I'm a single mom and I can say from my experience it's so much easier to not have to take care of house (and I mean all of it including taxes and repairs), kids and an adult child who only wants to work and take off on weekends with his friends.
However, that being said, my kids suffer because we can't be a family. My 2 oldest kid's dad cheated and lied so much and also threatened to take them away from me (and I was the one taking care of everybody) and my youngest has a diff father whom they never met (he took off while I was pregnant). It's hard for my kids and I always do my best but sometimes it's just not enough when they are missing that important piece of their genealogy.
Just like the episode on Dr.Phil I think where the girl was so angry at her mothers because she wanted a dad (and I mean she was mad and stated her mothers were so selfish in not thinking about what she would want), don't forget you're not the only human in this, they matter too. They may not be able to vocal early on, but just wait till they get older...
Humans have this innate ability to think they are doing good when in fact they are actually being selfish with Ego. Life is never easy I know but everyone wants a say in their life and how it's done, no matter the age.