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So I guess this is my first Two Week Wait...

leelee dont worry too much about the temp - it might just have a blip for some reason - just BD as and when i am sure you will catch that egg (if you havent already!)

butterfly - sorry you have been feeling down - but good plan going out on the lash!! i am very jealous!!
leelee dont worry too much about the temp - it might just have a blip for some reason - just BD as and when i am sure you will catch that egg (if you havent already!)

butterfly - sorry you have been feeling down - but good plan going out on the lash!! i am very jealous!!

Hi Flumpy

How are you feeling?

Don't think any of us would mind giving up alcohol to have what your having! But it is good to let loose while we can!
quiet on here today.......... everyone enjoying the beautiful weather.

Hope you're ok Hayley.......... thinking of you :hugs:

Well I had a lovely afternoon in the garden ............. although the nesting blue tits kept me busy. Their chick decided she wanted to leave the next box but can't quite fly yet.......... it was so tiny and I was so worried that the Magpie's were gonna come and get it. DH tried to pick it up but was worried about hurting it so I picked it up very gently put it back in the nesting box. The little bugger did this twice more!! The last time we just watched for a while whilst it's mum kept flitting about but it still wasn't flying so I put it back. I told it to stay there and go to sleep! My neighbours will think I'm barmy for sure!

How are you doing Leelee?
I've been busy working - would have much rather been out enjoying the sunshine!
Will admit I caved this morning and tested :bfn: not too disheartened, will retest in a couple of days.
Seem to have had much less in the way of symptoms today though so am loosing my pma a bit!
Hi ladies,

Butterfly - sounds like you had a lovely day

Mrs N - your only 10 DPO so far too early to be losing your PMA!

Well I had some EWCM today so looks like I might be O'ing today or tomorrow. Not impressed as I thought I was O'ing during the week and had far more EWCM. Anyway BD'd today and will BD again tomorrow. Am really hoping that FF puts me as O'ing tomorrow as that will give me a chance to BD 1 day before, on the day of O and the day after.

Will hope for the best after that!
I've been busy working - would have much rather been out enjoying the sunshine!
Will admit I caved this morning and tested :bfn: not too disheartened, will retest in a couple of days.
Seem to have had much less in the way of symptoms today though so am loosing my pma a bit!

I did too :rofl::rofl::rofl:
BFN too! I was checkin my cm and it had pink in it so I think I'm out. I am ok though as if I have a March baby I only have to plan one trip instead of two to see my parents around birthdays as dd was born in April and we could just go in between.
sorry you got :bfn: too csunshine - could be too early for you too! Hope :witch: doesn't get you.
Ff is marking my chart as possible triphasic at day 41 now! :wohoo:
Hope yours is to early. I am spotting browm cm now, not much, but makes me think I'm out this month though. Hope all goes well for you and you get your bfp!
Hey ladies, hope you don't mind me barging on in, hoping for no :witch: this month, so want my :bfp: !!! ovulated 3 days ago so fingers crossed the :spermy: makes it!!!
Mrs N - I am VERY optimistic for you, your chart looks great. Yay for triphasic! Don't worry about the BFN, could have been just too early.

Csunshine - sorry to hear you got a BFN too, hope it's just too early for you too. Spotting could be just a bit of IB so it doesn't mean you are out.

Leelee, temperature could have been just an ovulation dip? Anyway you got your BD in so you are covered either way.

Hayley - hope all is well with you and you are out enjoying the sunshine. We miss you!

Butterfly, so happy to hear you are feeling a bit better. I truly believe the weather is lifting everyone's spirits a bit! We have our bank holiday weekend this weekend in Ireland, and we really couldn't have got a better weekend for it!! I'm sure having a few drinks and letting your hair down helped too!

Yesterday was actually the first day that I felt pissed off about not being able to drink. For the whole of first tri, the thoughts of alcohol turned my stomach, but now I am feeling pretty normal and felt a bit jealous of everyone sitting having drinks in the sun! Still as you say, it is for a very good reason, so it makes it easy to abstain.

Welcome Akira, this is a lovely thread, hopefully you will get your BFP soon.

Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying the weekend.
Morning ladies

Mrs N and CSunshine .............. it still is early... this thread is known for late bfp!! Mrs N your chart looks fab though! Are you testing again today?

Polaris - you could have one? One won't hurt - that's a fact.

