~~> Slimming World Diet Support Thread 2011 <~~ (Part 2!)

Wow, you ladies are amazing!!!! You are all doing so well, wish I had the same motivation as you guys....it appears to be hiding from me :dohh: I want to find it haha

I keep telling myself, I'll start tomorrow then the next day, then the next day.
Guess what, I want to start again tomorrow :rofl:

Ahh, I'm so cross with myself :growlmad:, I come on here and read what you guys have been doing and eating and wish I could get the ball rolling and do it myself...someone slap me :wacko: I know its up to me but my motivation doesnt seem to last long, then go and stuff some cake :blush:

Sorry to put this on here when you're all doing so well, guess I just need to have a moan and get it off my chest. I know my weight is prob effecting my chance of ttc, you would think thats enough to give me a kick up the bum!

Sorry once again ladies...rant over :flower:

OMG, I'm watching comic relief.... how pathetic do I sound!!!!
So much going on out there, I've got nothing to moan about compared to those poor souls!!!! :cry: Tissues at the ready, so sad. Sort yourself out Claire :cry:

I have been struggling since october to get motivated to do it and am only just in my second week now. I get married in august and even that hasn't motivated me before now. BUT from somewhere I have found the motivation again! Im sick and tired of being big and am now aiming to lose 3 stone in 5 months. Once I got into it i'm finding it easier. You will do it!! Good luck xxx
Aaaa, so close! I'm 1/2 lb off my first half stone lost! 1.5lb off this week, and 6.5lb off in total though, and even though it's going slower than I'd like, it's going, and that's the main thing!

Just done an hour's swimming (1.28km), and am waiting for some jelly to cool down so I can whisk some activia into it and stick it in the fridge, yum! (how many syns is it for that again? It's hartley's low calorie raspberry jelly sachet, with a free activia raspberry yog).

I'm starting to feel a bit of difference as well, I can get into a pair of trousers comfortably now that 5 weeks ago I had to REALLY breathe in to get fastened :D Shame they're almost worn through in the bum so I can't wear them outside anyway! :rofl:

Have got a load of fresh veg in (mushrooms, onion, peppers, baby corn, mange-tout), and a little jar of light sweet & sour (4.5 syns for half the jar), and some noodles, so that will be dinner tonight!

Hope everyone's having a good week :D
Thanks super,
I know what you mean, I got married July last year and barely lost any weight for it. I felt under pressure to be a "slim bride" but in the end thought...hubby loves me for me, not what I weigh. There is enough stress when your planning a wedding, never mind losing weight!

Im pleased to hear you're feeling better in your second week, I know if I get over the 1st week i'll be fine. Tommorow i'm going to do a meal plan for the week and hope that helps me to get through the 1st week...fx'd!

Hope your wedding plans are going well, have you got your dress yet?
I was the same girls.
I got married in Dec 09 and had tried to diet previous to that but didnt lose much and then thought "bugger it" and got wed as i was. Still looked fab on the day tho although some of the pics are a bit "fat" lol. Determined to be slim on the pics of me holding our baby tho, so getting my arse into gear. Aww super, bet u are so excited now eh? xxx
I was the same girls.
I got married in Dec 09 and had tried to diet previous to that but didnt lose much and then thought "bugger it" and got wed as i was. Still looked fab on the day tho although some of the pics are a bit "fat" lol. Determined to be slim on the pics of me holding our baby tho, so getting my arse into gear. Aww super, bet u are so excited now eh? xxx

Ha ha, I also have some of those fat pics of our wedding. But to be fair, most were ok! We had a good photographer :thumbup:
I like the sound of slimmer pics holding a baby, but i will look super rough with no make up on though :rofl:
I was the same girls.
I got married in Dec 09 and had tried to diet previous to that but didnt lose much and then thought "bugger it" and got wed as i was. Still looked fab on the day tho although some of the pics are a bit "fat" lol. Determined to be slim on the pics of me holding our baby tho, so getting my arse into gear. Aww super, bet u are so excited now eh? xxx

Ha ha, I also have some of those fat pics of our wedding. But to be fair, most were ok! We had a good photographer :thumbup:
I like the sound of slimmer pics holding a baby, but i will look super rough with no make up on though :rofl:

haha! I will probs look well rough but il be slim! lmao. Now that's a photo i cant wait to see:winkwink:

Buggered up with my tea girls! thought the iceland fish in parsley sauce in the foil tray was 2.5 syns so had it for my tea and it was lovely, then checked my SW mags and it was 11 syns!!:dohh: it is the salmon one thats low syns so be warned xxx
Hmmm just fancied something sweet and so did dh so i made him "normal" pancakes and i made myself 2 syn free pancakes, lightly spread some morello cherry jam over them and rolled them up and they were bloody lush! so only 1 syn for such a nice treat :)
Going to bed now as im knackered and im going the gym tomorrow so need my energy! lol. Roll on sweet sleep. Night all xxx
Hey, yeah I do have my dress!! It's made to measure so have been measured a couple of weeks ago which spurred me on when the guy was a prat and said most brides wont bother losing weight!! Even if i do lost what I want to I probably won't need it taking in as it is a corset back one so prob just tie it tighter i hope!!

