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So I guess this is my first Two Week Wait...

SO i went to the doctors today, and they wont give me a blood test and theyve told me that if i havent come on in a month and a half or so....so i will of missed 3 cycles, then to go back.

Not much help but aparently its just one of them things!!!

sorry to hear you are not much closer to an answer jojazz, that sucks!

Excited cos my temp went up nicely today! :happydance:
Evening ladies....... you have been chatty!

Welcome to the thread JJ.

Mrs N - you keep being sick into your mouth???!!! it's a sign!!

Leelee - hope you didn't catch flu hun.

Loulou - Bd'ing every other day is a good plan.... that's what I'm trying to do but quite difficult when dh working away!

Flumpy - glad you're feeling queasy! ha ha ha

Polaris - how are you doing hun? Still in normal clothes or have you succumbed to elastic waistbands!!

Hayley - how are you babe? Have you had SA back yet? We're here for you :hugs:

:hugs: to everyone too xxxxx

Hi Butterfly - nice to see you back again. How are you? I am good, must have just been wrecked with all the travelling instead of getting the flu. Am glad about that. Had a lovely nights sleep!

Hayley - any word on your OH's SA?

Jojazz - so sorry to hear about your trip to the doctors

Want2bamom - your symptoms are sounding really good

Mrs N - your chart looks amazing. Am so jealous of it!

I am good. My temps are on the rise and if I put in a few false temps FF is putting me at O'ing on CD12 or 14. Am hoping it was CD12 as I had lots of Bd'ing before, during and after. The crosshairs are not definite though so will keep up the BD'ing I think. If anyone could have a look and give an opinion I would be grateful!
Hi ladies. It looks like I am in the 2WW if my temps stay up tomorrow!

I took out all my -OPK's as I think I missed my surge (also missed it last month) and it was making FF uncertain as to when I O'd. It looks like I O'd on Wed if I take away the OPK results. Does that look okay to everyone? Is it alright to take away the OPK's?

I'm not going to use them again as they seem to stress me out. I prefer to check my CM and temp instead.

Any advice would be brill!
Hello ladies boy you have been chatty since I didn't come on yesterday. I had a horrible headache and very nasuas. I was very sick at least 6 times yesterday. :dohh: I finally had to go to the er and have some medicine to make me not sick and headache gone! It's still lingering there, and still slightly nasuas. My temp radically went up this morning, but I was 1/2hr late taking it so this has some affect on it.

How is everybody else? Mrs. N your temps look very good! Leelee welcome to the tww :rofl: Now you can obsess with the rest of us. :rofl:

Flumpy not feeling well, so sorry, not really when the prize you'll recieve in 9 months! :baby:

Haley were are you? Haven't seen you for a while?

Polaris I didn't buy a single maternity clothing when pg with dd just oversized clothes.

Butterfly how are you?

Welcome Mrs JJ and how are you Loulou?
Hi ladies. It looks like I am in the 2WW if my temps stay up tomorrow!

I took out all my -OPK's as I think I missed my surge (also missed it last month) and it was making FF uncertain as to when I O'd. It looks like I O'd on Wed if I take away the OPK results. Does that look okay to everyone? Is it alright to take away the OPK's?

I'm not going to use them again as they seem to stress me out. I prefer to check my CM and temp instead.

Any advice would be brill!

Sounds alright to me. That's great if you O'd on Wednesday, looks like the B vitamins are definitely doing something. Just have to wait and see what your temperature does tomorrow - hopefully you'll get a nice big rise to confirm O.
Hello ladies boy you have been chatty since I didn't come on yesterday. I had a horrible headache and very nasuas. I was very sick at least 6 times yesterday. :dohh: I finally had to go to the er and have some medicine to make me not sick and headache gone! It's still lingering there, and still slightly nasuas. My temp radically went up this morning, but I was 1/2hr late taking it so this has some affect on it.

How is everybody else? Mrs. N your temps look very good! Leelee welcome to the tww :rofl: Now you can obsess with the rest of us. :rofl:

Flumpy not feeling well, so sorry, not really when the prize you'll recieve in 9 months! :baby:

Haley were are you? Haven't seen you for a while?

Polaris I didn't buy a single maternity clothing when pg with dd just oversized clothes.

Butterfly how are you?

Welcome Mrs JJ and how are you Loulou?

Hi CSunshine!

All I can say is - wow what a temp rise! Sorry you were so sick though.

Hi Polaris - thanks for replying. Yeah between Agnus Castus and the B vits I am O'ing earlier which is great. The next aim (apart from a BFP) is to lengthen my LP!
Thanks Leelee and yes I did have a big temp rise, but like i said I took it later than normal. I don't know what's normal as this is the first month I have temped. Will have to wait and see. Hope you o'd, between the agnus cactus and b should help. Here's some :dust:
Thanks Leelee and yes I did have a big temp rise, but like i said I took it later than normal. I don't know what's normal as this is the first month I have temped. Will have to wait and see. Hope you o'd, between the agnus cactus and b should help. Here's some :dust:

Thanks CSunshine. If you took your temp 1/2 hour later it should only be out by about .5 (Farenheit). I use this if I take it later/earlier:

Thanks Leelee I will use this for my temps.

I forgot to say so sorry that your dr wasn't more helpful! I think I would be contacting a gyno. Jojazz :hugs:
Polaris I didn't buy a single maternity clothing when pg with dd just oversized clothes.

Thanks, that's good to know! Hopefully I can get away with that too! For the most part anyway.

Hope you are feeling sick for a good reason!
I hope so, but this afternoon I am feeling fine, but do have a little tummy rumble. :rofl:

I bought stretchy pants and big MOMMA shirts, I still have some of them LOL when I got really skinny my dh laughed when I would put one on. :rofl:
evening girls

how are you all doing this evening - it is very quite in here!!! i hope that means that those who are oving are BDing and those who are in the 2ww are to busy packing their bags ready to come over to 1st tri!!!!
evening girls

how are you all doing this evening - it is very quite in here!!! i hope that means that those who are oving are BDing and those who are in the 2ww are to busy packing their bags ready to come over to 1st tri!!!!

Lol! I was having my dinner!

How are you Flumpy?
i am good thanks still no more symptoms! i am starting to think i have made it up! i wish I had some more sticks to pee on just to double check!!!
i am good thanks still no more symptoms! i am starting to think i have made it up! i wish I had some more sticks to pee on just to double check!!!

Lucky you, no symptoms! I think most people say it kicks in at about 6 weeks so that would be next week for you wouldn't it?
yeah next week I will be 6 weeks! i just hope everything is ok - i suppose there is no point worrying about it - whatever happens will happen but i have got everything crossed that it is all ok this time around!!!

has anyone heard from hayley? i am getting worried about her x
yeah next week I will be 6 weeks! i just hope everything is ok - i suppose there is no point worrying about it - whatever happens will happen but i have got everything crossed that it is all ok this time around!!!

has anyone heard from hayley? i am getting worried about her x

No, haven't heard anything from Hayley. She has stayed away for a few days when AF arrived before so she may be just chilling out. I tend to stay off here for a little while when AF arrives as well. It can be very hard when you are disappointed, as everyone knows.

Hayley - :hugs:

Come back when your ready. We miss you.
Yes Haley come back we miss you!

How are you Leelee and Flumpy? It's been pretty quiet on here not to much chatter.

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