Hey ladies~
Using the softcups for af right now... CD1 todaystupid witch.
Hey ladies~
Using the softcups for af right now... CD1 todaystupid witch.
Using my softcup for witch too now-cd1...............premomt
Hey ladies~
Using the softcups for af right now... CD1 todaystupid witch.
Using my softcup for witch too now-cd1...............premomt
I'd love to hear what you think of using it for AF. I think my period is on it's way so I will try it too. I find it really messy to remove having used it after sex. There's always lots of spillagebut thankfully I always remove it when sitting on the throne. Sorry for the detail.
This morning i tried to take it out, and i couldnt do it!!! i was sh*ttin myself having visions of me going to hospital telling them i got a cup stuck up my vaji tried for ages and i couldnt hook my finger to get it, and i was dying for a wee and the only way i cold get it out was to strain and bear down, well i ended up weeing all over my hand
but it came out good job i was on the loo!
cant believe i just said that but i was really scared!
G'day ladies! dunno why i wrote that im not even australian.annnyway!
We were meant to starttonight but OH wanted to strt last night
so we had
in the bath
then i put in the soft cup (when the water drained
) it went straight in!
This morning i tried to take it out, and i couldnt do it!!! i was sh*ttin myself having visions of me going to hospital telling them i got a cup stuck up my vaji tried for ages and i couldnt hook my finger to get it, and i was dying for a wee and the only way i cold get it out was to strain and bear down, well i ended up weeing all over my hand
but it came out good job i was on the loo!
cant believe i just said that but i was really scared!
So will i be using them again? yes but wont taqke it out when i desperate for the loo