I'm not excited yet though, I have this weight loss hanging over me and I really want to prove everyone wrong and not be a size 18 bride! I'm also training to be a midwife, am halfway through and that's pretty stressful at the minute too! Have a pile of essays and a practical exam to do in the next 2-3 weeks........and i'm determined not to munch whilst i do them!! I normally do!! x
Well i'm sure you will look beautiful whatever size you are, good luck with it all though!
I've just looked into midwife training! I'm currently a qualified dental nurse, but interested in midwifery.
Can I ask how old you are and how long your training will last? Hope you dont mind? Im 28 and dont know if i've left it too late?
I was very intrested in being a midwife too but i have no GCSE's due to losing a lot of school with illness when i was younger so would never get in to do the degree :-(
might one day look into nursing and specialise in maternity etc.

Well just had a yum brekky. Had 2 slices wholemeal toast(heb) with scraping of flora light(2 syns) and morello cherry jam(1 syn) and a cuppa :) need to pop out later and buy some fruit as im running really low. Going the gym soon. Aaah. Cant be arsed! lol xxx
Can anyone post a recipe for syn free quiche?

The recipe is on the first page hun with a ton of other yummy recipes x

Friday was awful & soo sad :cry: he had a lovely send of though with around 300 people there x

We didnt go out to lunch (no money) so came home & had jacket potatoes cheese & beans was lush x
Yesterday I was a tad naughty :blush: I had bacon & poached eggs for brekkie (free) then got to mums & had no lunch with me so had a ham salad sndwich on white bread :dohh: x We had no dinner for last night so thought sod it & had a chinese :blush:

Mum isnt doing sunday lunch today so not sure what we're having but I do know she's making a chocolate cake so may have a slither of that lol x

Hoping to make up for it during the week x
I've been so bad.

I've had like 1 meal or snack a day for the last 3 days. I'm that stressed my tummy in constantly churning and I just don't feel hungry at all. I'm getting the dizzy and tummy pangs but when it comes to eat I can't bring myself too .. :grr: so mad at myself I really wanted to have lots and lots of super free food this week and lose 2lb to get my half a stone award.

Gunna have to just do Monday-Wednesday on superstrict mode and hope I can salvage 2lb!
Well i'm sure you will look beautiful whatever size you are, good luck with it all though!
I've just looked into midwife training! I'm currently a qualified dental nurse, but interested in midwifery.
Can I ask how old you are and how long your training will last? Hope you dont mind? Im 28 and dont know if i've left it too late?

Hey i'm 27 next month but there is loads of people in my cohort older than me, mid thirties.....the oldest is 50!!! You're not too old at all! The degree is 3 years, im in the middle of my second year so about half way through...will qualify when i'm 28. Cant wait!!! xx
Well i'm sure you will look beautiful whatever size you are, good luck with it all though!
I've just looked into midwife training! I'm currently a qualified dental nurse, but interested in midwifery.
Can I ask how old you are and how long your training will last? Hope you dont mind? Im 28 and dont know if i've left it too late?

Hey i'm 27 next month but there is loads of people in my cohort older than me, mid thirties.....the oldest is 50!!! You're not too old at all! The degree is 3 years, im in the middle of my second year so about half way through...will qualify when i'm 28. Cant wait!!! xx

Ooh, might look into a bit more. I only turned 28 last week so guess i'm not too old after all!
I do have GCSE's and nvq's and my dental qualification is counted as 1st year of a degree, so i'm fairly sure my qualifications are ok......scary though!!

Have you found it hard work?

A-Queen, could you perhaps re-sit some gcse's?
Well i'm sure you will look beautiful whatever size you are, good luck with it all though!
I've just looked into midwife training! I'm currently a qualified dental nurse, but interested in midwifery.
Can I ask how old you are and how long your training will last? Hope you dont mind? Im 28 and dont know if i've left it too late?

Hey i'm 27 next month but there is loads of people in my cohort older than me, mid thirties.....the oldest is 50!!! You're not too old at all! The degree is 3 years, im in the middle of my second year so about half way through...will qualify when i'm 28. Cant wait!!! xx

Ooh, might look into a bit more. I only turned 28 last week so guess i'm not too old after all!
I do have GCSE's and nvq's and my dental qualification is counted as 1st year of a degree, so i'm fairly sure my qualifications are ok......scary though!!

