oh god I hate the dentist. I had one when I was 6 years old drug me and pull 4 teeth without asking my mom. she said she could hear me screaming in the waiting room and they wouldn't let her back there.
Then I didn't go for a while and my teeth were quite fine, started having pain and it was my wisdoms....had the bottom 2 out first. I refused to be put to sleep so I stayed awake, needless to say the noises were awful. the oral surgeon was an asshole, he told me to sit still and shut up because I was having a panic attack.
I had black bruises on my jaw for a week.
I had the other 2 taken out separately by a different dentist. not nearly as bad but still scary.
I had been doing ok, then in March I had a painful tooth and it chipped. went back to the dentist, he says root canal or extraction. well money wise and TBH i don't think I could handle the root canal, i say extraction. well, chickened out and missed a bunch of appointments. then this weekend, another tooth chipped. I was like FML
I hate it! I get so anxious and especially now I don't know why I can't hardly get in the door.
I think it's to do with my c section and being nervous about having procedures of any kind now