I will be using softcup and preseed when me and my partner inseminate at home!!!
Hey, me too!
My question to everyone else is.. have you ever heard of (or, well, suspected) softcups hindering conception? Like maybe if you put it in wrong, it might trap the semen away from the cervix?
I bought these while I was on AF to try, both for use during AF & TTC.. however I don't think I ever got it in right! It was really uncomfortable & kept slipping out if I moved much.. if I tried to push it back under the pelvic bone it kept a lot of pressure there which didn't hurt really, but was extremely uncomfortable.. especially laying down. I think I might not have got it under the lip of my cervix all the way, so it was bunched between my cervix & my pelvic bone.. but I tried a million different ways to get it in and same result! (Which was icky - I was on some heavy days during my AF at the time)
I'm worried if I put it in wrong it might trap the opening of the cervix away from the semen that's floating around in there, rather than keeping the semen close to it.. and I know that the only way to really find out is try it, and if it leaks after it's in, then probably didn't work right.. but I don't want to waste any

However I know softcups would ease my mind about leakage..
When I used them during AF they leaked when I used the bathroom, which the instructions say is normal.. but it was a lot more than just 'slight leakage.'
I think I'm going to have a trial run.. maybe use some EEO & food coloring?? and have my partner put one in and see if any leaks out or it all stays in the cup..
any idea if this could be dangerous in any way?
Thanks for any tips/advice!