2 months already??? She's growing before our eyes, huh! Love your pic btw! Cute!
It may be all in my head, and we'll see on Wed at my midwife appointment, but I think I may go early. All along this pregnancy, I've had the feeling that I wouldn't make it to my due date on the 24th. I always felt I'd go around 38 weeks, but now i'm hoping to go this week! I'm at the point where I just want this pregnancy to be over. Actually, I was at that point 2 weeks ago and so getting to 37 weeks is HUGE for me lol! Last friday, the skin on my belly felt SO itchy and when I lifted up my shirt, my skin was all red and full of hives and I thought "what am i allergic to? I can't even take an allergy pill to help!" And so I just rinsed my belly with cool water and it helped, but when the redness went away, i noticed on either side of my belly where it meets the hips, there were these "stretch marks"! I say it in quotes because they looked more like lacerations than stretch marks. They had light coloured centers and on that light part were broken blood vessels, looking a lot like bloodshot eyes! and OH did they ever hurt and sting! And guess what? They're in exactly the two places little Ian LOVES to push on! He pushes his butt out about at least 4 inches on the right side, and his feet on the left. If he keeps this up, I will tear in half I swear!

As of a couple days ago, I've been getting period-like cramping and TONS of pressure down in my pelvic area. This week, it is very noticeable that his head is far down because when I sit down on a chair, I feel his body move up into my abdominal cavity, and I never felt that before. And then when I get up and walk around, it feels like there's something between my legs. I told my DH that Ian is giving me lady balls because it feels like my lady parts are hanging down low now! haha! And BH are getting more noticeable now, and more frequent, especially after using the bathroom. Midwife says getting rid of the pressure from a full bladder on the uterus causes it to contract. I'm having some period-like cramps right now, but it could be constipation. I don't know. I will believe it's labor-related when it's consistent and gets more intense. I've also started to have cm and lots of it, and it's kinda watery at times. Since I got pregnant, my lady bits have completely dried up (even when we try to dtd). And only since 35 weeks have they started to get the lubrication back. I didn't have to wear any panty liners until now so maybe this is another impending labor sign?

We will see.
I'm just SO done and SO uncomfortable and irritable! Some of our friends don't seem to get that I don't want to hang out or go out because of how badly i feel. They don't have kids (or seem to want any because they make a big show of telling everyone how they are career-minded and DON'T have any interest in having kids) so they won't understand why I feel this way. They aren't even making an effort to understand, they just keep hounding me to go out/try to invite themselves over. Before I was pregnant, I NEVER did that to any of my pregnant/new mom friends. I always thought, if I were in that situation, what would i want? And that was my guide, but not everyone is as considerate as I am, I see

And so I get a bunch of text messages and facebook messages not-so-subtly asking to be invited over, saying things like "i can come over in my pjs so you would feel more at ease." That's not the issue. If you come over, I'll not only want my house to be presentable, but also I'd have to make small chat with you and I can't be as relaxed as I could be if I were alone! Am I unreasonable to want that in my last trimester? Especially the last weeks?? And when I keep turning down these requests, I get a message like the one i did this morning: "So...what do you do all day then?" Seriously?!?! Who asks that?? Only an insensitive person! I found it to be really rude, especially since it's not like she just met me and has no clue, she's just trying to figure out why I won't make any plans with her to "hang out". Ugh! So rude...call it pregnancy hormones, but it's still an unnecessary thing to say...
OK rant over!
Hope you guys are doing better than I am! I can't wait to update you with my birth story!! Hopefully it'll be soon. I had another prenatal massage this afternoon and I don't know what she did, but I've been feeling REALLY drowsy all day! I'm glad for it though because I haven't been sleeping well these last few weeks and I'm going to take the rest when I can get it before it's too late haha!