"Some Mid term ttc girls got preggo... waiting on the others"

Ok. We've now seen pics of all the babies except yours Stacie. Cough 'em up!!:haha:

Nids, my dear, I am so over the moon for you. I hope things at home are seamless and all of you are transitioning beautifully. You have a lovely little girl. Give her extra squeezes from all of us:cloud9:
thanks everyone... and a big hello to Stacie... of course i do remember you from our mid term TTC thread and i think u were second graduate from that thread..

now that i have a bit of time i will try sharing my birth story.
After being put on bed rest for 10 days .. i had a go ahead from my doctors to get me induced on 5th of june.. they told me everything is under control and baby's lungs are mature enough for her to be out of the body. So on 3rd June they asked me to go home and get ready and come back 5th june 7am to get induced.
I was so excited and off i went home did final touches to my bag. On 4th June around 4pm i went to toilet and what i see? bloody show... i initially thought it was from my infection.. but then i realized that next 2-3 times i went to pee i can see the pink mucosy discharge.. i anyways decided to give hospital a call and let them know.. mid wife told me to wait and see for couple more hours as i was going to hospital anyways the next day for induction.

I kept myself busy all evening cooked dinner and then i realized water trickling down my track pants.. it wanst a gush but yes defenitely there.. and at the same time i started having mild contractions coming every 15-20minuts..
i again gave a call to midwife around 8.30 in the evening and she told me to keep an eye for 1 hours and see if contractions are still there.. i knew in my heart that this is it... i knew that my induction will be cancelled and that i am well and truely in labour..
i waited for couple of hours and when contractions were every 8-9 minutes i decided to head to hospital..
reached there around 1.30 in the morning and was checked and came to know i was 4cm..
i was not coping with the pain tho so i asked for gas and air..however didnt helped me much so around 5am i asked for epidural..
i was 6 cm by then..
things started to slow down after i was given epidural... and so around 11.30 in the morning when i was checked again i was only 7 cm.. so they decided to add on drip for oxycontin and boy it kicked in fast..
i had absolutely no break from contractions once the hormone kicked in and epidural had practically no effect on me by that time.
At 1pm my dr. came in and said im def 10cm and asked midwife to start with pushing..
after half an hour of pushing nothing happened and my pain was getting unbearable.. dr. came in and checked and decided that she will be using suction cup on baby;s head and asked me to continue pushing through the contractions.. and as she put the suction cup - guess what? that was a faulty one.. and was not working... :shrug:
went on for about 45 minutes , and then my dr. said that we need to get the baby out as her hear rate was dropping and told me to try and get her out within next 2-3 contractions.. at the same time she decided to do an episiotomy.. i was getting absoultely out of energy by that time but then i decided to give my everything in next 2 contractions BUT once baby was down enough i didnt have to wait for the contractions.. i just had to push .. it was this strong urge to just push .. i told my dr. i want to push RIGHT NOW..
and after 2-3 pushes i could hear midwife saying "its a girl and she is petite" and next thing i heard was Miraya crying .. that was the best feeling in the world.. and like always said that u forget every pain once u have that baby.. that so true..
her apgar score at 1 min was 8 and 5min was 9
they put her on me and then i guess the most difficult part for the dr. started.. to put on stitches and i had an uncontrolled bleeding.. the dr. was worried as they couldnt stop the bleeding and they didnt knew where it was coming from.. i could see few worried faces in that room but for me the best thing was i had Mirayaa in my arms absolutely healthy and perfect :cloud9:

finally after half an hour of struggling they stitiched me back and was able to control the bleeding.. i bled around 750ml of blood which they think is higher then normal..

im just really happy and releived that at the end of few tough last weeks of my pregnancy i finally have Miraya with me who is absolute angel.. she only cries when shes hungry.. shes a beauty and i never thought changing diapers and breast feeding will be such a satisfying thing.. wont trade that for anything in this world..

Sorry for this epic post... and if u have read through that.. ur a trooper:haha:
Oh my goodness, Nids. What a tough last few weeks you had. And sounds like your labor didn't go so smooth, but as you said totally worth it. And at least you had a pretty easy pregnancy in the beginning, right!?

That stinks your epidural didn't provide you too much relief, I loved mine as you know. But hey, at least your labor started naturally instead of being induced.

