sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

No more intestinal cramping for me today yay! Ian was freaking out this morning because apparently I was lying on his face! I felt what I think was his head down in the left side of my groin where my leg meets my body and figured he'd move later on in the night, but no such luck. In the am, he was still there and I had switched to my left side and next thing you know, I'm feeling these frantic flutters and kicks/punches like he was trying to get out, and as soon as I moved to my back, he settled down. I thought I was imagining things, with it being so early in the am, so I lay on my left again and sure enough, Ian freaked out again! So I guess I'm going to have to check his head position before I get comfortable in bed or else he'll get squished hehe :) poor baby. I think that's his favourite position though because in every u/s he is positioned there and it makes it hard for the techs to get his head measurements!

I haven't been able to work out since my hip pain started so I guess I'll also be waiting to do any ab workouts til after I give birth :( I feel unfit haha! I can't believe I actually miss working out...

Aww Trytofind! I'm sorry you are so uncomfortable. Hopefully little Oliver will make his entrance soon! Yay for being 4/5 engaged! I hear nausea and vomiting/diarrhea is a sign of impending labour, so maybe that's the case for you :) Will your midwife be the one to deliver Oliver or will you have someone else? I might end up with a midwife I haven't spent much time with when the time comes, but well will see. That's what happens in a big practice I suppose ;)

That's interesting about the baby showers. I just figured everyone had one. I learned something new today lol!

I can't believe we are all having babies now! It seems like just yesterday that we were griping and getting frustrated over BFNs and temps and OPKs. Feels like old news now haha! I'm glad we could stick together and see each other through to the success of a BFP and soon actual babies in hand! Can't wait for the third tri :D
Trytofind- So sorry you are feeling uncomfortable! I can't even imagine as I am starting to get pretty uncomfortable and you are a few weeks farther than me! I can't wait to hear the news of your little boy being born! Has your doctor discussed when he will induce if you go overdue? I know going overdue is very common with first pregnancies.

RCAF- Glad you have been feeling better, that is weird about laying on baby's face LOL. I always worry when I bend over that I'm crushing Vayda, but I think with all the amniotic fluid around baby its impossible to actually hurt them by moving around, at least I hope so!

AFM, I'm full term today! 37 weeks! On Thursday I thought for sure I was in labor. At around 11pm I started having contractions, not my normal irritable uterus ones that aren't painful and can only be felt in my bump, but the kind of contractions I had with my daughter while in labor. These started in my back and radiated around to the front, they were very painful to the point where I couldn't talk through them and I had to just concentrate on breathing. They were only 15 minutes apart and I felt fine in between them so we didn't rush to the hospital, I want to labor at home for as long as I can just to be more comfortable, plus it was so late and I would have had to wake my parents up to come watch my daughter. So these painful contractions went on until 2am, they got as close as 7 minutes apart and although they were all painful they never got increasingly painful so I started to wonder if it was the real thing. At 2am they went away as quickly as they came on! It was so strange, but I was exhausted so I went asleep and the next day I felt fine, just back to my normal belly only contractions. It was such a weird thing to happen, I never had pain with my daughter until I got to the hospital so it surprised me. I wonder if it was false labor or if it was real labor but it couldn't progress because of the shots still being in my system (I get my last one today). I'm going to ask my doctor about it today, but either way I'm so very thankful to be full term today! Here is my bump! Oh and I'm up 30 lbs goal was 28, so hopefully I will be one of those people who loses weight at this point!


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YAY! 37 weeks and full term! So happy for you Brit! Your belly looks like what I think mine will turn into, given that it's now a smaller version of yours hehe :) Thanks for sharing! Let us know what your doctor says about those weird contractions.

TrytoFind -- any news?? Is little Oli here yet?

I had my baby shower yesterday! Almost didn't happen because of the weather (snow with freezing rain on roads with drivers who don't know what to do when a little precipitation falls) and so I was disappointed that people were cancelling, but I showed up anyway and there were at least 15 people there, so that was a nice surprise. Even better was my friend from the 2nd grade was there to surprise me! oh my goodness was I ever shocked!! So nice to see her there though :) One of the older ladies present who has 5 children and 10 grandchildren gave me the most items -- her bag had 11 items in it!! She said she loves buying things for babies so she went a little over board haha. Can't complain. I'm just glad I didn't buy any receiving blankets because I swear I got 12! My friend really went all out preparing a really wonderful shower with a safari theme with a focus on giraffes. Even the cupcake liners were giraffe print! Our baby's room is now filled with gifts there's almost no floor space left! I'm a little afraid to tackle the organizational disaster that's going to be but little Ian should know that he is SUPER blessed to get all this stuff! Now that he's pretty much all set, I have to work on my postnatal kit, complete with things like witch hazel pads and super maxi pads lol. I've already gotten things for breastfeeding including My Brest Friend (shower gift) and washable breast pads. I'm really hoping breast feeding works for Ian and I because I really want him to get those antibodies ;)

