Well OH came home last night feeling unwell - he thinks he has gastro, but to be honest I dont think he has!!!! Is going round his work, he has a bit of a tummy ache but not what I thought gastro was. Anyway hes been moaning and groaning as if he is the only one in this household to feel unwell. I said "welcome to my world" try living with that for the last 3 weeks 24/7 and having a cold on top and having to cook every night and clean the kitchen and do the washing up with no help! i think he got it as I went to the gym and I came home and all the mess and dirty plates/cups he had left in the kitchen the night before had been cleared up! I actually almost fainted! He is a total lazy arse - and always says "you should tell me" I always say I shouldnt have to tell him he should just realise that he needs to clear up after himself or do stuff once in a while.
Anyway I think he gets the point now!!
I get to go back to the doctors in a week for nausea medication - she wanted to see if I could go without it for as long as possible, but said she'd give me something if in 2 weeks I was still suffering so I could at least function to do my wedding prep and to get married!!