First and foremost, Minimin - I have been thinking about you for days now and I am hoping that you have one heck of a sticky little beanie in there. Every pregnancy and every baby is unique. His/her growing process in the very beginning just may be a tad off for a bit but will surely boost way up. Just because something say 2 days doesn't mean exactly 2 days. And thats just an AVERAGE amount of time for it to double anyway! I have lots of faith and hope in your pregnancy that all will be well.

I am keeping my eye's on you!!! I hope you are ok, and please enjoy your massage today, you so deserve it!!!
Sabrina! Hey!!!! I am so loving the great attitude of NTNP! Have a great, stress free weekend with DH and enjoy yourself! We have sexy sex is a week before O and then right after O!!! Ahahaha Then I tone it down for the rest of the month til after AF comes then gradually increase so we don't get tired! I'm sure I'll be seeing you on here about BD during/around O and 2ww symptoms! It's hard to stay away!!!
Ness, I am finding that having a hobby to keep me busy, keeps my mind off of TTC for "most" of the day anyway. I think about TTC in the bathroom (of course), in the morning when I am on the computer and here and there throughout the day. Other than that, it's no where near as bad as before, as in the begining!!! Try and have fun with it! Oh wait, thats right! Sexy nurse!!!

Have fun!!!
Kimmy, YAY!! WOHOO!!!

A positive is a positive. Another lady on one of these threads had the same thing the other day, then the next day the line got darker. Congratulations!!! Rub your tummy for me!!! I love pregnant bellies!!! Sticky dust to you! I'm not sure if it was yourself or minimin, but whoever posted that IF it had to end to please be a chemical, has no reason to feel bad about thinking that. With one tube and/or ectopic, we need to think of the lesser of two evils. I am praying and hoping that both you and minimin are healthy with healthy soon to be babies!!!!
AFM - I am CD30 12DPO and sinus infection is almost gone (for now). It's just the beginning with Spring starting. The first few days of the infection normally whoops my arse!

When I checked my CM and CP this morning there was a small 1/8" of a light brown "hard" string like CM? So weird, and TMI, I know, I thought we moved passed TMI!

But I never notcied anything like that before. Does that mean AF is coming early? Ignore my ticker, I am due Saturday the 20th, of a 32 day cycle. So anywho, I am going to take dd and the baby girl I watch for a nice walk today, like I always do when it's beautiful outside. And I'll tell you what, nice weather and sunny skies makes for a great mood!!!! I am hoping I can get to Zumba tonight, also. Looking forward to my Wii Fit this morning to tell me to get off!
Icefire! Hey girl I missed you!!! How was your trip, I am not sure if I had asked? Where did you go? And yes saturday is going to be a bit*h but I think I have developed some sort of normalcy to this TTC madness?!

How are you feeling?