27 weeks today and I'm feeling baby's every move now, so much so I think he's awake 24-7 but I think he's just starting to get cramped and so I feel his sleep twitches too. Glucose tolerance test next week, and at week 29 we get to check on Ian's kidneys.
Hey ladies glad ur both well! Had 2nd sweep today - more successful! Had a bit of a show and may have lost my plug (was a bit of a mass/clot when I went to pee). Having lots of period cramps so hopefully that's my cervix dilating.... If nothing happens they will give me another sweep next week and if that doesn't happen they will induce me by the end of next week. But I'm hoping he will start to get the hint now and journey out himself :) I was practicing putting the pram up and down today! Very exciting, almost there! The baby shower sounded lovely - was there cake?! That's my kind of party!
Hahaha! It's funny you should say you were practicing putting the pram up and down because I was doing that just the other day! I got a sweet deal on it online and so bought it ahead of schedule -- saving $250 will do that ;) I think I've mostly got the hang of it. It's better than when I first got it, man was it hard to set up.
Looks like you're on your way to meeting little Oli!! Hopefully you'll go into labour soon! So excited for you! I hope you're not nervous!

Yes there was cake at my shower. Cupcakes, brownie cupcakes and cake pops! I've never had a cake pop and neither had DH so I brought one home for him. Very tasty :D I had more brownie cupcakes from the party but DH ate the one I was savouring! serves me right for leaving it out in the open on the counter haha! Were you craving cake during your pregnancy?
Trytofind- I hope you go into labor soon, hopefully that second sweep will do it for you! I know how uncomfortable you are, now that I'm more pregnant than I've ever been I'm realizing that this last month is quite a bit different than the rest of the pregnancy, I can't put my own shoes on without discomfort, I can't shave my legs in the shower, bending over to pick up my daughters toys is so uncomfortable and gives me contractions and my legs are beginning to feel sore after being on my feet for extended periods of time. I've lost my appetite too, and now I get nauseous randomly throughout the day. I'm so happy to have made it this far, and I'm hoping to make it a couple more weeks, but I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a small part of me that wants her out now :haha: my last shot was Monday and they only stay in your system for 7-9 days so I may get my wish towards the middle to end of next week. I hope I can hold out until Monday Dec 9th though because that is when my dr. will be back in the country.

RCAF- When is your next ultrasound scheduled for? It sounds like your baby shower was a blast! That winter storm hit you guys a lot harder than us in Wichita, luckily we only got a tiny bit of freezing rain, nothing that made the roads bad. I've been craving cake and other kinds of sweets this pregnancy as well. With my daughter I craved mac and cheese and chocolate milk shakes, with this baby its all about the sweets, I have no desire for pasta which is strange for me.

AFM: My apt on Monday went well. Still 2cm and only 50 effaced, so my dr. thinks I could go another 2 weeks, depending on how stopping the shot affects things that is. On top of possibly going into labor any day, my 2 year old decided to start using the potty. I'm ecstatic because we have been working on it for several months now, but she just wasn't interested, now she finally is, but taking her to the bathroom every 5 minutes, helping her with her pants and cleaning out her princess potty 20 times a day is tough on me!

I hope you two ladies have a wonderful holiday!
I hope you can hold out too Brit. It would be nice to have your regular doctor deliver Vayda :)
Glad your other daughter is interested in potty training. That would be a big help to only have one kid in diapers ;) But sucky that you have to bend over and be uncomfortable a bunch of times a day :nope:

The weather almost cancelled my baby shower! I was disappointed but didn't want anyone to crash just trying to get to the party. We postponed it by an hour and it was enough to let the temp rise a bit to melt some of the ice on the road. I'm glad my friend from Canada didn't hit any of the icy sections on her way down! But this weather was nothing compared to Canadian winters and storms. It was kinda sad that the Canadians were the ones complaining and canceling their rsvps to my shower because of the roads. In this weather, we don't even put on winter tires that's how non-threatening it was but I guess they've been in Oklahoma too long haha!

