"Some Mid term ttc girls got preggo... waiting on the others"

Christina is so adorable!! How much did she weigh when she was born? And how much now? Her smile is so sweet! Lelaina is starting to smile a lot more now, but I still have trouble catching it on camera.

Ick about the heartburn Tiffany! I only got it like twice, not fun!
Meh it's manageable so I can't complain I had it worse before I was pg!
Christina weighed 7lb, 11oz at birth (a little over 50%ile), then at 2 months was only 9lb, 6oz (14%ile). Then she started daycare 3 days/week at 9 weeks when I went back to work, and of course they fed her a ton there, so she started nursing more from me when she was at home also, and then began gaining more quickly, about 2 lbs/month. At her 4-month checkup she was 13lb, 10oz (52%ile), and we haven't had her weighed since then, but we're guessing she's well over 15 or close to 16 by now. Her head circumference stayed steady the whole time though, so the doctor wasn't worried about her fluctuations in weight gain.

I had heartburn pretty bad towards the end of pregnancy, definitely not fun. At least you can take some medicine to help it, and I'm glad to hear it's not too bad for you. I'm sooo excited about Allison's news! :)
Stacie- Lelaina was just a wee one at 6lbs 1oz at birth, but now she'll be 2 months in 3 more days and is 10lbs 6oz. At first she was averaging about 1 pound every 2 weeks, but for the last 2 weeks her weight gain has slowed down. I think she's gained 6 ounces in the last week and a half. Do you know if this is normal for her weight gain to slow down??
Yes, from what I've read that is completely normal! Most babies gain rapidly for the first 1-3 months and then slow down. I was expecting 6-7oz/week for the first couple months, then 3-4oz/week, but Christina did opposite of that! I think my milk supply was a bit low at first, but then I started taking Fenugreek so I could pump more at work, and she loaded on the weight. I think Lelaina's weight gain sounds fabulous and I wouldn't worry at all about it slowing down, as long as she's having wet diapers, she is surely getting enough. My doctor wants to see her double her birth weight by 6 months, and I am sure that Lelaina will do that!
I want a 6 pound 1 ounce baby! At last apt i was measuring 32 inches in fundal height for almost 34 weeks so I would say that is at least a good sign I won't have a 9 or a 10 pounder I hope!

Allisons news is the best news I've heard since I found out I was pg!
Tiffany I think your baby will be like 7 lbs 4 oz... around there. Not sure why, just a feeling. ;) Plus, you don't want a baby too small, cause then you'll be super paranoid about them losing weight at first, like I was. I was lucky that Lelaina was always such a good eater.

Thanks for the reassurance Stacie. I thought it was probably normal, but wasn't sure. And yes, she has plenty of wet and dirty diapers. :thumbup:

And I agree, Allison's news is the best I've heard on BnB in a long time!
I am ok with a 7 pounder so long as he's not over 8!
Stacie - Christina is adorable.. very cute pics.

Tiff - i had heartburn all through my pregnancy.. and i was on Ranitidine twice a day after my 26 weeks.. i had many sleepless nights because of that.

when i came back from hospital Miraya weighed 2.9kg she lost a little under 10% of her birth weight. My midwife visited me on tuesday and weighed her and she is back to her birth weight which was reassuring cuz i was not sure if im feeding her enough but midwife was happy with her weight gain.

She is been sleeping a loads these days i have to wake her up every 3 hours for her feeds.. i asked my midwife about that and she said that i can stretch every 4 hours if she is sleeping.

and Allison - my dear ur news is the best ever.. im so so so excited for you!!!
That's great that Miraya is back to he birth weight. My Dr. said they like to see that by the time the baby is 2 weeks so you guys are right on track!
Lelaina got down to 5lb 14oz when we first left the hospital, so she didn't really lose too much. And by her appointment 2 days after leaving the hospital she was back up to 6lb 0.5oz. Not too shabby! :)
Now there are three miracle mid term babies! And I don't mean some babies aren't miracles cause they all are but you know the kind of miracle where it just shouldn't have happened.

Allison I have to say I am so super happy to be pg at the same time as you! Even if it is for a short time frame. In either case we'll get to live through all your symptoms and experiences for longer now which I think is awesome.
Now there are three miracle mid term babies! And I don't mean some babies aren't miracles cause they all are but you know the kind of miracle where it just shouldn't have happened.

Allison I have to say I am so super happy to be pg at the same time as you! Even if it is for a short time frame. In either case we'll get to live through all your symptoms and experiences for longer now which I think is awesome.

Nids, I'm curious to know how Miraya is doing and how have you been these first 2 weeks?? They were the most rough for me!
Chelsea - Miraya was an easy baby up until 2 days ago.. she is being a tad difficult past 2 days.. not too sure if shes hungry cuz she is crying after the feeds too.. so i will wait up until thursday when i have my midwife appointment and see how she is gaining weight..
once settled she can sleep upto 3-4 hours but takes such a long time to settle her and put down for sleep.. she is having more of 20 minutes nap rather then a good sleep.. its making me tired ..i was exhausted today cuz she was doing that last night so when she slept in afternoon today i slept with her and had a good 3 hours of sound sleep.. and now getting ready fora long night ahead :wacko:

but then she smiles in her sleep and when she is awake she looks back at you and it seems so all worth it!!!!
Do you burp her after every feed? Maybe she is uncomfortable from gas? I hope she's not becoming colic, because I believe that does begin around 2 weeks. :wacko: Does she just cry at nighttime or during the day too? And how long does she cry for? So many questions! :) I'll be curious to hear how much she's gained on Thursday. Count yourself lucky that you're able to get 3-4 hours out of her. Last night Lelaina woke up every 2 hours! Luckily, she went right back to sleep after eating, but it was still exhausting!
Oh the joys! Good thing they are so cute hey!
yes i do burp her.. i was also getting concerned about colic but then i read that colicky babies do cry for longer periods of time.. for her i guess evenings are just grumpy times.. cuz mornings when she gets up she is always happy and i think its the best time to play with her.. even through out the day she is alright and get settles easily its just the phase between 6pm-2am that she is difficult..

and im also concerned about her weight we will see on thursday.. hope she gained :shrug:

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