Welcome Akira

Leelee - how you doing today? Will be interesting to see what your temps do over the next few days :hugs:

:hugs: to Hayley. xx
No not testing today, thought I'd give it another couple of days - might test tomorrow morning.
Hayley hope you are ok :hugs:
At work again today, wish I could be out enjoying the sunshine - dh has gone out for a BBQ :hissy:
Meant to say, am feeling a bit :sick: again today but it's a bit different to before - this feels like it's in my stomach rather than the throaty thing I had before. I have also been feeling quite wierd and lightheaded today, keep coming over all funny!
I wish I knew what my usual post ov temps were and how long my lp is!
Hi all,

CSunshine - hope the spotting stops for you. It is unfair that your chart should look like that and for you to get AF.

Mrs N - defo think you tested too early. I am so hopeful for your chart. Can't see any other outcome other than a :bfp:

How are you today butterfly?

Polaris - I'm sure it is hard without the alcohol. I know what a sunny day drinking in Ireland is like. Great craic! Think of it, this time next year when the sun is out your OH can mind the baby and you can drink in the sun!

Welcome Akira!

Well straight away when I took my temps this morning I know I am O;ing today. Tried to seduce OH but he is too :sleep: and said he feels under pressure. It just wasn't happening. So have told him it is okay and asked him to approach me when he feels like it later on. He said he would so fingers crossed!

Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely sunshine!
Meant to say, am feeling a bit :sick: again today but it's a bit different to before - this feels like it's in my stomach rather than the throaty thing I had before. I have also been feeling quite wierd and lightheaded today, keep coming over all funny!
I wish I knew what my usual post ov temps were and how long my lp is!

Oh I'm so excited, that's exactly the way I felt before I got my BFP! Lightheaded and just feeling a bit strange. I didn't exactly feel sick, just very slightly, but the lightheaded thing sounds exactly like me. I didn't test till 15 dpo though cos I was sure I wasn't pregnant and didn't want to see BFN!
Hi girls hope your all enjoying the lovely weather :flower:

Mrs N fab looking chart hope it was just too early for you too test. That is how i felt with both my boys - lightheaded. Couldn't stand in the que at Tesco as i felt so light headed xxx

leelee i hope you are Oing today and your OH feels in the mood later on. Its a lot of pressure to perform on demand. xxx

Polaris glad your doing well xxx

Butterfly :hugs: Thinking of you as always hunni xxx

Csunshine hope you get a BFP soon and maybe you had a late IB?? xxx

Flumpy hows my newly pg BnB friend??? xxx

I'm CD4 today and on day 3 of Clomid. Giving me horrid headaches on the double does but apprently thats normal.

Feeling a lot brighter now girls! Just read through the last few pages and thank you sooooooo much for thinking of me. I always need a few days to myself when the witch arrives.

Still going with the relaxed approach this cycle so i'm gonna be limiting my time on here as i get obsessed with reading everything to do with TTC! :rofl:

Love you all girls :hug:
Haley, so glad to see you back and feeling bright and shiny!!! :hugs:

Ladies, i just posted a thread in first tri asking if anyone else is having ex-wife issues....please feel free to read.....having a HORRIBLE time right now with oh's ex. I know I need to calm down for baby's sake but it's so hard.
good afternoon!! how is everyone? it is so sunny here I am sat outside on the laptop I have got a stinking cold though booo!!

Hayley - glad you are ok - we were worried about you - dont worry enjoy your relaxed approach and come and join us in first tri at the end of this cycle - i am sure the clomid will work wonders this time :hug:

Mrs N - that is how I feel now lightheaded - i am sure you are pg you deserve it after that long wait for Ov!!! i think you tested too early!

leelee - you are right - I wouldnt swap being pg to be able to drink!!! i hope you Ov and BD today - i sometimes feel sorry for the guys having to perfom on demand but then i remember what we have to go through and dont feel so bad anymore! :rofl:

polaris - i am so jealous of how far along you are! i know what you mean about the booze i dont drink that much but yesterday i was at a bbq and it was a killer!

csunshine -sorry the :witch: got you i am sure you will get your :bfp: soon - i will keep my fingers crossed for you xxx

well I am 5w 6d now and my nipples are killing me :)blush:TMI!!) I am bloated and light headed but that is about it!

i am still scared and i cant beleive that everything will be ok this time around - i am trying to be positive though!! xxx
Hi all,

I officially feel like a twit now! I had 2 OPK's left and used one and I got a positive OPK, which corresponds with my temp rise. Feel really silly banging on about O'ing during the week now. Duh. Also realised that I was propbably mistaking my preseed for EWCM so that's why I was convinced!

Oh well, hopefully OH will approach me later. He usually is very keen so fingers crossed.

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