My next ultrasound is on the 12th of December and that's when we'll check his kidneys again. I pray they are better. I am worried about them but not trying to obsess like with the brain thing -- to me, that was worse than the kidneys. One thing that has been irritating though is that from time to time, it feels like my whole uterus is pulsating in a rhythm, like a huge heartbeat is radiating through it! It feels SO WEIRD!! I asked my midwife last time if maybe Ian could be lying/standing on his cord causing the pulsation, but she said it's probably my own heartbeat, but I felt my pulse in my neck at the same time that I felt the one in my uterus and mine was much faster. It's happening right now and i feel it in the crease between my abdomen and legs and through to my butt! Ugh...I really want to know what it is. Have you guys felt that at all? I'm convinced it's the cord though because I swear, if he changes position, the pulsing goes away. Strange thing is that unlike a pulse from a heart beat, my belly visibly shakes to the pulse too. Could it be hiccups?? Either way, it's like nails on a chalkboard to me....:wacko:
:Rcaf...those are hiccups for sure :) Vayda gets them several times a day, it means they are practicing swallowing! They usually last about 10 mins. Tay got them even more frequently than this baby. If baby is head down you will feel them down low. I also find them somewhat uncomfortable and vaydas stop when she moves around sometimes too. I worried about every little thing when I was pregnant with my first, but this time around I don't worry unless I'm showing some out wards symptoms of something wrong (bleeding, fever, etc.) these little babies are the safest they will ever be inside your womb once little Ian comes is when the real worrying will begin :flower:
Well third sweep done Wednesday and had another show but everything settled down again. No more cramping. So fed up :( if nothing happened I have a sweep at the hospital booked for 41 weeks and then they'll book me for an induction either Friday or Monday. Really don't want that as it'll mean constant monitoring and strapped to a bed!! How u guys doing?
So that's what they are! Thanks for clearing that up for me Brit! Still such a weird, irritating sensation but at least I now know why it's happening ;) lol

Do the sweeps hurt TrytoFind? Did they give you any special tips on getting labor started? So if nothing works, you'll get induced on Dec 6 or 9th?
One of my other friends on BnB had her baby 2 weeks ago and right on the due date! How cool is that? Pretty rare I think, isn't it? At least, that's what I've heard. I've never known anyone to have their baby on the due date
Hi ladies how are you both doing?

RCAF- Good luck at your ultrasound next week, hopefully Ian's kidney thing will have resolved so you can relax a bit and enjoy your third trimester! I agree with trytofind the end of the second and beginning of the third trimester are the best part of pregnancy.

Trytofind- Are you a new Mommy yet?? I can't wait to hear an update!

AFM: I had to repack our hospital bags, I had them packed for 40 to 50 degree weather, but the highs are supposed to be in the low 20s with lows in the single digits for the next week, plus chances for snow! I put an extra blanket in Vayda's bag, added some soft booties, changed out her light car seat cover for the heavy one, and packed a pram bag. I have a feeling she is on her way. I went to the dr. on Monday, was 2cm dilated and 70% effaced and baby was lower than she has been. The dr. said my last shot should start wearing off this week, and yesterday I had spotting all day long, and this morning still having spotting, a bit heavier. I called the dr. just to make sure its all normal and I have an apt this morning just to check on Vayda and make sure she isn't in distress or anything. The nurse told me it is a pretty good sign for the start of labor. I'm so excited to meet Vayda, but I'm feeling nervous too I wouldn't mind being pregnant a little while longer.
Urrrrggggh! Well 4th sweep has done nothing! I'm still here and oli is in no hurry. I am 1 cm apparently but that means nothing. I am so fed up - my skin feels like its on fire (constant itching), heartburn that just won't quit, nausea has made an unwelcome return and I am bored out of my mind!! Induction is on Monday hopefully so he should be here within the week... I've tried everything raspberry leaf tea, curry, long walks clary sage etc and I am 1cm. Brit trust me I'll trade u the last bit of this never ending pregnancy to have him out and in my arms!!
Hello all! I am new to babyandbump, so here is a little bit of my back story. My husband was shot through the pelvis in Afghanistan in 2010. Because of the injury we have to undergo IVF. Our first attempt was successful but sadly, I went into labor at 21 and our little K died shortly after birth. Now that my hubby is retired, Tricare will not cover our fertility treatments so I have started a petition and I am trying to get as many signatures before I take it to congress. I look forward to chatting with all of you ladies!
Aw, I'm sorry to hear you are so miserable TrytoFind!!:hugs::hugs:
Once you're induced, let's home Oli comes out in no time!

