cycles. I was told I had polycystic ovaries once before. So debate: do I wait another cycle and see what happens and try to find a doctor who will see me if this one is also anovulary, or do I go back and try soy since it seems I do ovulate on that. If I knew a doctor would start running tests and all, I would, but since its only been four cycles, five after the next, I'm scared they won't and will tell me to wait longer.
I imagine 4-5 months of no ovulation would be significant to a doc, especially since you did ovulate on the soy before that. Maybe see the doc after the next cycle, if there's no change?

Congrats Lotus! H&H9!

Afm, AF got me and got me hard. I've never bled so much since being off birth control. Last time I bled like this, I was on the patch so I stopped it. I did have an episode like this since stopping b/c and it was after an unusually long LP - back when I was a 12-day-max LP, I had a 14 day LP and BFN, then heavy bleeding. Now this time, I've become a 13-day-max LP and this time it went to 16 dpo, BFN then BAM heavy bleeding :( But if they were because of chemical pregnancies, why didn't a test detect them? That's the only thing I could think of that would cause this bleeding only after a long LP...*sigh* I am just SO SICK and tired of seeing AF, and especially when it's this heavy. I even had to get up in the middle of the night to change my pads :( I've had a headache since this afternoon (now midnight) and it hasn't gone away even with an advil. I hope i'm not in serious trouble...I'll see how it is tomorrow before I go anywhere.
Smashley- I'm so sorry to hear you never ovulated, but I thought that usually when you don't ovulate you also don't have a period? I would def check with your dr since you are ttc. Are you going to take any supplements this next cycle to see if it helps you ovulate? I'm going to try maca this next cycle I think.

RCA- the same thing is happening to me right now! I'm 17dpo, bfn, no period no spotting. I was beginning to really freak out b/c the only other thing online it says can cause a longer luteal phase is a corpus luteum cyst or an ectopic pregnancy and I've been having pain on my right side. At this point I will welcome AF because I don't want there to be something wrong! Did your temps stay high the whole time, you can look at my chart, mine went really high for the past few days, luckily today they dropped quite a bit so I'm praying for AF today so I can stop worrying :shrug:
Just to clarify, it's only the first month that I haven't ovulated. It's the fourth month ttc, where I ovulated on my own the first month and second and third, I used soy.

However, back when I was on birth control, I didn't have a period for about six months. Never really figured out why, but I'm sure it was bc related. The doctor checked a bunch of things anyway and told me that my ovaries looked polycystic and I had pcos. At first, I was concerned but the more I found out, the more I wasn't sure since I'd always had fairly regular cycles and I just didn't trust a doctor who thought it was a good idea to test my hormone levels while I was on the pill and who diagnosed me solely from an ultrasound. But now, knowing that I can apparently not ovulate and still start my period around when I'm supposed to instead of having extra long cycles is making me worry.

Yes, it is possible to not ovulate and still have a period. It's called withdrawal bleeding technically but basically amounts to the same thing. Typically it's not regular and you can go months without one but I've heard of people who don't ovulate and still seem pretty regular.

I actually came across something called Pregnitude that I am going to try. It's actually got some scientific research behind it and seems tailor made for people with pcos. Whether or not I have it, I do have a lot of the secondary symptoms like acne, excessive body hair and overweight with the bulk of it in my tummy region so I'm hoping it will help with these even if I cam ovulate on my own. It has to do with regulating insulin which is one if the big issues for people with pcos.

That's so crazy that we're all having strange cycles. I don't know what else could cause that, RCAF. Maybe they are chemicals that just didn't sustain long enough to produce enough hcg? I swear I had one a few months ago as I had implantation bleeding and went triphasic for a few days before my temps dropped but I never saw a bfp either.

I hope everything works out, Brit! Hopefully af starts soon and it's nothing. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Brit, my temps did stay high for the whole 16 days; it only dropped the day i started bleeding (98.0 to 97.2). It is very strange that all of our cycles suddenly went awry...I hope AF comes soon or that your temps go back up and you get a BFP Brit. Either way, I hope you get an answer soon. It's frustrating when your cycle is like this.

That's interesting about the regular cycles and still getting AF thing, Smash. Hmm makes me wonder about myself too. I read something one time about the egg bursting out of the ovary, but being held back by a thin layer of tissue, forming a cyst. Technically, one would have ovulated, but the sperm could never reach the egg because it's trapped. I know something's not right because no matter which way we look at it, we've been trying to conceive long enough that the only explanation is that we have some kind of problem. I really, really wanna know what it is so I can get to work fixing it!!! But I'm still waiting to hear from a doc. I'm thinking that DH and I should probably start by sending him to see a urologist, since his testing and investigation would be less invasive and easier than mine.
Looks like DH and I get to start bding again soon!!!! So excited! ;)
Rcafwife, it's called lups, though I don't recall what all the letters stand for. I think it's pretty rare but doctors can only diagnose it with ultrasounds. I was worried I might have it too for a while. I'm kind of a hypochondriac. Also, I think you can probably get DH's regular doctor to order an SA. We're going to do that too soon if nothing happens in the next couple months, but since he already has a child, I think he's more than likely okay.

Are you almost to o time, Ashntony? I'm hoping I ovulate this month! Cd3 for me!
Rcafwife, it's called lups, though I don't recall what all the letters stand for. I think it's pretty rare but doctors can only diagnose it with ultrasounds. I was worried I might have it too for a while. I'm kind of a hypochondriac. Also, I think you can probably get DH's regular doctor to order an SA. We're going to do that too soon if nothing happens in the next couple months, but since he already has a child, I think he's more than likely okay.

Are you almost to o time, Ashntony? I'm hoping I ovulate this month! Cd3 for me!
I still have a week or so! But dh and i are covering all our bases! ;)
Hi ladies - I'm back :flower: no bfp for me yet but last month my Lutheal phase increased from 8/9 days to 12days! Positive and I think it will make a difference. However my job at the moment isn't very stable so we may put the ttc plans on hold for a bit again. I'm trying to be more relaxed about it because its healthier for me and increases our chances I think. So no more temps for a long while and I'll dip in and out of here still to stalk for bfps! I had a look at older threads earlier and 2/3's are pregnant so that gave me hope.. Hope u guys are well? :thumbup:
Hi ladies - I'm back :flower: no bfp for me yet but last month my Lutheal phase increased from 8/9 days to 12days! Positive and I think it will make a difference. However my job at the moment isn't very stable so we may put the ttc plans on hold for a bit again. I'm trying to be more relaxed about it because its healthier for me and increases our chances I think. So no more temps for a long while and I'll dip in and out of here still to stalk for bfps! I had a look at older threads earlier and 2/3's are pregnant so that gave me hope.. Hope u guys are well? :thumbup:

Glad to hear from you and glad to hear your cycle is improving! Exciting news! I hope your job stabilizes and that bfp comes soon after! Missed having you around the forums but I know it can definitely make things more stressful!

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