Miraya is so pretty! Sounds like BF is going good, any pain? It was really hard on me for the first week or two, but got better. Whoa, I just re-read what I wrote and it sounds like a bunch of random thoughts, :haha: sorry!
Chelsea - BF is going good.. i had some issues on day 2 but all good now..
i did have some pain when milk came in on day4 and i thought about your post where u did mentioned how painful it is.. i still have nipple pain.. but nothing too bad..
the main think is Miraya is latching on properly and taking feeds 4hourly.. so all good :)
Wow that was quiet the experience nids! Glad it was all worth it in the end though and that things are going so well with you. How much did miraya weigh?
Tiff she weighed 3.24kg (7.14lbs)so just about right. my dr. thinks given the drama i had during labour it would have been really diifcult had she was any bigger..
I think that's just about the perfect weight... in the 7 pound range. With Lelaina being 6 pounds people kept talking about how small she was and would ask me if she was early, and that kind of annoyed me for some reason! Maybe hormones? Just had to remind myself she was perfectly healthy... and she's 10 pounds now! :happydance: Plus, with a really small baby you might stress about making sure they are eating enough so they won't lose even more weight.
Tiff- have they given you an estimate of how much they think he weighs so far?
No no one has given me an estimate but I don't think he's that big as I am not that big and haven't gained much. I have an apt on monday it's not a scan but I will make sure to ask about my fundal height as I think it's not as high as I would think it would be but then again I am carrying quiet low. We'll see I guess.
Geez Nids, you were put through the wringer huh? Sounds like everything else has been just as perfect as can be though! I am so happy for you. Eating every 4 hours is GREAT also! I just talked to my cousin who had her baby on.....thinking, thinking...........June 3rd. She said he eats every hour. What a heffer!!!!

:happydance: for fabulous little Miraya!
Dear lord I hope I don't have to feed him every hour! Thats nuts!
I don't even get 4 hours out of Lelaina except at nighttime! :dohh: Usually she eats every 2-3 hours, but some days she'll go 3 or 4 hours in a row where she wants to eat every hour. Luckily, she's a pretty fast & efficient eater. I can't imagine being one of those women who has a baby that eats for an hour or more straight. You are lucky Nids!!
Do they tell you by not eating when they are full or should you only nurse them for so long each time? How do you know how much they are getting?
miraya is not a fast eater, she is latched on to my boob as i type for past 40 minutes.. :wacko:
and she is waking up more often past 2 days to get feeds..

i think its the phase where we both are getting used to each other..
Everyone needs to go to wishin's journal and read NOW!!!
When I got down to your last post Tiffany it made me stomach go in knots with hope!! :haha: And got over to her journal asap! Can't wait to hear more!!
Do they tell you by not eating when they are full or should you only nurse them for so long each time? How do you know how much they are getting?

Yeah, you'll be able to tell when they are done eating. The baby will just stop eating and come off on their own or fall asleep. You can switch bbs and offer them some more and if they want more they will latch on again, if not they won't latch on. They are pretty smart little critters! :)

You don't really know how much they are getting... you've kind of just got to trust that they are eating enough. I go to a Mommy & Me group where they weigh the babies before they eat and then again after they eat and then you can tell how many ounces they ate that way. You'll also know if they are getting enough if they are gaining weight well.
Hey girls, sorry I haven't been around much - we have had a hectic weekend with loads of family in town for Christina's baptism. You are doing very well if you are still getting 4 hourly feeds out of Miraya. Christina used to eat for about an hour at a time every 2 hours or so, which means my days were half spent feeding for the first few weeks. She gradually started spacing them out and also becoming more efficient, but she just got to the point of 4-hourly feeds that only last 10 minutes in the last couple of weeks. Kelly, I definitely wouldn't limit the time he nurses - he should come off on his own when he's satisfied (or more likely fall asleep on the boob). :) Some babies need to nurse a LONG time. It is difficult not knowing how much they are getting, but you just have to trust your body. So long as they have plenty of wet diapers and gain weight (no matter how slowly), you know they are getting enough. Christina gained very slowly for the first 2 months - about 3oz per week, but then after that she gained much more quickly. Every baby is different.

I would love to share some photos of my beautiful baby girl, so without further ado...
3 months:
View attachment 91421

View attachment 91418

5 months:
View attachment 91420

And now I'm off to read wishn's journal!
Such a cute baby!!!!

Thanks for the info and advice on booby feeding, will let babe snack to his hearts content once he's hear. I'll be mostly pumping I think anyway with class so we'll be able to measure what we give him at least half the time.

Got to go buy a shower gift for a friend tonight and prenatal classes! and I think the heartsburn has started... time to take a zantac!

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