Brit -- you must be getting the same cold weather front we're having in OK. We actually got snow today! and it's still on the ground lol. I'm so excited to hear the news of you both giving birth, I've been coming online to check for posts!

My midwife's office called tonight to cancel tomorrow's glucose screening check up appt because of the "snow storm". They're closing down the clinic for the day and they said to reschedule on Monday. I'm a little disappointed because I was looking forward to getting measured and hearing Ian's heartbeat and so on, but glad I won't have to risk having an accident while driving on the roads with the crazy Okies! Then the next week is the kidney inspection ultrasound. Thanks for the good luck Brit! We have our Infant Safety & CPR class on the 17th so I'm excited for that too.
I got such bad news today, my obgyn who has been my dr since I was 16 was killed in a scuba diving accident yesterday! He was on a trip with his family and I was supposed to see him again on Monday. Now I'll have to switch drs last minute and I just feel so bad for him and his family he was only in his 50s :cry:
Vayda was born this evening! I'll post my birth story later :happydance:
Oh Brit many congratulations! I am sure she is perfect - told you u would have vayda before oli arrived! Hopefully being induced tomorrow so hopefully this will be my last post pre-baby!!

Hope the weather is ok with u guys and just giving u a festive feel as opposed to being dangerous?

Enjoy the gtt rcaf! Enjoy baby vayda Brit :) x
Aw Brit! Sorry to hear about your doc! You were hoping for him to be able to deliver your daughter too! :(

But good news is that your baby girl is here now! Congratulations!! :D I'm so excited for you and your family! Can't wait to hear the birth story :hugs:

TrytoFind - Induction day tomorrow (Monday)!! Hopefully baby Oli comes out within 24 hours ;) Can't wait to hear your birth story too!!!

And then there was! It seems like the end of this pregnancy is going by so fast!! I'm not ready for it to be over just yet. Maybe in 9 weeks I'll feel that way who knows! Hopefully I'll get my midwife's appointment rescheduled for this week and this week is also kidney check week! So'll be fine. I'll let you guys know about that too!
I'm starting to have to eat even smaller portions now 'cause my big baby is crowding my upper organs now!! I didn't think it would happen this soon but maybe it's because he's long. So now because he pushes on my stomach, I get heart burn and indigestion. It's not too bad though, so just a couple tums does the trick ;)
Here is my birth story:

I lost my mucus plug late Friday night, and another chunk came out on Saturday morning. I was having contractions Saturday morning but they felt like my normal irritable uterus contractions. The main difference was I felt pain in my butt during most of the contractions I felt fine enough that DD and I cleaned house Saturday morning and ran errands Saturday afternoon. DH got home from work and we settled in to watch a movie with DD. I felt extremely tired so wound up falling asleep for a couple of hours. I woke up around 4:30pm feeling fine. At 5:45pm I was sitting on the couch and felt a painful pop in my bump. I got up and saw that it was my waters. We called my parents to come stay with DD, and got the last of our hospital bags packed and loaded into the van. We weren't in a rush because labor with dd was 12 hours and I wasn't feeling painful contractions. We left for the hospital (a 30 min drive) about 6:15pm and I started having painful contractions on the highway. I was admitted to the hospital at 6:50pm where they checked me and said I was 5cm and 100% effaced. I was told I could have the epidural anytime. I was in pain, but not a lot so I waited. Within 15 minutes I was in the most extreme pain of my entire life, and I asked for the epidural. By the time the anesthesiologist came into the room I was having double contractions with no breaks in between. Getting the epidural ready seemed to take forever and I was in so much pain I was afraid of moving while they put in the needle. They finally got the needle in and ready to go and the nurse said she would check my cervix before they did the test run of pain medicine. Turns out I was 10 cm and ready to push. The dr. wasn't even on his way yet, because things went so fast, so they said I could wait to push until he got there in 15 minutes. Finally the epidural kicked in and although I felt like I wanted to push really really bad, the pain was bearable. When the dr. came into the room they put my feet up into the holsters and Vayda was crowning. I pushed 3 times and she was out, it was 8:18pm. She weighed 7lbs 4oz. It was amazing, unlike my first daughter I got to hold Vayda right away all gooey and everything. She began rooting and I was able to breastfeed her right away. Even though my labor was intense and unexpected, it was so much better than having a long labor. I felt awake and rested once she was born and that was better for bonding. It was also a nice bonding experience for my husband and I, we've never taken birthing classes, but he was by my side the whole time coaching me through contractions and he did a great job. I did tear but only needed 3 stitches and so far my recovery has been easy. My older daughter is in love with her baby sister and I am feeling incredibly blessed.


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