Have you found it hard work?

A-Queen, could you perhaps re-sit some gcse's?

Yeah it really is hard work. I have a 4 1/2 year old daughter and a 2 1/2 year old daughter so trying to do the academic side is pretty hard. Always doing uni work when they are in bed, and it's not the best time to right an essay!!! I absolutely love placement though!! Do you have any biology quaifications?? I had a levels and a degree in history and english but still had to do the biology before i could start the degree in midwifery xx
Well i'm sure you will look beautiful whatever size you are, good luck with it all though!
I've just looked into midwife training! I'm currently a qualified dental nurse, but interested in midwifery.
Can I ask how old you are and how long your training will last? Hope you dont mind? Im 28 and dont know if i've left it too late?

Hey i'm 27 next month but there is loads of people in my cohort older than me, mid thirties.....the oldest is 50!!! You're not too old at all! The degree is 3 years, im in the middle of my second year so about half way through...will qualify when i'm 28. Cant wait!!! xx

Ooh, might look into a bit more. I only turned 28 last week so guess i'm not too old after all!
I do have GCSE's and nvq's and my dental qualification is counted as 1st year of a degree, so i'm fairly sure my qualifications are ok......scary though!!

Have you found it hard work?

A-Queen, could you perhaps re-sit some gcse's?

Yeah it really is hard work. I have a 4 1/2 year old daughter and a 2 1/2 year old daughter so trying to do the academic side is pretty hard. Always doing uni work when they are in bed, and it's not the best time to right an essay!!! I absolutely love placement though!! Do you have any biology quaifications?? I had a levels and a degree in history and english but still had to do the biology before i could start the degree in midwifery xx

Sounds like hard work!!
I've only got a gcse in biology, but unsure about my nursing thing as I know it counts for something, just know what?
Thanks for your help though, might try and find out a bit more info from my local uni.
Keep up your good/hard work...hats off to you!!
I've been so bad.

I've had like 1 meal or snack a day for the last 3 days. I'm that stressed my tummy in constantly churning and I just don't feel hungry at all. I'm getting the dizzy and tummy pangs but when it comes to eat I can't bring myself too .. :grr: so mad at myself I really wanted to have lots and lots of super free food this week and lose 2lb to get my half a stone award.

Gunna have to just do Monday-Wednesday on superstrict mode and hope I can salvage 2lb!

Aww, I missed out on my half stone this week as well, I WILL get it next Saturday!!! And so will you! :happydance: I hope whatever's stressing you resolves itself and you can get back to normal :hugs:

Just been for a 6.75 km run, really feeling it in my left achilles though, hope that doesn't carry on.

Have had sultana bran (HEb1), milk (HEa1) and chopped banana for breakfast, 2 cups of tea (HEa2 for the milk), a pint of low-cal orange squash, and have also been bad...2 thornton's moments (3 syns) and hash browns and ketchup for lunch (6 syns)...whoops! They were gorgeous though, I really enjoyed them!

Hubby's doing dinner tonight to make up for being lazy and refusing to come out shopping - he needs new trainers, so I was going to drive him to the outlet village and get some new running kit while we were there, but I've ended up just buying my stuff online as he couldn't be bothered to get dressed :dohh:. So, he's suggested doing mixed veg and quorn steak strips special fried rice, and I've just found a syn free recipe that he can adapt :wohoo:. So I can have a big ol' bowl of that and then have some more of my jelly/yoghurt blancmange stuff! :D
Hi guys!

I'm on track to lose 3lbs this week so I am pretty happy...
HOWEVER my husband has a craving for dominos pizza. Does anyone know if there is ANYTHING I can order from dominos that won't ruin my whole week? Or should I tell him he can have chinese instead, since I know there are things I can eat.

Right, been super organised today. Done a slimming world food shop and made a meal plan for the week!
Also made lunch for tomorrow-Quorn pieces with roasted peppers, courgettes and mushrooms mixed with cous cous. As far as I know thats all free on sw green?
Also could anyone tell me is it 28g of branflakes for a heb?
Yep 28g branflakes plus x1 ryvita sesame/original/dark rye counts as x1 HEB :)

I just had the most tasty tea! made Jamaican chicken curry, added lots of spinach, fresh chilli, onion and tomatoes etc and it was lush! had it with brown rice and some grapes for dessert :)

Did a hr in the gym today too so feeling good as i usually go mad at the wkends and bugger up. lol. Made enough of the curry for work tomorrow too so that saves me being tempted to eat junk and il take 2 mini merginue nests with me as a snack with my coffee.

Hope everyone has had a good wkend xxx

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