BellaRosa! I have been stalking you and this SMEP thread and I just want to tell you I am so thrilled for you! That is amazing! I was waiting to hear if you'd get your BFP I just had a feeling you would! I am going to try this SMEP this cycle I am excited. Did you do anything else like tilt your hips up after BD'ing or anything? When you used Preseed did you put it in with the applicator? This cycle I am trying Vitex, Maca powder and Fertilitea AND vitamins B-6/complex with my prenatal. Between all of this and this SMEP (oh and acupuncture!) I swear this is my month :wink wink: But I am excited about this SMEP it just makes sense! Congrats again!!!!
Yay for bump buddies!
You should def do it! T shirt is such a cute idea (if I do say so myself)try Amazon - 2 day shipping? I was looking on there & they have pink toddler scrubs that say "big sister" on the pocket OMG so buying those for DD to wear to the hospital to meet the new LO
Moonstar - thanks Hun!
SBBaby - my DD turned 2 in May. Love having a little girl, don't you?! Anyway, try the SMEP & preseed. You obv. Can conceive because you have a DD! It will happenI absolutely will stalk you if you'd like me to!
so i probably ovulated late this cycle and we missed it.supposedly 17dpo today and still no af. temps are going down, but still above coverline.